Hi everyone - I need some help from you guys. You're all doing so well, seriously good job!
My visa bill is just way too high right now. In December/January, I knew I needed to go on a low-buy. I bought lots at Sephoras VIB sale, and just a lot all the time really. I spend hours thinking about make-up, looking at blogs/stores online, etc. I would say that I do use shopping as a coping mechanism/way to make me feel temporarily happy. Since I decided I needed to go on a low-buy, I have been SO unsuccessful. I didn't make any concrete rules or guidelines, but i thought I would give myself 100 dollars (In Canada, things add up fast here) to spend each month on beauty.
The failure began when I had a $10 off coupon for Holt Renfew in the cosmetics section. I went there and ended up getting a Laura Mercier highlight, which I sort of had in the back of my mind as to what I was going to get. But then I saw the new LM Enlightenment palette and it was soo pretty. So I ended up spending like $120, including the $10 off, and it was at the very beginning of the month! Made 2 sephora online orders($80, $50). Went into sephora 2 times ($120, $12). Ordered from illasmasqua's sale ($55) not to mention I bought way too much stuff in Oct/Nov/December.
I need to stop. I'm not in the position to be spending excessively. I feel guilty and anxious. But on the flip side, I'm going to be in Vancouver soon, and was planning on going to Holt Renfrew, and compared to the one in my city, they have way more brands and it's just magical in there haha. In my mind, I would buy Burberry Pale Barely E/S, maybe a Burberry lipstick, and I would be tempted by a Tom Ford Blush. That's big money right there. I know that I would rationalize buying it because I don't have access to these brands at home.
If anyone has any ideas as to how I should deal with the Vancouver/Holt renfew temptation, that would be very helpful. And just any advice at all, I would be so grateful.