Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
I'm so sorry to hear about you being laid off!! I'm sure it will bring new and exciting opportunities so stay positive!!


Well-known member
I will prevail, though, because I have to. Thanks for the support, ladies. Keep the prayers coming!
Wow, can they even fire you without a real reason? This is so not fair =/ Well, it's going to be their loss at the end for getting rid of good workers! I'm sure you will find a much better company =) It just sucks to be unemployed =.= My hubby still didn't find new job so I have to cut down spending as well :( But I hope since it's finally after holidays, companies will start hiring again ^^

So far the only thing I bought for makeup this year was Nars lipgloss for 10$ in coup de coeur, but it seriously stinks like burnt plastic so it's going back. I spent whole night sorting and taking pics of my stash, so now I know exactly what I have and can quickly double check before pacing any online order lol

But even though I managed to hold off buying makeup, I still got sucked in an yesstyle clothing sale and spend 200$ there >.< Well, at least I cut it down from original 500$ worth of things I planned to buy ^^; And made sure to buy only the onesize shortsleeve shirts etc so they have to fit me. I restrained from anything which would be more fickle on fitting.


Well-known member
Thanks everybody! I have no clue how to multi-quote, especially with the phone. I've already gotten one job lead, and on Friday, I'm meeting with someone who can really help me strategize. I'm just trying to stay positive.


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by Ajigglin
Life is never boring. My low-buy has to become a no-buy. Just found out this morning I'm being laid off at the end of the month.

So sorry to hear that!! Hang in there. Something good is bound to come your way.


Well-known member
As i've said before, i keep all my makeup inventoried and organized by color. I don't get stuff just because it's popular, but i do love certain colors, and, really, how many purple lipsticks do i need?

So my plan is to line up groups of lipsticks by color and photograph them; same with eye shadows and cheek colors.

That way i can go, "Whoa, i really do NOT need another plum lipstick or another lime green eyeshadow!"

That will have to wait a couple days. I got a horrible cold over the weekend and i feel like my head is stuffed full of wet socks. I know i'll be OK in about a week. And i'm going to wait until we have some sunlight to show of those colors.

I think when i see how may similar things i have, that will tone down my urge to buy stuff.


Well-known member
I'm extremly frustrated right now. No shop that ships to Germany has got the Naked 3 in stock. I've been stalking the shops for about a week now and nothing has happened. That really pisses me off and I could throw a tantrum right now.
I know this is off topic but I had to let it out because I thought about buying something else instead of waiting for the palette to be in stock again and that would have been super unnecessary and a total waste of mon
i just ordered mine from i'm pretty sure it ships to Germany too:)


Well-known member
Thanks everybody! I have no clue how to multi-quote, especially with the phone. I've already gotten one job lead, and on Friday, I'm meeting with someone who can really help me strategize. I'm just trying to stay positive.
Sorry, hun. That's such a tough blow. I'm glad you are staying positive. Hang in there! You'll be better off in the long run for it.


Well-known member
I will prevail, though, because I have to. Thanks for the support, ladies. Keep the prayers coming!
Sorry to hear about your lay off - I hope things pick up for you soon! Keep your chin up and your positive attitude and something great will come along! Thinking of you!


Well-known member
i just ordered mine from i'm pretty sure it ships to Germany too:)
Thank you! However, I'll wait for lookfantastic or Sephora France. They usually offer codes. :) @Ajigglin: Sorry to hear that! I hope you will find something very, very soon.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by Ajigglin

Thanks everybody! I have no clue how to multi-quote, especially with the phone. I've already gotten one job lead, and on Friday, I'm meeting with someone who can really help me strategize. I'm just trying to stay positive.

Sorry to hear about your job, big hugs, but pleased that positive things are happening, fingers crossed you get a new opportunity soon!


Well-known member
Spacenk just refreshed there online sale, I filled my online basket 3 times and emptied it 3 times, before finally returning and ordering the shu Uemura black enchantment palette from the holiday collection. I don't have that many purples, but I love purples on my green/hazel eyes. I was after the palette before christmas but thought £60 was very expensive, it was 50% off in the sale and I had £20 of space nk rewards to use up before 5th Feb. so it only cost me £10. Technically that means I broke my January no buy which is naughty, but I really considered this purchase, researched online swatches, accessed my current collection last night and slept on it overnight before purchasing this morning. So I don't want to be too hard on myself because this already shows a dramatic change in my purchasing habits from last year. At one point this morning my basket totaled over £200. the fact I was strong enough to slim it right down to one item is a massive break through. I also sold a number of items this year already on ebay, so my collect is still smaller than it was on 01/01/2014, which is one of my annual goals of the low buy for the year. Is anyone else enjoying rediscovering the stash that they already had? So far this week I have wore 3 lipcolors that I haven't worn for a long time and I have managed to wear at decent eye make up look everyday. I work in finance so I have to be subtle/polished rather than out there make up but I have managed at least a two colour eye and soft liner everyday which is a massive improvement from the completely bare eye I sported everyday in December because I didn't know where to start with my stash! Accessing my stash has also helped me identifiy which formulas work and which don't on my skin type. My Shu and Nars blushes work really well on me, but my tarte ones not so much. This is helping me sslect items that need to be moved out of the stash so only the best remain. I have realised that emoliant cream cheek products look the best but some powders work too and may require less effort in the mornings!


Well-known member
I pulled out my Chanel Fauve for the first time in more than a year after it was featured on Into the Gloss today - I have no idea why I stopped using it, it was always my favourite colour. I almost put Hasard on my list after that little feature as well, but it seems quite similar to an Inglot shade I already have, so that's easy to forget about. I get really excited when I already own colours that are featured in a magazine, or blog, or youtube review, or can find things that are very similar - it's almost as exciting as getting something new.


Well-known member
I haven't bought anything yet, despite all the tempting offers online. There are only two things tempting me at the moment:

- Chanel Joues Contrastes Accent blush: because I can still purchase it and I keep seeing raves about it. I haven't got any Chanel blushes but I a few blushes (Nars Orgasm, MSF Rio, A Dior bronzer and blush duo, a Charlotte Tilbury one, two jouer cream blushes and a Kevyn Aucoin fuchsia cream one). I like that it isn't like the ones I have but I don't like that it's so expensive and from the holiday collection, as I've now got a youtube channel so the few items I buy I'd also like to be able to feature in future videos, lol

- Chantecaille horse palette: because I LOVE horses and have 5 of them, but I don't think I'd ever dare use that palette, which would be an expensive thing, hahahaha


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by IHughes

I haven't bought anything yet, despite all the tempting offers online. There are only two things tempting me at the moment:

- Chanel Joues Contrastes Accent blush: because I can still purchase it and I keep seeing raves about it. I haven't got any Chanel blushes but I a few blushes (Nars Orgasm, MSF Rio, A Dior bronzer and blush duo, a Charlotte Tilbury one, two jouer cream blushes and a Kevyn Aucoin fuchsia cream one). I like that it isn't like the ones I have but I don't like that it's so expensive and from the holiday collection, as I've now got a youtube channel so the few items I buy I'd also like to be able to feature in future videos, lol

- Chantecaille horse palette: because I LOVE horses and have 5 of them, but I don't think I'd ever dare use that palette, which would be an expensive thing, hahahaha

I bought chantecaille palettes last year in the space nk sale - didn't use any of them for 6 months so I sold them on ebay, the one I did use I wasn't that impressed with to be honest, I would now never pay full price for one. I much prefer their single shadows, better quality in my opinion. I decided that I didn't want to collect and not use stuff as I am not sure its a sound future investment, I can think of better ways to invest, although sometimes it does pay off. So unless you are going to use the chantecaille quad I would leave it where it is! Anything that I have bought and not touched is going in the sell pile as it just takes up space! As for the chanel blush - leave it alone, unless you either have nothing like and know you would get lots of use out of it, it sounds like you might be using the youtube channel as a justification, maybe? As its from the holiday collection and a lot of people can't get hold of it anymore I don't think it will add any value to your chanel, so the only justiication for purchase must be that there is a hole in your collection and this fills it AND will get a lot of use :) What is your selling point on youtube, I suspect it won't be hauls since you joined low-buy! are you going for looks/reviews/shopping stash challenges etc? Once you have that decided you can prob access whether the purchase fits your youtube aims and your personal stash etc. Pls pm me your youtube, I would like to check it out! I have been going away from some of the big names on youtube, I don't want to see an endless stream of new products which PR supplied when I am trying to low buy! If anyone has any good suggestions for youtubers who predominately looks or shop their stash to form looks and give new ways to wear existing products I would be grateful!


Well-known member
I haven't bought anything yet, despite all the tempting offers online. There are only two things tempting me at the moment:

- Chanel Joues Contrastes Accent blush: because I can still purchase it and I keep seeing raves about it. I haven't got any Chanel blushes but I a few blushes (Nars Orgasm, MSF Rio, A Dior bronzer and blush duo, a Charlotte Tilbury one, two jouer cream blushes and a Kevyn Aucoin fuchsia cream one). I like that it isn't like the ones I have but I don't like that it's so expensive and from the holiday collection, as I've now got a youtube channel so the few items I buy I'd also like to be able to feature in future videos, lol

- Chantecaille horse palette: because I LOVE horses and have 5 of them, but I don't think I'd ever dare use that palette, which would be an expensive thing, hahahaha

I bought chantecaille palettes last year in the space nk sale - didn't use any of them for 6 months so I sold them on ebay, the one I did use I wasn't that impressed with to be honest, I would now never pay full price for one. I much prefer their single shadows, better quality in my opinion. I decided that I didn't want to collect and not use stuff as I am not sure its a sound future investment, I can think of better ways to invest, although sometimes it does pay off. So unless you are going to use the chantecaille quad I would leave it where it is!

Anything that I have bought and not touched is going in the sell pile as it just takes up space!

As for the chanel blush - leave it alone, unless you either have nothing like and know you would get lots of use out of it, it sounds like you might be using the youtube channel as a justification, maybe? As its from the holiday collection and a lot of people can't get hold of it anymore I don't think it will add any value to your chanel, so the only justiication for purchase must be that there is a hole in your collection and this fills it AND will get a lot of use :)

What is your selling point on youtube, I suspect it won't be hauls since you joined low-buy! are you going for looks/reviews/shopping stash challenges etc? Once you have that decided you can prob access whether the purchase fits your youtube aims and your personal stash etc.

Pls pm me your youtube, I would like to check it out!

I have been going away from some of the big names on youtube, I don't want to see an endless stream of new products which PR supplied when I am trying to low buy! If anyone has any good suggestions for youtubers who predominately looks or shop their stash to form looks and give new ways to wear existing products I would be grateful!

No, I think you misunderstood, the youtube channel is the reason NOT to buy the Chanel blush, hahahaha, as it wouldn't be useful!! I know it'll be difficult to have a channel without buying many products, specially as I've just started and I don't get anything sent to me (and I don't think I will). Here we can't return items either so I can't even buy and swatch and then return for the sake of a youtube video.
My channel has a bit of everything, I'll do monthly favorites (from my own stash and the few things I may buy), empties, looks, how tos, tags, whatever I can come up with. I'm not trying to compete with the big names as I think that's almost impossible! I have a job, I'm buying the products myself, they get them before anyone else and we get them here later than US and I'm on a low-buy, lol. I'm very excited about it though and learning a lot, it took me a while to get the courage to give it a go!! I'll send you a PM with my channel.

I won't be buying the Chantecaille palette either as I don't believe in buying for collecting! So I'm safe again!! My only danger was the chanel blush as I haven't got anything like it, but it's not even useful for my videos, it's expensive, and it'll be better to buy something different later on in the year that I can feature in a video!

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