Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
this is exactly how i felt, I had so many mac lippies that i tried to tell myself that if i had it in YSL it was a "better formula" but didnt touch either of them! I was super nice to my sister and dumped lots of YSL, Givanchy and MAC lippies, since destashing started im down to 63, i think a good 12-20 went on my sale/swap thread or gave away. It really makes you think, i do not need 7 versions of red. Absoulte power, charmed im sure and melt belladonna 2 all swatched the same on my lips so i just kept CIS. It took a lot to get rid of AP since I bought above retail price.

Oh well better to it find a happy home and i feel so much better with a smaller stash, I got rid of a whole blush palette, mac eyeshadows palette worth, all kinds of msf blushes and lots of singles... now if only i can get rid of the box that hold all this... and i tell you i dont miss them one bit since i started this!

I love that BB cream its so expensive but so easy and great formula i love the spf in it. I bought it once and used it up, now i have 5 foundations in rotation!
Your sister is lucky to inherit your stash! Nice work reducing your stash, you are so right you don't miss stuff you just haven't used in so long anyways.

I've tried a few older lipsticks and the discontinued formulas are nowhere near as good as the new ones - I've noticed this with Dior.

Also, I'm finding my taste has become alot more refined now that I am aware of how much I already have.

As for the BB Cream, I am really happy as it will mean I can save money in the long run as I will not need both a moisturizer and foundation :)


Well-known member
Does anyone follow seasonal color analysis? What are your thoughts on it? Do you tend to wear what "should" look good on you or do you go against it? I've never been professionally "analyzed" but through trial and very much error with makeup/clothing I consider myself a Soft Summer. I came across this blog post with a description and photo (

"When you think of the Soft Summer palette, imagine a fantasy landscape where misty tints of dawn embroider deeper, muted shades of post-twilight dusk." Um, yes please!

I missed out on the 4 season craze in the 80s which I know didn't work for a lot of people.. And obviously, I take even the new 16 color theory with a grain of salt.. (disclaimer: always do what makes you happy!) but I really do think different shades can highlight or enhance your natural features which is more the style I prefer.

I keep this close at hand to remind myself how awful and sick I look in high contrast or bright colors. Not going near the Playland thread with a 10-foot pole!! I'm even going to skip on the casual color I wanted and wait for them to come out in different shades. Apparently Bobbi Brown is supposed to be a good brand for SSs.. might check out their lip/cheek product instead!

My hair is finally grown out back to its natural color and I did get to have quite a few years of experimentation (most of it with terrible results, as my recently culled makeup stash can attest). I think I'm ready to settle down with the things I think I look best in!

Ps. I hope this isn't too off topic for everyone, but I figured since we don't have a specific collection to talk about here and we're all kind of doing our own thing, why not!


Well-known member
Does anyone follow seasonal color analysis? What are your thoughts on it? Do you tend to wear what "should" look good on you or do you go against it? I've never been professionally "analyzed" but through trial and very much error with makeup/clothing I consider myself a Soft Summer. I came across this blog post with a description and photo (

"When you think of the Soft Summer palette, imagine a fantasy landscape where misty tints of dawn embroider deeper, muted shades of post-twilight dusk." Um, yes please!

I missed out on the 4 season craze in the 80s which I know didn't work for a lot of people.. And obviously, I take even the new 16 color theory with a grain of salt.. (disclaimer: always do what makes you happy!) but I really do think different shades can highlight or enhance your natural features which is more the style I prefer.

I keep this close at hand to remind myself how awful and sick I look in high contrast or bright colors. Not going near the Playland thread with a 10-foot pole!! I'm even going to skip on the casual color I wanted and wait for them to come out in different shades. Apparently Bobbi Brown is supposed to be a good brand for SSs.. might check out their lip/cheek product instead!

My hair is finally grown out back to its natural color and I did get to have quite a few years of experimentation (most of it with terrible results, as my recently culled makeup stash can attest). I think I'm ready to settle down with the things I think I look best in!

Ps. I hope this isn't too off topic for everyone, but I figured since we don't have a specific collection to talk about here and we're all kind of doing our own thing, why not!
I think i'm a soft summer too. I think that's an interesting concept but it would be too ''serious'' for me to only use these kind of colors.
I mean by now i have a good idea about the colors that look better on me but i get bored easily so i like experimenting a bit

Ps Bobbi Brown has great e/s and blushes. She has many e/s with a pink hue to them like Naked 3 (which is my fav Naked)


Well-known member
I think i'm a soft summer too. I think that's an interesting concept but it would be too ''serious'' for me to only use these kind of colors.
I mean by now i have a good idea about the colors that look better on me but i get bored easily so i like experimenting a bit

Ps Bobbi Brown has great e/s and blushes. She has many e/s with a pink hue to them like Naked 3 (which is my fav Naked)
Yeah being too serious with it could get restrictive for sure!! I find that the color range is big enough for me though (see the sample one below). There's definitely a range of shades, they're just more dusty and muted. I tend to avoid colors that are supposed to be bad for SSs anyway (brights, super warm tones) but if I really wanted to wear something bright orange I would! It's just not likely that I would get past checking myself out in the mirror before it would be back on the rack.. lol.

I get bored super easy as well and experimentation is key! I think I have enough of a mix of shades to keep myself going for a while now though. Also, maybe I'm bored with experimenting? Lol. I spent like 2 years experimenting and hated most of the things I tried.

Ps. Can't wait to try BB.. And I love the N3.. If I hadn't promised myself no more palettes unless I love every color I would probably have it already..



Well-known member
I've looked at the Seasonal Color Analysis, but I've never been matched. All I've decided is that I look better in saturated colors than softer colors, and my face and eyes need definition to stand out


Well-known member
I've looked at the Seasonal Color Analysis, but I've never been matched. All I've decided is that I look better in saturated colors than softer colors, and my face and eyes need definition to stand out
Cool! We're opposites then.. haha.
I find my eyes stand out way more with softer colors like MAC Quarry, Copperplate, etc. Black eyeliner or a medium-dark smoky eye are both too harsh for me.


Well-known member
Cool! We're opposites then.. haha.
I find my eyes stand out way more with softer colors like MAC Quarry, Copperplate, etc. Black eyeliner or a medium-dark smoky eye are both too harsh for me.
Part of my problem is that I have awful eyelashes that stick straight out and don't hold a curl well, so I have to play up my eyeliner and shadows a lot. I can do black eyeliner, though I usually go with a dark brown or deep purple (Urban Decay's Rockstar), but I stay away from very smoky eyes. I can do a brown or gray smoky, but black ends up being too harsh. I think if I practiced more, I could possibly make darker work though.


Well-known member
Part of my problem is that I have awful eyelashes that stick straight out and don't hold a curl well, so I have to play up my eyeliner and shadows a lot. I can do black eyeliner, though I usually go with a dark brown or deep purple (Urban Decay's Rockstar), but I stay away from very smoky eyes. I can do a brown or gray smoky, but black ends up being too harsh. I think if I practiced more, I could possibly make darker work though.
Booo.. I bet eyelashes are tough. Do you ever wear falsies? I've never tried it but I have a pair sitting around in case I get up the courage lol. Fortunately mine respond well to mascara because without it I would not be able to function. I look SO different without it. I need to get around to trying a brown mascara someday, but I'm too loyal to my favorites. I really like MUFE's aqua eyes liners.. I have 19 (light brown), 24 (light taupe), 3 (navy blue) 4 (soft plum) and they all work really well for me. I really want 18 (burgundy) and 22 (silvery grey).. when low buy year is over of course.

Audrey C

Well-known member
I had my colours done in the 80s - I'm an autumn, and I have no doubt that that's accurate. I can't wear white, I can't wear black, I can't wear most cold tones. I look best in warm reds, greens, browns/rusts...all the earthy colours. The only blue or purple I have is periwinkle, and I have no pinks.


Well-known member
Booo.. I bet eyelashes are tough. Do you ever wear falsies? I've never tried it but I have a pair sitting around in case I get up the courage lol. Fortunately mine respond well to mascara because without it I would not be able to function. I look SO different without it. I need to get around to trying a brown mascara someday, but I'm too loyal to my favorites. I really like MUFE's aqua eyes liners.. I have 19 (light brown), 24 (light taupe), 3 (navy blue) 4 (soft plum) and they all work really well for me. I really want 18 (burgundy) and 22 (silvery grey).. when low buy year is over of course.
I've only worn falsies once, and that's when my makeup artist put them on for my wedding. I wasn't even going to have them done for that, but she insisted, which probably is a sign
I do have a pair, but I haven't tried them. I do look totally different with them too! Eyelashes can really add to a look, and I really wish I was one of those who looked good with just mascara, but I have to at least have eyeliner to look nice. MUFE's aqua liners are really nice! I used to have the black one, but I have tons of the UD ones because they come with the palettes and are so cheap to buy in a set. I would love to pick up a burgundy color!


Well-known member
Part of my problem is that I have awful eyelashes that stick straight out and don't hold a curl well, so I have to play up my eyeliner and shadows a lot. I can do black eyeliner, though I usually go with a dark brown or deep purple (Urban Decay's Rockstar), but I stay away from very smoky eyes. I can do a brown or gray smoky, but black ends up being too harsh. I think if I practiced more, I could possibly make darker work though.
Have you tried a really good eyelash curler? I'm sure you have, but I was wondering how they respond to that?

I like shades like Rockstar too!! If you can get your hands on it, and if you like Fluidlnes... try MAC Dark Diversion. I love that one for colors like that!


Well-known member
Super proud of myself... added over TEN more lip products to my swap list! I got backups of lots of shades I don't think I'll ever get to with all the shades I have that have never even been swatched... on top of ones I actually use! My backup box is being conquered everytime I pull it out! NOW I just need to move this stuff out before it tries to sneak back in there! LOL


Well-known member
Does anyone follow seasonal color analysis? What are your thoughts on it? Do you tend to wear what "should" look good on you or do you go against it? I've never been professionally "analyzed" but through trial and very much error with makeup/clothing I consider myself a Soft Summer. I came across this blog post with a description and photo (

"When you think of the Soft Summer palette, imagine a fantasy landscape where misty tints of dawn embroider deeper, muted shades of post-twilight dusk." Um, yes please!

I missed out on the 4 season craze in the 80s which I know didn't work for a lot of people.. And obviously, I take even the new 16 color theory with a grain of salt.. (disclaimer: always do what makes you happy!) but I really do think different shades can highlight or enhance your natural features which is more the style I prefer.

I keep this close at hand to remind myself how awful and sick I look in high contrast or bright colors. Not going near the Playland thread with a 10-foot pole!! I'm even going to skip on the casual color I wanted and wait for them to come out in different shades. Apparently Bobbi Brown is supposed to be a good brand for SSs.. might check out their lip/cheek product instead!

My hair is finally grown out back to its natural color and I did get to have quite a few years of experimentation (most of it with terrible results, as my recently culled makeup stash can attest). I think I'm ready to settle down with the things I think I look best in!

Ps. I hope this isn't too off topic for everyone, but I figured since we don't have a specific collection to talk about here and we're all kind of doing our own thing, why not!
That's really interesting. I've never been professionally matched, but I would be curious to know what I'd match to. I am NW10-15ish with mostly neutral undertones and personally, I think I look best in taupes, pastels, and rosy pinks. But then again, I also think colors like peachy-pink (on the cheeks), deep blue-red (on the lips) and black (eyeliner or clothing) also flatter me, so that seems to suggest I'm not a true summer. Or, possibly I'm just delusional about what looks good. That's a distinct possibility.


Well-known member
Super proud of myself... added over TEN more lip products to my swap list! I got backups of lots of shades I don't think I'll ever get to with all the shades I have that have never even been swatched... on top of ones I actually use! My backup box is being conquered everytime I pull it out! NOW I just need to move this stuff out before it tries to sneak back in there! LOL
You are rocking this, Pixie!


Well-known member
I had my colours done in the 80s - I'm an autumn, and I have no doubt that that's accurate. I can't wear white, I can't wear black, I can't wear most cold tones. I look best in warm reds, greens, browns/rusts...all the earthy colours. The only blue or purple I have is periwinkle, and I have no pinks.
I have worn falsies for about 20 years -- before some of you were even born!

I am now in a pickle.. my hair has been cut -- short in the back, asymetrical, and some longer pieces on the side. It actually accents the angles of my face. The colour was perfected -- it is now the platinumy blonde.. that I wanted. Not because platinum is "in" .. no, I want to have it light enough so when my re-growth happens, I can keep it light and also throw in some low lights of a neutral brown level 5 (my natural colour).. so that I can finally grow out my Greyness. I think I will like it.

on another front, I had done a massive trashing of my clothing too.. and I am trying to streamline my wardrobe.. I so love my oldest jeans and it was hard to dump those. But many blouses, T's, and shoes went to the local charities. Today I had lunch with Bert, who
my new haircolour/cut.. and we went to replace some pieces of my wardrobe to make me look a bit younger.. lol. Anyway, I picked up a pair of navy wide leg pants, but they are all pleated -- and very slimming. They will work with a great navy lace shirt for a casual dinner, or with my white cotton blouses -- tied at the waist, or any white T shirt. I was kinda shocked cause Bert picked these out for me. I did not realize how savvy he is.. lol.

Other purchases I made were 2 new white cotton blouses -- shorter sleeves and asymetrical, and a tent shaped white cotton one which I loved the shape. Also a cream colour with navy/dark coral small flowers.. very feminine.. for me anyway.

I think all that I bought will integrate with my existing clothing and I can wear these many ways. I left a cream coloured pencil skirt on reserve because I want to make sure I don't have a dupe.. lol.

As much as I am working on my personal makeup, I am also working on streamlining my clothing -- and my life.


p.s. congrats to all -- this thread seems to be moving at lightening speed and it seems everyone is making progress!


Well-known member
I have worn falsies for about 20 years -- before some of you were even born!

I am now in a pickle.. my hair has been cut -- short in the back, asymetrical, and some longer pieces on the side. It actually accents the angles of my face. The colour was perfected -- it is now the platinumy blonde.. that I wanted. Not because platinum is "in" .. no, I want to have it light enough so when my re-growth happens, I can keep it light and also throw in some low lights of a neutral brown level 5 (my natural colour).. so that I can finally grow out my Greyness. I think I will like it.

on another front, I had done a massive trashing of my clothing too.. and I am trying to streamline my wardrobe.. I so love my oldest jeans and it was hard to dump those. But many blouses, T's, and shoes went to the local charities. Today I had lunch with Bert, who
my new haircolour/cut.. and we went to replace some pieces of my wardrobe to make me look a bit younger.. lol. Anyway, I picked up a pair of navy wide leg pants, but they are all pleated -- and very slimming. They will work with a great navy lace shirt for a casual dinner, or with my white cotton blouses -- tied at the waist, or any white T shirt. I was kinda shocked cause Bert picked these out for me. I did not realize how savvy he is.. lol.

Other purchases I made were 2 new white cotton blouses -- shorter sleeves and asymetrical, and a tent shaped white cotton one which I loved the shape. Also a cream colour with navy/dark coral small flowers.. very feminine.. for me anyway.

I think all that I bought will integrate with my existing clothing and I can wear these many ways. I left a cream coloured pencil skirt on reserve because I want to make sure I don't have a dupe.. lol.

As much as I am working on my personal makeup, I am also working on streamlining my clothing -- and my life.


p.s. congrats to all -- this thread seems to be moving at lightening speed and it seems everyone is making progress!
Have you posted pictures of your new hair color on any of the other threads? I bet it looks great!

Congrats on streamlining your clothing as well as everything else!


Well-known member
I have worn falsies for about 20 years -- before some of you were even born!

I am now in a pickle.. my hair has been cut -- short in the back, asymetrical, and some longer pieces on the side. It actually accents the angles of my face. The colour was perfected -- it is now the platinumy blonde.. that I wanted. Not because platinum is "in" .. no, I want to have it light enough so when my re-growth happens, I can keep it light and also throw in some low lights of a neutral brown level 5 (my natural colour).. so that I can finally grow out my Greyness. I think I will like it.

on another front, I had done a massive trashing of my clothing too.. and I am trying to streamline my wardrobe.. I so love my oldest jeans and it was hard to dump those. But many blouses, T's, and shoes went to the local charities. Today I had lunch with Bert, who
my new haircolour/cut.. and we went to replace some pieces of my wardrobe to make me look a bit younger.. lol. Anyway, I picked up a pair of navy wide leg pants, but they are all pleated -- and very slimming. They will work with a great navy lace shirt for a casual dinner, or with my white cotton blouses -- tied at the waist, or any white T shirt. I was kinda shocked cause Bert picked these out for me. I did not realize how savvy he is.. lol.

Other purchases I made were 2 new white cotton blouses -- shorter sleeves and asymetrical, and a tent shaped white cotton one which I loved the shape. Also a cream colour with navy/dark coral small flowers.. very feminine.. for me anyway.

I think all that I bought will integrate with my existing clothing and I can wear these many ways. I left a cream coloured pencil skirt on reserve because I want to make sure I don't have a dupe.. lol.

As much as I am working on my personal makeup, I am also working on streamlining my clothing -- and my life.


p.s. congrats to all -- this thread seems to be moving at lightening speed and it seems everyone is making progress!
Same here. Cheers to that!

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