Here's a little idea I was just thinking about:
I enthusiastically bought the CC creams and powders in yellow and lavender wanting to recreate the great look I got over the weekend. At the same time, I so often don't do a full face with foundation. It's often so time consuming and easy to overdo, so I just skip it instead.
The good news is, I decided to do a test today to see how much time it would add to the routine and if the results were worth it. Resounding yes - using the CC under my usual foundation definitely gives a more natural look than foundation alone. Added time was minimal because I'm working with a perfect set of brushes for what I need.
Here are the important takeaways:
1) If you buy a complicated product, have a pro show you the tricks for using it first. It will be much easier to replicate and get good results at home.
2) Once you have good results, assess what it's going to take to repeat it.
3) Use the tools that will make things as fast and easy as possible. I wouldn't have bothered with any of this if it wasn't for the Masterclass brush, which has completely revitalized my use of foundation. I've never tried another brush that gave such flawless and natural results with so little work. THIS IS KEY.
Now that I see the benefits, I am saying to myself "There is no reason to let this stuff sit. Use it regularly now, look fabulous and don't just be lazy or fall back on old habits where I didn't bother perfecting my skin first." I was already using foundation more, because of the brush being so good and this small extra step takes it to the next level. I'm worth it! My purchase was also totally worth it!
If you can do these things for yourself with what you buy, you will get use out of everything and go through your supply in a reasonable amount of time too.