WOC: Mac Marilyn


Well-known member
Ha! I knew I'd seen someone brown in the blush. It looks pretty, but I'm wondering how much was applied. I think I'll just try them someday and if they don't work then my little girls gets even more blush. Right now she has more than I do as I don't vary from my makeup script much. Trying to work on that though. Thanks again ladies.


Well-known member
Best new lip combo:

Mac Beet Lip Pencil + Scarlet Ibis Lipstick=the best orangey-pinkish-red lip color. It really brightens the face!


Active member
Opps didn't mean to post that on this theard. But it was a nice collection and I did pick up a few stuffquote name="sagehen" url="/t/180143/woc-mac-marilyn/210#post_2569080"] Huh? This collection happened twice already, over a year ago. Is it happening again?[/qu