Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
Good evening, ladies! I have a couple of things to share with you today. First of all, I am trying to make good use of the products I own, so I generally wear a full face of m/u on a daily basis (plus, I just enjoy putting on my makeup!). Here's a look I did today featuring the gold lame color in my Nars Kauai eyeshadow duo, which is a really pretty gold champagne. (Please be kind...I'm nowhere near an expert at makeup application and I've never shared a look I've created before so I'm kind of nervous!!!)

(I posted this and swatches over in the Nars spring collection thread. NW10-15 for reference.)

Also, I had a job interview today!
Wow, you look amazing! So pretty. I want to get Kauai. I don't have too many NARS shadows, but these two are so nice.


Well-known member
Ebates is being weird for me. Usually when it's time for a check, they'll send me everything pending, but this time they didn't include any January purchases. They also haven't calculated any of my purchases over the past three weeks, and it's annoying having to go back and figure out what they haven't added. I wish there was an alternative site
Try I much prefer it to Ebates!


Well-known member
Ebates is being weird for me. Usually when it's time for a check, they'll send me everything pending, but this time they didn't include any January purchases. They also haven't calculated any of my purchases over the past three weeks, and it's annoying having to go back and figure out what they haven't added. I wish there was an alternative site
I use along with and ebates and mrrebates only send me checks every 3 month period, so if I made purchases in January, I won't get that money until the March/April check. shopathome I believe once you reach 10 or 20 dollars.


Well-known member
So I might break my no-buy for Feb and March... I really want to try the Ben Nye Banana Powder! I need something to set my concealer and brighten my under eye area and I've read its amazing for that! What do you guys think about this powder??


Well-known member
Thanks girl! I'm still pretty shocked, but proud :) usually when I go to Vegas that's when I buy makeup cause the stores are so easy accessible. When I went into them I kept this thread in mind, and asked myself do I really need anything right now. So I walked away with nothing. :cheer:
Yaay! Great for you! We can do this!! #TeamLowBuy
Man, took awhile to get through this thread. So good to see it so active. to the ladies having friend problems... I have def had my share of bad friends. But realized I don't need their negativity in my life. Realize you are better than that and surround yourself with positive people. I've actually don't talk to my friends much anymore. Don't really have any close girlfriends anymore. I love my guy friends, but it's good to have close girlfriends. Feels pretty lonely. That's why I love it so much here. So thank you all for being so great. :heart:


Well-known member
I went to the mall today to get something for my daughter and I wanted to pop in MAC. I didn't get anything from MAC but the entire collection was still available and the PT's that were there were exactly like the picture on the site. Perfect, Swirly and beautiful. I swatched them and they lean more of a darker lavender/pink so i actually do like the beigey ones better (kinda funny after all that). well i was good and left proud without buying anything but then it happened......Sephora is next door. The doors were glowing and I could hear the music in my head as tiny voices whispered... comeeee innnnnn commmeeeee innnnnn.... and I did. I failed. I hang my head in shame. I didn't set any specific goals for myself but I swore off more lipsticks and neutral palettes but they were so pretty and irresistible in their shiney new packaging. The new tarte amazonian matte palette fell in my basket. just like that, i walked by and it jumped in. I couldn't take it out and risk it going to a bad home so I had to take it home with me. of course it needed a lipstick friend. Than I thought if i get a new palette and a lipstick I have to get a new blush to go with it and when you get the new blush you know you need a new eyeliner of course. i swear it was like 'give a mouse a cookie'.  I didn't buy 'a lot' but i bought more than I should have. I felt like a kid in a candy store. Like a crack addict that just found a wallet full of cash on the floor and couldn't get the goods fast enough. it's ok. i admit i failed but i will continue with my sheepish grin in my corner alone as I play with my new found goodies and eat pb&j for the rest of the month to compensate. 
BTW one item i purchased unexpectedly was Dior lip glow in coral. wow oh wow. blows the pink one out of the water. I did not believe the girls when they said it was amazing. i figured ummm it's a lip balm ladies, quit trying to sell me crap. i fell for the first lip glow which was a clear shiny nothing on my lips. i fell for the creme de rose which I barely use because I'm a germaphobe and don't like putting my finger in a pot while out in public but this coral one 
in love. worth every penny. At first it was a light tint but after i walked around a bit it became very very noticeable on the lips and the prettiest most perfect corally shade. ok back to my corner to play. 



Well-known member
Wow, I think you have hit the nail on the head when it comes to describing the lure of Sephora! That's like there are *BUY ME* pheromones infused into their ventilation that make it practically impossible to avoid falling off the low-buy wagon. The same thing happened to me last week, so believe me, I feel your pain. Give yourself props for not buying anything from MAC though! And that's funny about PT!

And thank you all for your kind words!!! I feel the love!


Well-known member
I can't buy any lipsticks/glosses for awhile. My husband got VERY upset when my Melt order came in. He's super concerned about my lipstick/gloss spending. He's not even buying the unique color argument anymore. So, besides finances and you guys, I have a third reason to behave. It would have been one thing if he got angry, but he hit me with the worried/concerned face, and I don't want him to think I'd put us in the poorhouse. Is it wrong that I wished this "intervention" happened after Playland? I wanted that gold lippie. Sigh.


Well-known member
Ok my low buy peeps I need your help. I still haven't really came up with a plan of attack. I was going to do the 3 items per collection or try to skip all together. But is that a good enough plan you think? Also...Lippies are def my weakness. I picked about 6 lippies that are almost gone to finish up. But now I'm thinking should I rotate my whole stash or continue picking a few at a time to finish up? Thanks for any thoughts or comments. You guys rock!


Well-known member
Is it wrong that I wished this "intervention" happened after Playland? I wanted that gold lippie. Sigh.
Maybe you could try a no-buy on lippies until Playland and reward yourself with just that one gold lippie? I don't know how many you got with Melt but I think he'd be much more understanding if you got just 1 after a couple months of not buying any. It would show that you understand his concerns and are really trying to cut back. It would also prevent you relapsing after going "cold turkey." Or you could try to sell some of the ones you're not wearing? Stay strong! Obviously in the end your relationship is much more important than any lipstick. I hope you work things out!


Well-known member
Yeah, I think if I buy just the one in-store, he'll be okay. Since I've been waiting on Melt for a long time, I bought all the colors I wanted (7), so it's the size of the haul, not the money, that bugged him out. And I haul big. I'm all or nothing with these things. Moderation is my goal with this low-buy.


Well-known member
I think you ladies shouldn't put so much pressure on yourselves. I think limiting yourself to 3 products a month if you're used to buy more could be more successful than going on a strict no-buy. And you can slowly lower the number of products if you are being successful.

Mhh, my no-buy didn't go as well as planned. I came across a great offer for RiRi's Smoked Cocoa palette today and I've been hunting this palette (amongst Bare My Soul and Her Cocoa) down since it was released and for 30€ I had to have it. Other people want to sell it for 60€ or something and I think if you consider this 30€ is a great deal. I just hope everything will be alright 'cause I bought it from someone private over the internet. Wish me luck!

I'm also using the heck out of my Naked 3 and my Maybelline Buff lipstick in Blushing Beige (at least I think it's Blushing Beige because Maybelline renamed the lipsticks in Germany - the colour I've got is called Brazen Beige over here) and I don't regret these products at all, although the Naked 3 was planned whereas the Maybelline lipstick wasn't. I'm wearing a really smoky eye today (used my Naked 3), the MSF Blonde which I haven't used in weeks and Blushing Beige dabbed on a pink lipliner which makes it a nice rosy lip colour.


Well-known member
I think you ladies shouldn't put so much pressure on yourselves. I think limiting yourself to 3 products a month if you're used to buy more could be more successful than going on a strict no-buy. And you can slowly lower the number of products if you are being successful.

Mhh, my no-buy didn't go as well as planned. I came across a great offer for RiRi's Smoked Cocoa palette today and I've been hunting this palette (amongst Bare My Soul and Her Cocoa) down since it was released and for 30€ I had to have it. Other people want to sell it for 60€ or something and I think if you consider this 30€ is a great deal. I just hope everything will be alright 'cause I bought it from someone private over the internet. Wish me luck!

I'm also using the heck out of my Naked 3 and my Maybelline Buff lipstick in Blushing Beige (at least I think it's Blushing Beige because Maybelline renamed the lipsticks in Germany - the colour I've got is called Brazen Beige over here) and I don't regret these products at all, although the Naked 3 was planned whereas the Maybelline lipstick wasn't. I'm wearing a really smoky eye today (used my Naked 3), the MSF Blonde which I haven't used in weeks and Blushing Beige dabbed on a pink lipliner which makes it a nice rosy lip colour.

I agree.. too much pressure doesn't lead to anything positive. Gradual change is always longer lasting! I'm glad you're enjoying your new things! That's what really matters.. being able to use and love your products rather than buying them just to have them sit around!
Quote: Originally Posted by Ajigglin

Yeah, I think if I buy just the one in-store, he'll be okay. Since I've been waiting on Melt for a long time, I bought all the colors I wanted (7), so it's the size of the haul, not the money, that bugged him out. And I haul big. I'm all or nothing with these things. Moderation is my goal with this low-buy.
Moderation tends to work a lot better than deprivation! I'm sure you'll do great!


Well-known member
Hi everyone - I need some help from you guys. You're all doing so well, seriously good job!

My visa bill is just way too high right now. In December/January, I knew I needed to go on a low-buy. I bought lots at Sephoras VIB sale, and just a lot all the time really. I spend hours thinking about make-up, looking at blogs/stores online, etc. I would say that I do use shopping as a coping mechanism/way to make me feel temporarily happy. Since I decided I needed to go on a low-buy, I have been SO unsuccessful. I didn't make any concrete rules or guidelines, but i thought I would give myself 100 dollars (In Canada, things add up fast here) to spend each month on beauty.

The failure began when I had a $10 off coupon for Holt Renfew in the cosmetics section. I went there and ended up getting a Laura Mercier highlight, which I sort of had in the back of my mind as to what I was going to get. But then I saw the new LM Enlightenment palette and it was soo pretty. So I ended up spending like $120, including the $10 off, and it was at the very beginning of the month! Made 2 sephora online orders($80, $50). Went into sephora 2 times ($120, $12). Ordered from illasmasqua's sale ($55) not to mention I bought way too much stuff in Oct/Nov/December.

I need to stop. I'm not in the position to be spending excessively. I feel guilty and anxious. But on the flip side, I'm going to be in Vancouver soon, and was planning on going to Holt Renfrew, and compared to the one in my city, they have way more brands and it's just magical in there haha. In my mind, I would buy Burberry Pale Barely E/S, maybe a Burberry lipstick, and I would be tempted by a Tom Ford Blush. That's big money right there. I know that I would rationalize buying it because I don't have access to these brands at home.

If anyone has any ideas as to how I should deal with the Vancouver/Holt renfew temptation, that would be very helpful. And just any advice at all, I would be so grateful.

Thanks :)


Well-known member
Hi everyone - I need some help from you guys. You're all doing so well, seriously good job!

My visa bill is just way too high right now. In December/January, I knew I needed to go on a low-buy. I bought lots at Sephoras VIB sale, and just a lot all the time really. I spend hours thinking about make-up, looking at blogs/stores online, etc. I would say that I do use shopping as a coping mechanism/way to make me feel temporarily happy. Since I decided I needed to go on a low-buy, I have been SO unsuccessful. I didn't make any concrete rules or guidelines, but i thought I would give myself 100 dollars (In Canada, things add up fast here) to spend each month on beauty.

The failure began when I had a $10 off coupon for Holt Renfew in the cosmetics section. I went there and ended up getting a Laura Mercier highlight, which I sort of had in the back of my mind as to what I was going to get. But then I saw the new LM Enlightenment palette and it was soo pretty. So I ended up spending like $120, including the $10 off, and it was at the very beginning of the month! Made 2 sephora online orders($80, $50). Went into sephora 2 times ($120, $12). Ordered from illasmasqua's sale ($55) not to mention I bought way too much stuff in Oct/Nov/December.

I need to stop. I'm not in the position to be spending excessively. I feel guilty and anxious. But on the flip side, I'm going to be in Vancouver soon, and was planning on going to Holt Renfrew, and compared to the one in my city, they have way more brands and it's just magical in there haha. In my mind, I would buy Burberry Pale Barely E/S, maybe a Burberry lipstick, and I would be tempted by a Tom Ford Blush. That's big money right there. I know that I would rationalize buying it because I don't have access to these brands at home.

If anyone has any ideas as to how I should deal with the Vancouver/Holt renfew temptation, that would be very helpful. And just any advice at all, I would be so grateful.

Thanks :)
It's no good buying makeup on sale with credit card if you can't pay it right off before the evil 20% interest start to kick in D: Because then it's like you got no discount at all! Stay strong and resist


Well-known member
Hi everyone - I need some help from you guys. You're all doing so well, seriously good job!

My visa bill is just way too high right now. In December/January, I knew I needed to go on a low-buy. I bought lots at Sephoras VIB sale, and just a lot all the time really. I spend hours thinking about make-up, looking at blogs/stores online, etc. I would say that I do use shopping as a coping mechanism/way to make me feel temporarily happy. Since I decided I needed to go on a low-buy, I have been SO unsuccessful. I didn't make any concrete rules or guidelines, but i thought I would give myself 100 dollars (In Canada, things add up fast here) to spend each month on beauty.

The failure began when I had a $10 off coupon for Holt Renfew in the cosmetics section. I went there and ended up getting a Laura Mercier highlight, which I sort of had in the back of my mind as to what I was going to get. But then I saw the new LM Enlightenment palette and it was soo pretty. So I ended up spending like $120, including the $10 off, and it was at the very beginning of the month! Made 2 sephora online orders($80, $50). Went into sephora 2 times ($120, $12). Ordered from illasmasqua's sale ($55) not to mention I bought way too much stuff in Oct/Nov/December.

I need to stop. I'm not in the position to be spending excessively. I feel guilty and anxious. But on the flip side, I'm going to be in Vancouver soon, and was planning on going to Holt Renfrew, and compared to the one in my city, they have way more brands and it's just magical in there haha. In my mind, I would buy Burberry Pale Barely E/S, maybe a Burberry lipstick, and I would be tempted by a Tom Ford Blush. That's big money right there. I know that I would rationalize buying it because I don't have access to these brands at home.

If anyone has any ideas as to how I should deal with the Vancouver/Holt renfew temptation, that would be very helpful. And just any advice at all, I would be so grateful.

Thanks :)
My first thought would be to unsubscribe from all of your mailing lists including store websites, blogs, sephora, everything that prompts you to shop online.. Delete cosmetic websites from your bookmarks.. If you're not constantly exposed to something, you're less likely to want to buy.

Then, replace that coping mechanism with something different. Find something that makes you happy and when you need a pick-me up do that instead.. like reading, taking a bath, going for a walk (to the park, not the mall!) or doing another hobby that doesn't involve shopping. It takes a while to reprogram your brain, but stick with it!

I'd also recommend going through your entire stash.. get it all together in one place and inventory/take photographs. Open every palette and every compact and group them all by category so you can see how many dupes you have. Often that provides enough of a shock to the system to make you re-think. Keep pictures on your cellphone or in your purse so you can constantly remind yourself that you have more than enough at home.

For your Vancouver trip, I suggest doing the inventory before you go and then researching shades of things you might want online first.. if you find something that's unique that you would really love.. make a list and a budget and stick to it! It's not worth losing out on financial security just to have more things to put on your face..

Hope that helps!


Well-known member
Hi [@]kait0[/@], I realised that my spends were too much so wanted to start a low buy attitude for 2014 too. I think I bought more beauty products in Jan then I had in a very long time though :/ I wasn't sure what kind of rules or regulations to set myself so I didn't know how I'd get the number of products I was buying down. But a lot of the ladies on here suggested inventorys, whilst I started doing that I wrote down everything I'd bought in january. At the end of the month I was more shocked at the amount of stuff I'd bought than anything (a lot of it was super cheap off eBay). Looking at the list I saw all the things I'd been lusting after but I'd lived that long without them so I could habe just skipped them, stuff I'd not even used! Stuff I'd bought that wasn't on my 'list'. After I'd seen that I could have done without pretty much all of it, I've gone on a no buy for Feb. I've bought one item so far this month and it feels great :) I have a 'wishlist' for makeup, sounds like you have something similar. If you go to the store and buy the high end makeup, what could you skip this year instead? If you'll love and use the Burberry and tom ford then that's fine, better to have three estaple products than 10 ones you have to work hard to make work for YOU. My personal beauty goal for the year is to look like myself but better. I have a lot of colour cosmetics, so as a general guide for me im trying to avoid buying more color. What's in for me is foundations, colour correctors, skincare etc. Maybe you could have a think about where youd like to go beauty wise this year and use that as a goal to get your stash working for you and not becoming a fancy makeup graveyard like I know a lot of ladies in here have probably found! Hth :)


Well-known member
Ok OK...I need to join this thread. i love looking at everyones stashes...and realizing I have too much is the first step, right.


Well-known member
Good evening, ladies! I have a couple of things to share with you today. First of all, I am trying to make good use of the products I own, so I generally wear a full face of m/u on a daily basis (plus, I just enjoy putting on my makeup!). Here's a look I did today featuring the gold lame color in my Nars Kauai eyeshadow duo, which is a really pretty gold champagne. (Please be kind...I'm nowhere near an expert at makeup application and I've never shared a look I've created before so I'm kind of nervous!!!)

(I posted this and swatches over in the Nars spring collection thread. NW10-15 for reference.)

Also, I had a job interview today!
Gorgeous! I've been eyeing Kauai. I may get it at the end of the month if it's still around. Would you mind telling me which crease color and blush you used?

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