@veronikawithak - Thanks for the tip about the brush girl! I've been thinking about it all day as I was furiously cleaning our house (not angrily lol - just aggressively!)- whether to buy the brush, as I don't have it, and try to keep the blush, or just return the blush and wait to buy the brush at another time. I think I'm just going to return the blush back onto my store credit card and wait for something I really, really love. I think coral blushes look great on me, and I have lots of those - but I will be keeping my eye out for a great pink blush (soft pink).

I really love reading your posts! I think we are probably similar in a lot of ways - around the same age, I just got married and we aren't on the 'baby train' that many people our age are on, travel is a priority, starting my career is a huge priority. I feel like we have a lot in common!
@Audrey C - glad you found a resolution for your blush issue!
I also really enjoyed your posts on finances. Great Stuff!
As I was crazily cleaning today and hubs was assembling new bookshelves, I kept realizing how insane I am. I mean, not literally of course (that I know of??)
But really - what would you call it when a person has so many possessions that she spends all of her time sorting, cleaning, picking up after, re-assembling, organizing, re-organizing, finding, losing, and just generally obsessing over her possessions?
I mean - I don't feel like I have hobbies. I have things. I have things that are supposed to be hobbies (lots of makeup, lots of books, lots of everything), but I don't have time to do any hobbies because I'm so busy 'preparing' for hobbies (where in the hell is that dang book? Where'd I put that......(whatever)).
We worked all afternoon and it feels like almost little to no progress. It's absolutely bonkers. I mean yes, we did get a lot done. But if you saw it, you might not think so.
So here's my new plan. This s*** has GOT TO GO. I can't freaking TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!! I feel like Susan Power (Powter?) - STOP THE INSANITY!
I'm going to start w/consigning some things - housewares, clothing. Whatever doesn't sell can go to my family or VV or another charity. Maybe a woman's shelter.
Hubs and I want to go to Mexico next year, so that's a priority and paying back debt is a big priority too! I'm still young so time is on my side, but I need to get that plan in place that will give me a great future too!