Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
Agreed! I love the details like dupes, wear time, texture, etc. Not many of the other bloggers seem to want to tell you that you probably have something similar (or better!) already and can safely skip.. I wonder why..

Audrey C

Well-known member
I haven't always agreed with her assessments (although as I've branched into other brands I'm now seeing why some MAC products I was impressed with at first are not particurly exceptional), but I respect her honesty. High end, low end, if she thinks it's crap she says so.

There are other blogs where it's sunshine and rainbows for every product and that's just not realistic. I tend to just look at pics on those blogs and not bother with the review itself.


Well-known member
Yeah I find her blog very useful, I jjust tend to ignore her ratings systems. She is so right about mac rereleasing products: if they look vastly different to the initial release thrn they should be renaming them!
Agreed! I love the details like dupes, wear time, texture, etc. Not many of the other bloggers seem to want to tell you that you probably have something similar (or better!) already and can safely skip.. I wonder why.. :sigh:
Loool! So true. I'd rather read a scathing temptalia review rather than one thats all rainbows and clouds.


Well-known member
Woohoo! Muji Sister from another mister!! Heehee Make sure you post pics of your finished project!! Awwww you're welcome... But the thanks goes to all of us! I honestly didn't expect this thread to be popular on a website full of collectors.. I was shocked, motivated, and amazed by the number of people who were interested in being a part of this "project!" So its helped me more than I could've ever imagined. The same reason we all want to haul & buy together... Has been the same reason we all want to support each other in our low buys... Only this feels much more rewarding than hoarding!! So glad you decided to join our crusade! Seems more people than we thought feel the same way we do!! Its a movement! And our thread ROCKS!
Thank you for the warm welcome and yes it does feel more rewarding than hoarding! We can totally do this!! :D And yes this thread totally ROCKS! Yayy!!


Well-known member
So I have come to a drastic conclusion that I really need to invest in storage for me makeup. I keep everything in drawers, purses, and makeup bags. There is no organization to my madness. Also I finally took all my blushes, bronzers, and highlighters and laid them out together. I took pictures and I was humbled. I'm not sure if I should be proud or ashamed...


Well-known member
Congrats to both of you on cancelling your appointments!! They are an absolute mine field if you want to avoid impulse purchases.. :nope: These are all known contributors to impulse buys and retail stores like MAC exploit all of them!: - time limits which encourage emotional rather than logical decisions - associating products with positive emotions (like having someone apply your makeup and tell you how absolutely gorgeous you are - even if that product looks terrible on you, the lighting is so washed out you won't notice and just take their word for it) - the exclusivity of limited edition products and the status associated with tracking them down - the social pressure from sales associates and other customers ("the woman who just left bought that same lipstick and a backup, it's going to be such a hot color for spring!")  - the $50 purchase requirement.. you've already committed to spending $50, so once you've decided to make that initial purchase it's easy to add things on.. especially those travel size items by the checkout counter! Remember, employees of these companies, from the designers to the sales associates, have been training for their entire careers to encourage maximum purchasing behavior.. If you don't feel like you can compete with that (and who can?), don't play! Make a list and stick to it, delay purchases until you've had time to really think about them, set rules for yourself, stop thinking of possessions as a collection and instead think of them as tools. Time to take back control!  :boxing:
This post is so helpful and so true! Thank you so much for sharing this with us!


Well-known member
I agree! I mean what happened to those MSF's?? They are soo different from the original ones it's a joke! Thankfully I have both SR and PT from when they first came out but I can totally see why people feel cheated this time around :/


Well-known member
So I have come to a drastic conclusion that I really need to invest in storage for me makeup. I keep everything in drawers, purses, and makeup bags. There is no organization to my madness. Also I finally took all my blushes, bronzers, and highlighters and laid them out together. I took pictures and I was humbled. I'm not sure if I should be proud or ashamed...
I am scared of laying out all my blushes, bronzers and highlighters lol! They are by far my weakness!


Well-known member
I am willing to share a few pics. I mainly laid out my MAC and NARS pics. I hope this encourages others to do the same because honestly it really brings you down to earth!


Well-known member
Well, I've just looked at T's swatches and I can say that the fluidlines are a MISS for me. I was considering looking at the lippies, which weren't part of my shopping list, and then I thought to myself well if I wasn't planning on them before, why am I planning on them now? I kind of like the sheer formula, I think it would work well for me and I still might check them out but I would only get one at the very most.
Hmm.......Snapdragon is very pretty! I wonder if I could just dupe it with a drug store lippie?

Can you B2M for a LE lippie? I didn't think so?


Well-known member
Don't be scared! A lot of us have faced doing an inventory or laying everything out and I can't remember a single person who came back and said they regretted it! It's a very motivating experience and I think it might really help you! :)
You are so right! I should totally do this so I feel more motivated to stick to my low buy plan! I need to be brave lol


Well-known member
I am willing to share a few pics. I mainly laid out my MAC and NARS pics. I hope this encourages others to do the same because honestly it really brings you down to earth!
Thank you so much for sharing some pics! I will do the same today! I was actually thinking of organizing my stash today too so I might as well lay everything out :) You guys are the best!


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by princessjest

OK Lowbuyers, It's test time today. I have to go to MAC to buy a friend a gift voucher for her Birthday present. FoF hasn't launched here yet so there will be nothing new in store. I just need to buy my gift voucher and get out! Do they sell horse Blinkers for humans?

Go straight to the till not stop will you pass go! No stopping to look at products, no swatching, if there is a que just stand in it and advert your eyes! You already worked out you don't want anything so don't put your self in temptations way by looking! Good luck!
I did it! Even though there was only 1 MA working so I had to hang around for ages. I searched one thing -Perfectly Poised MSF and left with just the gift card for my friend :) Glad everyone is feeling so positive about how we are all doing :) a successful first month!


Well-known member
Well, I've just looked at T's swatches and I can say that the fluidlines are a MISS for me. I was considering looking at the lippies, which weren't part of my shopping list, and then I thought to myself well if I wasn't planning on them before, why am I planning on them now? I kind of like the sheer formula, I think it would work well for me and I still might check them out but I would only get one at the very most.
Hmm.......Snapdragon is very pretty! I wonder if I could just dupe it with a drug store lippie?

Can you B2M for a LE lippie? I didn't think so?
Because it isn't special packaging, you should be able too, but unfortunately not all stores allow this. Erin suggested in another thread that you should call various stores and ask, and take the name of the person you are talking to. Hopefully you will find a store that says no problem! The Mac store I frequent has always been great about this. Good luck!

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