Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
I can't buy any lipsticks/glosses for awhile. My husband got VERY upset when my Melt order came in. He's super concerned about my lipstick/gloss spending. He's not even buying the unique color argument anymore. So, besides finances and you guys, I have a third reason to behave. It would have been one thing if he got angry, but he hit me with the worried/concerned face, and I don't want him to think I'd put us in the poorhouse. Is it wrong that I wished this "intervention" happened after Playland? I wanted that gold lippie. Sigh.
I agree on the lippie no buy until Playland and then buy just that one you have your eye on. By then, he will have forgotten this haul I'm sure. And he will be proud you're just grabbing 1! Be very careful w the feast or famine approach. It's those peaks and valleys that keep you from reaching your goals. In the meantime, maybe separate your Melt haul and only use 2 each month until Playland. That way, you will sort of satisfy your need for something "new" without spending more money. And you'll have something to look forward to each month adding "new" lippies to your stash. Just a thought... Good Luck girl!
Ok my low buy peeps I need your help. I still haven't really came up with a plan of attack. I was going to do the 3 items per collection or try to skip all together. But is that a good enough plan you think? Also...Lippies are def my weakness. I picked about 6 lippies that are almost gone to finish up. But now I'm thinking should I rotate my whole stash or continue picking a few at a time to finish up? Thanks for any thoughts or comments. You guys rock!
You already got some good advice... But I'll add that I am doing the 3 item thing. I'm hoping there may be some collections I can do less. But I know I like to partake in all the collections. So I know cold turkey would throw me off my goals. This lets me really fine tune my buys from each collection to things I'll really love. And I've had to pass on some stuff I wanted! But I had to really evaluate my purchase. Do I want x more than x?! It's more about retraining my brain for me. And hoping it gets easier as time goes on. Not having all the things all the time. But forcing myself to be selective! I do monthly makeup bags & rotate the products. I also have a separate little box on my counter that has things I need to use up. That way they are easily accessible. I peak in there to see if there is something that would suit my look before going into the bag. I don't force myself to use them, because makeup should be FUN! But I want that awareness that I need to make them a priority. And another thing, it's ok to let things go you're not loving anymore. Our tastes change. We like something, then we like something else... We can't always be that fickle in life, but we sure can w makeup!!! It's JUST makeup! If you're not feeling it, let it go. Who cares. Use stuff you love!!!
Hi everyone - I need some help from you guys. You're all doing so well, seriously good job! My visa bill is just way too high right now. In December/January, I knew I needed to go on a low-buy. I bought lots at Sephoras VIB sale, and just a lot all the time really. I spend hours thinking about make-up, looking at blogs/stores online, etc. I would say that I do use shopping as a coping mechanism/way to make me feel temporarily happy. Since I decided I needed to go on a low-buy, I have been SO unsuccessful. I didn't make any concrete rules or guidelines, but i thought I would give myself 100 dollars (In Canada, things add up fast here) to spend each month on beauty. The failure began when I had a $10 off coupon for Holt Renfew in the cosmetics section. I went there and ended up getting a Laura Mercier highlight, which I sort of had in the back of my mind as to what I was going to get. But then I saw the new LM Enlightenment palette and it was soo pretty. So I ended up spending like $120, including the $10 off, and it was at the very beginning of the month! Made 2 sephora online orders($80, $50). Went into sephora 2 times ($120, $12). Ordered from illasmasqua's sale ($55) not to mention I bought way too much stuff in Oct/Nov/December. I need to stop. I'm not in the position to be spending excessively. I feel guilty and anxious. But on the flip side, I'm going to be in Vancouver soon, and was planning on going to Holt Renfrew, and compared to the one in my city, they have way more brands and it's just magical in there haha. In my mind, I would buy Burberry Pale Barely E/S, maybe a Burberry lipstick, and I would be tempted by a Tom Ford Blush. That's big money right there. I know that I would rationalize buying it because I don't have access to these brands at home. If anyone has any ideas as to how I should deal with the Vancouver/Holt renfew temptation, that would be very helpful. And just any advice at all, I would be so grateful. Thanks :)
You've said two key things "I need to stop" and "I didn't make any concrete rules or guideline." That means you realize you need to cut back but you don't believe in yourself enough to set a limit for yourself. You can do anything you set your mind to! Anything! The power of your mind over your impulses is alarming! You just aren't exercising that part of your brain. You're giving into every little "I want" thought... Then you're beating yourself up about it. There's no way you can feel good about how to achieve under those circumstances. You are setting yourself up for failure. I would recommend everything we have already talked about on here... inventory your stash, keep a tally of purchases, try to set a realistic goal, unsubscribe from emails... all of that. But most importantly... Just believe in yourself! That you CAN create a better game plan moving forward. That makeup doesn't equal happiness. I would recommend letting yourself get no more than 4 things in Vancouver. Use the time before to create a concrete list. Research what they have at that store that isn't easily accessible for you. Call and inquire about their inventory. Do whatever you have to do to pick just 4 (or whatever number you choose... It's not my goal, it's yours) items. Then go in the store and buy only those things. You can look around and see all the pretty things. But stick to your list. No matter what! This is more of a test for you than anything. A chance to set a goal, and accomplish it, and leave feeling like you have succeeded and not failed. It isn't even about the actual makeup. It's about realizing you can trust and believe in yourself to do it! THEN if you keep it up... It will get easier and easier. We want you to be a happy girl loving your makeup. Not a defeated person under veils of debt and shame. You are powerful and can do ANYTHING! Just go do it! And make yourself proud of the goal you reached!! Sorry for the tough love pep talk... I just know you want better for yourself and I believe you can do it! Let us know how it goes!!!


Well-known member
Thank-you guys so much,

Kaori - Never thought of it that way! Makes total sense and I will definitely keep that in the back of my mind! thanks! :)

veronikawithak - so many helpful ideas! I will be unsubscribing and trying to make sephora not a website I check regularly. And I need to find a healthy coping mechanism that isn't shopping.. or eating, so I will have a think on that. I just took out all my make-up and took pictures. It felt bad ha. But I put together a big bag of stuff to give away. "it's not worth losing out on financial security just to have more things to put on your face" That is so true. Not worth it at all. Thank you for your ideas, I really appreciate it.

kerry-jane88 - Congrats on the successful february! I def will be making a written inventory as well. By laying it all out - I saw that like you, I have enough (too much!) colour items. Blush and eyeshadows to last me a lifetime. Only a few foundation/concealer/powder products, so in the future I think that's where I can try out some new things eventually. I'm going to think hard about the burberry/Tom ford and do my research. I won't go in there unprepared! Thanks again :)


Well-known member
Ok OK...I need to join this thread. i love looking at everyones stashes...and realizing I have too much is the first step, right.
Welcome to our thread! Yes... Realizing you want to cut back is first... Being here is second!!! Heehee Yay to meeting those 2 goals!!


Well-known member
Pixie Dancer - Wow, seriously thank-you! I think I'm going to print your response out so I can read it when I'm feeling weak!


Well-known member
quote name="kait0" url="/t/185789/resolution-low-buy-2014-who-wants-to-play/2640#post_2566245"]Pixie Dancer - Wow, seriously thank-you! I think I'm going to print your response out so I can read it when I'm feeling weak! :hug: [/quote] Awwww you are more than welcome! That's what we are here for!!! You are amongst friends and people who know EXACTLY what you're going through. We are all at different phases of the cycle, but that's what makes our thread so great! We are all benefiting from the struggles and accomplishments of each other! To hear some of you say "I thought about this thread when I was out shopping" says it all! We want to be accountable to ourselves AND each other! That's an amazing thing! And we accept that we will falter and sometimes come up short but we are here to cheer each other on and support each other no matter what! I LOVE OUR THREAD!! And I'm glad you're here!


Well-known member
The guilt set in... I returned all but the palette and the lip glow. The palettei bought with a gift card and the lip glow isn't getting returned no matter what but I had 10% off sephora so it helped a little. I also took the returned cash and put it in my daughters piggy bank YAY!!! I feel better. Can't keep something and feel guilty but I'm improving as I actually felt guilty. Usually I buy and buy and don't care so that's a huge step for me. Thank you ladies. This thread is helping even when it doesn't seem like it.


Well-known member
The guilt set in... I returned all but the palette and the lip glow. The palettei bought with a gift card and the lip glow isn't getting returned no matter what but I had 10% off sephora so it helped a little. I also took the returned cash and put it in my daughters piggy bank YAY!!! I feel better. Can't keep something and feel guilty but I'm improving as I actually felt guilty. Usually I buy and buy and don't care so that's a huge step for me. Thank you ladies. This thread is helping even when it doesn't seem like it.
You sweet thing you! Congrats on "feeling guilty" sounds funny to say... But I know what you mean. It is good to feel the effects of better buying behavior because it makes you want to keep it up! I'm glad this thread is helping so many of us!!! Yay us!


Well-known member
Thank-you guys so much,

Kaori - Never thought of it that way! Makes total sense and I will definitely keep that in the back of my mind! thanks! :)

veronikawithak - so many helpful ideas! I will be unsubscribing and trying to make sephora not a website I check regularly. And I need to find a healthy coping mechanism that isn't shopping.. or eating, so I will have a think on that. I just took out all my make-up and took pictures. It felt bad ha. But I put together a big bag of stuff to give away. "it's not worth losing out on financial security just to have more things to put on your face" That is so true. Not worth it at all. Thank you for your ideas, I really appreciate it.

kerry-jane88 - Congrats on the successful february! I def will be making a written inventory as well. By laying it all out - I saw that like you, I have enough (too much!) colour items. Blush and eyeshadows to last me a lifetime. Only a few foundation/concealer/powder products, so in the future I think that's where I can try out some new things eventually. I'm going to think hard about the burberry/Tom ford and do my research. I won't go in there unprepared! Thanks again :)
I think you're off to a REALLY great start!! I'm super impressed that you've already taken pictures and separated your bag of things to ditch! You definitely sound like you're truly ready for a change and that is the number one factor in a successful goal.. Great job on taking action!!

Feeling bad is okay.. use that as motivation to turn your makeup stash into something you look at and feel great about instead! Another idea is to make sure your stash is organized so you can see everything you have and what you're using and not using. I have muji drawers that I use which also helps me make sure I don't outgrow a certain size.. but there are tons of storage options out there! And above all, realize that makeup is not a "collectible", it's a consumable.

Keep it up! And be sure to let us know how you're doing every step of the way. This group feeds off of everyone's experiences! Everyone here is at different stages and it's so helpful to remind ourselves of where we came from and where we want to be one day.


Well-known member
I think I'm going to set a 3-item limit per month for myself (outside of basics) and sell off most of my powder MAC products. I'm not using most of them, and it would be better if they could go to someone who would truly appreciate them instead of just sitting in my drawer.

Audrey C

Well-known member
Is it wrong that I wished this "intervention" happened after Playland? I wanted that gold lippie. Sigh.
Hm. I'm going to take a stronger stance that other have, and hope you will take it in the spirit in which it's intended.

I'll preface my comments by saying that I've been working in financial services for 25 years and have seen many many people get into serious financial trouble. It's one of the leading causes of divorce. So when I hear about spouses being very upset and concerned with spending, I take it seriously.

I might be confusing you with someone else (if so I apologize), but didn't you just recently lose your job and don't you have a new baby? I think you said that you were the main breadwinner too. If so, your family is already on shakier financial footing than usual. If your husband has been concerned about makeup spending for some time and sees it continuing in difficult financial circumstances, I have to say that I don't blame him for being upset. He has every right to be. You don't want him to think you'd put your family in the poorhouse but you're already planning your next purchase? That doesn't sound like you're taking his concerns seriously or respectfully. Why is your desire for makeup more important than his need to sleep at night?

My vote would not be to spread out the purchases over a couple of months and I don't know that I agree he'll be ok with just the single lipstick purchase. I think you should give very serious consideration to sending all of most of the Melt order back.

Now, if the two of you are solid from a cash flow and savings perspective and this was just a response to a single order then I'm clearly misreading the situation; in this case, please disregard the above.

I hope it goes without saying that I only wish the best for you. :)


Well-known member
I am so proud of everyone in this thread! We are all doing so well it makes me happy! Its not an easy road but we are all together in this and if we fall we will just lift ourselves up and keep on walking. We are strong and can do this! I LOVE THIS THREAD SO MUCH!! :D


Well-known member
@Ajigglin, if you do have a new baby and have lost your job I have to agree with @Audrey C and retract my earlier comment. I think it's important to be realistic about your financial situation and put the security of your family first. Maybe you could return the Melt order and shop your stash for a while, at least until you feel stable again?


Well-known member
YES me too! i went to Sephora twice and didn't get anything!! and i went to MAC and only got my staples.
This thread has help me a lot overcome the hype of collections,i only got A natural Flirt from Magnetic Nudes,normally i would get 5-6 items.
January was hard but now i feel a lot stronger. Keep it everybody! we can do this!!


Well-known member
YES me too! i went to Sephora twice and didn't get anything!! and i went to MAC and only got my staples.
This thread has help me a lot overcome the hype of collections,i only got A natural Flirt from Magnetic Nudes,normally i would get 5-6 items.
January was hard but now i feel a lot stronger. Keep it everybody! we can do this!!
Is it just me or does anyone else hate going to MAC and just getting staples? I want colour.


Well-known member
I have to commend [@]Ajigglin[/@] for her honesty. Its not easy to reform our ways and the added life struggles that get thrown at us don't make an of this any easier. If life is dealing you a hard hand right now, it can feel like a temporary fix when we indulge in things that are familiar and make us happy. Its hard. And I praise everyone here for finding the courage to stand up and speak out on their struggles. If you would feel better returning the Melt lippies, do that. If keeping them makes you smile in the face of some tough life curveballs, do that. But definitely talk to your husband... I'm sure you both have fears and expressing them to each other might take the sting out of it. That sort of team approach to your financial goals as a family should go a long way in helping you not feel compelled to find solace in temporary highs... Like buying makeup may have been for you. It sucks to go through hard times. It sucks even more when now you feel you have to worry about buying lipsticks! But relationships are tested the most during these times, let your hubby know you're in this together. And maybe spend any upcoming makeup money on a little movie date night out w your man! Good luck doll. I'll keep you in my thoughts!!


Well-known member
Is it just me or does anyone else hate going to MAC and just getting staples? I want colour.
I do! I actually put off getting staples until I'm getting at least 1 fun thing too. Keeps me from over buying because I feel like I'm getting several things. Even though only 1 of them may be a new cool thing to try!


Well-known member
For your Vancouver trip, I suggest doing the inventory before you go and then researching shades of things you might want online first.. if you find something that's unique that you would really love.. make a list and a budget and stick to it! It's not worth losing out on financial security just to have more things to put on your face..

Hope that helps!
I second making a list before you go. I'd also suggest, if practical, to just bring enough cash with you to make your purchases and not for any extra goodies.


Well-known member
Thanks! I used Milani Luminoso and Benefit's Dallas on my cheeks. The crease color was Salted Caramel from the Too Faced Chocolate Bar palette and Makeup Geek Corrupt (lightly) in the outer V.