Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
I spent some of my Paypal balance today. I'm tired of trying to get through the week with a single 239 and 217 brush (and a 224 for blending). I thought I'd try some Hakuhodo brushes (all recommended by T):

2 x J142 Eye Shadow Brush Round (H3858) = $36.00
1 x J5523 Eye Shadow Brush Round & Flat (H3916) = $18.00
Sub-Total: $54.00

We're considering an impromptu visit to NYC with the family the week after next. I may pick up a couple of other 239s there. They're $5 cheaper than in Canada.

I'm still considering the BB Illuminating Bronzing Powder, but if I decide to buy it I'll get it in NY as well. I'm reconsidering now that I'm keeping LF.
Do you mind sharing where you ordered the Hakuhodo brushes from?

thank you.


Well-known member
Thanks everyone! Im not getting the TF lippie! I know its way more important to create memories with loved ones than buying blushes and lippies, but its just so diff when theres always a new product that i like!


Well-known member
I have a tiny confession to make.
I literally just got through snipping someone on evil bay for a tube of Heaux. I've been doing very well with my low buy aside from purchasing Blow. I'm justifying it as an early b-day present to myself. Also, I regret not being able to get a second backup last summer because it went on to become my go to lippy.
My original tube is quarterway done now.


Well-known member
Today amazon has this kindle book for free 25 Days to an Organized Home Challenge: Revolutionize Your Life and Gain More Time :)


Well-known member
@veronikawithak - Thanks for the tip about the brush girl! I've been thinking about it all day as I was furiously cleaning our house (not angrily lol - just aggressively!)- whether to buy the brush, as I don't have it, and try to keep the blush, or just return the blush and wait to buy the brush at another time. I think I'm just going to return the blush back onto my store credit card and wait for something I really, really love. I think coral blushes look great on me, and I have lots of those - but I will be keeping my eye out for a great pink blush (soft pink). :):)

I really love reading your posts! I think we are probably similar in a lot of ways - around the same age, I just got married and we aren't on the 'baby train' that many people our age are on, travel is a priority, starting my career is a huge priority. I feel like we have a lot in common!

@Audrey C - glad you found a resolution for your blush issue!
I also really enjoyed your posts on finances. Great Stuff!

As I was crazily cleaning today and hubs was assembling new bookshelves, I kept realizing how insane I am. I mean, not literally of course (that I know of??)

But really - what would you call it when a person has so many possessions that she spends all of her time sorting, cleaning, picking up after, re-assembling, organizing, re-organizing, finding, losing, and just generally obsessing over her possessions? I mean - I don't feel like I have hobbies. I have things. I have things that are supposed to be hobbies (lots of makeup, lots of books, lots of everything), but I don't have time to do any hobbies because I'm so busy 'preparing' for hobbies (where in the hell is that dang book? Where'd I put that......(whatever)).

We worked all afternoon and it feels like almost little to no progress. It's absolutely bonkers. I mean yes, we did get a lot done. But if you saw it, you might not think so.

So here's my new plan. This s*** has GOT TO GO. I can't freaking TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!! I feel like Susan Power (Powter?) - STOP THE INSANITY!

I'm going to start w/consigning some things - housewares, clothing. Whatever doesn't sell can go to my family or VV or another charity. Maybe a woman's shelter.

Hubs and I want to go to Mexico next year, so that's a priority and paying back debt is a big priority too! I'm still young so time is on my side, but I need to get that plan in place that will give me a great future too!


Well-known member
Warning: Financial professional response coming - non-judgmental but boring.

My advice would be to keep a spending journal. It's not fun or flashy, but it works for the same reason WW makes you track eating/count points.

Write down every penny you spend every day and where you were when you did it. You can do it in paper format or on your phone. It really doesn't take more than a few seconds each time. Over time, patterns emerge. It can be a real eye-opener to realize that you're dropping $1500 a year on coffee drinks or that you never go downstairs to take a break at the office without buying something. When you go to buy staples at the drugstore or Sephora, make a list and just bring enough cash to pay for what you've budgeted. Leave your debit and credit cards at home.

I had to do this years ago when I got into the habit of treating my credit card limits as if they were cash in my wallet. Easily done, not so easy to dig out of. I switched to only spending cash (divided it up into envelopes on payday) and paid everything off within a year. It wasn't a fun year, but it was immensely satisfying. I promised myself that I would never carry a balance again and I haven't.

You can get this under control and you will not have to deprive yourself of the things you need and really want to do so. You just need to stop the mindless spending that in the end really doesn't bring nearly as much pleasure when it's over. :)
I did this for a number of years and it really helped! I wasn't very good about budgeting and needed to see every penny on paper so that I could get a good understanding of what I spent and what I was saving. I'm better at budgeting now so I don't do it anymore but I check my online banking statements weekly so I can keep myself in check.

In response to some of your posts about what financial priorities, I was astonished at a recent fb post about buying nail polish. This lady was so upset that she wasn't able to get limited edition Picture Polishes during the initial release, and said that she would have to give up her hobby after that day because she was losing income and would now have to use that fun money to take care of her child.
All I could say was Wow. Seems more important to be financially healthy and be able to take care of your family rather than spending money on polish. I love polish, don't get me wrong. Same with makeup. But I recognize that it's a luxury and so unnecessary. It just made me think of how many people are out there that have the same mindset as this woman. It's kind of sad that people have their priorities a bit skewed.


Well-known member
@veronikawithak - Thanks for the tip about the brush girl! I've been thinking about it all day as I was furiously cleaning our house (not angrily lol - just aggressively!)- whether to buy the brush, as I don't have it, and try to keep the blush, or just return the blush and wait to buy the brush at another time. I think I'm just going to return the blush back onto my store credit card and wait for something I really, really love. I think coral blushes look great on me, and I have lots of those - but I will be keeping my eye out for a great pink blush (soft pink). :):)

I really love reading your posts! I think we are probably similar in a lot of ways - around the same age, I just got married and we aren't on the 'baby train' that many people our age are on, travel is a priority, starting my career is a huge priority. I feel like we have a lot in common!

@Audrey C - glad you found a resolution for your blush issue!
I also really enjoyed your posts on finances. Great Stuff!

As I was crazily cleaning today and hubs was assembling new bookshelves, I kept realizing how insane I am. I mean, not literally of course (that I know of??)

But really - what would you call it when a person has so many possessions that she spends all of her time sorting, cleaning, picking up after, re-assembling, organizing, re-organizing, finding, losing, and just generally obsessing over her possessions? I mean - I don't feel like I have hobbies. I have things. I have things that are supposed to be hobbies (lots of makeup, lots of books, lots of everything), but I don't have time to do any hobbies because I'm so busy 'preparing' for hobbies (where in the hell is that dang book? Where'd I put that......(whatever)).

We worked all afternoon and it feels like almost little to no progress. It's absolutely bonkers. I mean yes, we did get a lot done. But if you saw it, you might not think so.

So here's my new plan. This s*** has GOT TO GO. I can't freaking TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!! I feel like Susan Power (Powter?) - STOP THE INSANITY!

I'm going to start w/consigning some things - housewares, clothing. Whatever doesn't sell can go to my family or VV or another charity. Maybe a woman's shelter.

Hubs and I want to go to Mexico next year, so that's a priority and paying back debt is a big priority too! I'm still young so time is on my side, but I need to get that plan in place that will give me a great future too!
I totally feel you on this. I've gotten rid of a lot of crap over the years, but in this small studio apartment, no one would be able to tell. I'm determined to pare down my possessions so that I can stop wasting time stressing over the clutter, and have more time to do the things I love.

I bought an Elfa drawer system, the one with the mesh basket runners, from the Container Store last night - it's for my bathroom. My existing situation is not working for me so I hope this new system is just what I need.

As far as beauty purchases, I haven't done too shabby even though I'm not on a strict low-buy. Late last week, I bought 6 Coloured Raine lipsticks, a Bobbi Brown eyeshadow (hope it's my HG nude color - a one and done for the days when I'm limited on time) during her 20% off sale this week, and the new 24-hour eyeshadow primer from Smashbox. And just today, while I picked up the Bite Beauty Agave Lip Mask (OMG, why haven't I tried this sooner - love it!), I returned 4 of the liquid liners from the holiday RiRi collection to Macy's. I've also sold off ~13-15 items from my sale since Thursday. Oh that reminds me, I did use the funds from those sales to pick up some Embryolisse products from Hautelook a few days ago. I've been getting a lot more into to skincare and I've had good experience with this line, so I picked a couple of an old favorite and few new items as well.

We all have our successes and slip-ups, but on this journey, we're becoming much more aware of our triggers - and that is a huge success in itself!


Well-known member
great info... I'm going to start tracking my spending.
i also setup an acct with mint. yes I use my debit card as cash, it tracks everything and gives me a weekly breakdown... which I have to admit, sometimes I don't want to look at it... but I'm going to start and analyze what I've been doing.
But I probably need to get to the root of why. And develop better habits.


Well-known member
I decided to get rid of all my drugstore stuff I do have, besides mascara, as it's really the only thing I use and I haven't purchased any drugstore in the past year. I am donating it all to a 'half way house' with young girls that had troubled pasts. Excited for them to get it. Little update: I also tested my returns to macys and they took back viva glam gaga 2 and a perfect day lipsticks with a smile. They were so nice and didn't care that they were purchased a long time ago. They did think I was crazy and asked why I wouldn't put them on eBay but I explained that I just find eBay frustrating. Plus I wasn't looking to make money. One MA artist wanted to buy them off of me but said it was against MAC policy so she couldn't. I'm sure she will find a way as she was gripping tight of them as they were gold lol. Next trip I'm going to return: Supernova Blush Lavish Living Blush Reel Sexy lipstick So if any takers, last chance :) The tracking the spending is a great idea!! I started yesterday since it was the first of the month. Now to see where to cut corners of useless spending. Off to 'mother and son day' at my sons school. The boys get to take mommy out on a date and to a special show. I'm so excited. $75 for me and him so better be somewhere good! LOL (he's 5) :)


Well-known member
Right are we ready I'm not! This is my ideal stash; 2 primers 3 foundations 2 concealers 3 bronzers 2 powders 2 highlighters 1 setting spray 20 blushes 15 mac shadows 10 single shadows 5 duo/trio/quads 5 palettes 2 cream shadows 2 brow products - gel and powder 2 mascaras 10 high end lipsticks 10 drug store lipsticks 5 lip glosses 5 lip crayons 3 lip liners 1 gel eye liner 10 pencil liners 3 liquid liners 2 cream blushes 5 loose shadows Now that's not small but I think I could cope with that and use things regularly still and have enough variety. I am now going to add up my totals for the same categories. I know I will be way over but at least I can move forward. I already have done some selling on eBay so I am in a better place than I was in January, the key I am hoping is to keep moving in the right direction! Back in a minute !
Making mine tonight. Although your actual list looks super familiar to mine lol I like these ideal makeup goals too. I just have to figure out how I will let myself part with stuff. My palettes are my most out if control as I always liked the newer stuff. Why do I have naked 1,2 and 3? I don't use any of them yet can't let them go :/


Well-known member
@veronikawithak - Thanks for the tip about the brush girl! I've been thinking about it all day as I was furiously cleaning our house (not angrily lol - just aggressively!)- whether to buy the brush, as I don't have it, and try to keep the blush, or just return the blush and wait to buy the brush at another time. I think I'm just going to return the blush back onto my store credit card and wait for something I really, really love. I think coral blushes look great on me, and I have lots of those - but I will be keeping my eye out for a great pink blush (soft pink). :):)

I really love reading your posts! I think we are probably similar in a lot of ways - around the same age, I just got married and we aren't on the 'baby train' that many people our age are on, travel is a priority, starting my career is a huge priority. I feel like we have a lot in common!

@Audrey C - glad you found a resolution for your blush issue!
I also really enjoyed your posts on finances. Great Stuff!
As I was crazily cleaning today and hubs was assembling new bookshelves, I kept realizing how insane I am. I mean, not literally of course (that I know of??)

But really - what would you call it when a person has so many possessions that she spends all of her time sorting, cleaning, picking up after, re-assembling, organizing, re-organizing, finding, losing, and just generally obsessing over her possessions? I mean - I don't feel like I have hobbies. I have things. I have things that are supposed to be hobbies (lots of makeup, lots of books, lots of everything), but I don't have time to do any hobbies because I'm so busy 'preparing' for hobbies (where in the hell is that dang book? Where'd I put that......(whatever)).

We worked all afternoon and it feels like almost little to no progress. It's absolutely bonkers. I mean yes, we did get a lot done. But if you saw it, you might not think so.

So here's my new plan. This s*** has GOT TO GO. I can't freaking TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!! I feel like Susan Power (Powter?) - STOP THE INSANITY!

I'm going to start w/consigning some things - housewares, clothing. Whatever doesn't sell can go to my family or VV or another charity. Maybe a woman's shelter.

Hubs and I want to go to Mexico next year, so that's a priority and paying back debt is a big priority too! I'm still young so time is on my side, but I need to get that plan in place that will give me a great future too!
I feel the exact same when when reading your posts!

I know what you mean about the clutter for sure.. when I moved I took two suitcases.. now my bachelor apartment is stuffed with things all over again.. a lot of things that I rarely (if ever) use. I've done several declutter sessions already but I really need to sit down and go through everything again.. Perfect timing for spring cleaning season.. haha. AND I need to stop bringing things in.

I also have an issue with "hobbies".. I downsized my jewelery making things into one small organizer box and brought it with me across the country. Number of times I've pulled it out to use: TWO!! After 3 years.. and one of those times was just because I was feeling guilty for not using it. I bought a Filofax last year because I wanted to use it as a planner.. but it was so nice that I didn't like taking it with me and throwing it in a bag because I was afraid I'd scratch it up.. lol. I use my Moleskine and I love that and don't really care if it gets ruined, so I'm going to sell the Filofax. Books, I'm okay with. I only buy them if they're like paperbacks of books I don't want to wait on the list at the library, and I usually donate them after I read them. All of my music and movies are on a hard drive. I'm slowly getting there.. I have to go through my shoes again. I have about 20 pairs so I don't think I'm doing tooo bad there, but I know there are some I should pass on. And clothes. A lot of them are too small for me since I've gained weight, trying to lose it.. but seriously. I hate having so much stuff that you're constantly spending most of your time putting it away.


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
Very true Audrey, I forget sometimes that the acceptance of debt culture (especially consumer debt) is more widespread. My fiance and I decided years ago that children is not for us for a variety of reasons, so I feel less concerned about it than I would be otherwise (the "you'll change your mind" argument is not relevant for us, so no need to go there). BUT, we do want to travel together and I'm concerned that our debt will be a barrier to that. I'm going to be much more careful going forward. Thanks for all of your helpful advice! I wish I had more friends in the financial industry and less in the more frivolous career paths like medicine and law.
That always drives me up the wall. I know for as long as I can think that I don't want to have children, but I feel like always having to defend myself for it. Not to mention trying to meet a guy who accepts that. How awesome that you've found a partner who has the same life plans :)

Audrey C

Well-known member
That always drives me up the wall. I know for as long as I can think that I don't want to have children, but I feel like always having to defend myself for it. Not to mention trying to meet a guy who accepts that. How awesome that you've found a partner who has the same life plans :)
As a woman, nothing makes me more crazy that when people act like it's our destiny and purpose to breed. While I'm a mother by choice and can't imagine my life without my children in it, I had a full and rewarding life before they came along and will continue to have one when they leave to make their own way in the world. We're more than uterine life support systems.

My eldest daughter has always said that she doesn't want children of her own but would enjoy being an aunt to her siblings' kids if they have any. Not a thing wrong with that.


Well-known member
That always drives me up the wall. I know for as long as I can think that I don't want to have children, but I feel like always having to defend myself for it. Not to mention trying to meet a guy who accepts that. How awesome that you've found a partner who has the same life plans :)
Meeee tooooo. When I was a teenager I knew it wasn't for me and I get more and more averse to it every year. Even my own mother was asking me about kids this year.. after 10-15 years of assuring her I don't want them.. She thought I was teasing her! I was just baffled after that conversation.. One of my best guy friends who I've known for years assumes it's just because I haven't met the right guy yet.. But I have, and I'm so grateful that we're on the same page about what we want our lives to be like. It's surprising how many guys are set on having kids, but I guess we're kind of conditioned to think women are supposed to want kids and have to "trap" a guy or force it on him. The world is so convoluted I just can't even deal sometimes lol. Watching Mad Men has forever scarred me about what we really want vs. what we're conditioned to want.

I'm not against children in theory of course, and I understand the economic and social need for reproduction, and obviously the reward in itself. But, I only have one life and I'm going to live it for myself and not towards some greater good. I won't ask someone to justify their choice to have a baby because the benefits are obvious and it's also considered inappropriate, but I have no problem turning the question around on them when they do it to me. Try it sometime, I bet you'll get asked a lot less! Lol.

Audrey C

Well-known member
After a weekend of multiple makeup looks and testing, I've decided that I do want the BB Illuminating Bronzing Powder in Antigua; I'll buy it in NY when I'm there next week. Since I really do want to keep my purchases minimal this year, I decided to return Stereo Rose. I liked it, but it's not materially different when lightly used than Adored and I just don't want a new item that doesn't fill a particular hole unless it gets very heavily used (like my Huggables). I won't let myself have the BB powder without giving up SR or LM. I'm liking Luminous Flush a lot better with the 159, but I'm going to wear it another couple of times to be 100% certain it deserves a place in my 2014 purchase list. :)

2014 Purchases (not including store exchanges/BTM/swaps):
Superb - gift
Luminous Flush - 2014 spend
Dim Infusion - 2014 spend

2014 Swaps/Exchanges/BTM:
1) Returns of products purchased in 2013 (net -2)
Naked 2 - exchanged for Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge in Fresh Melon and Pale Pink
Clinique Redness Solutions Foundation - exchanged for Bobbi Brown BB Cream
Empty MAC singles palettes & blush inserts plus pan blush - exchanged for Clinique Neutral Territory 2 palette and Stereo Rose
Planned: Stereo Rose - exchanged for Bobbi Brown Illuminating Bronzing Powder in Antigua
2) BTM (net +3):
Dreaming Dahlia l/s
Heavenly Hybrid l/s
Planned: Head in the Clouds l/s
3) Swaps (net -4):
OUT: Stereo Rose 2012, Forever Marilyn, RiRi Diamonds CCB, Modern Mandarin, Early Morning, NARS Liberte, Magnetic Attraction MES
IN: Coygirl, Crew Highlight Powder (gifted), Bareness EDB, Ripe for Love, Deliciously Rich f/l
4) Sales (net - 5):
Forever Marilyn x2, Redhead, Flatter Me, Amber Glow

I think I've now returned anything that I'm not using that's eligible, which means that anything I buy new (that's not a swap) is going to count as a new item to me. I don't count skincare, staples and brushes towards my total because I don't have too many of any of those.

Adding up the pluses and minuses, I have five less items than before even if I go ahead and get the BB bronzer.

I'm now moving everything left in my swap thread over the Clearance Bin; I've started to get requests from people to just buy the items and I think it's time for that. There's really not much of anything left that I want.


Well-known member
After a weekend of multiple makeup looks and testing, I've decided that I do want the BB Illuminating Bronzing Powder in Antigua; I'll buy it in NY when I'm there next week. Since I really do want to keep my purchases minimal this year, I decided to return Stereo Rose. I liked it, but it's not materially different when lightly used than Adored and I just don't want a new item that doesn't fill a particular hole unless it gets very heavily used (like my Huggables). I won't let myself have the BB powder without giving up SR or LM. I'm liking Luminous Flush a lot better with the 159, but I'm going to wear it another couple of times to be 100% certain it deserves a place in my 2014 purchase list. :) 2014 Purchases (not including store exchanges/BTM/swaps): Superb - gift Luminous Flush - 2014 spend Dim Infusion - 2014 spend 2014 Swaps/Exchanges/BTM: 1) Returns of products purchased in 2013 (net -2)              Naked 2 - exchanged for Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge in Fresh Melon and Pale Pink              Clinique Redness Solutions Foundation - exchanged for Bobbi Brown BB Cream              Empty MAC singles palettes & blush inserts plus pan blush - exchanged for Clinique Neutral Territory 2 palette and Stereo Rose              Planned: Stereo Rose - exchanged for Bobbi Brown Illuminating Bronzing Powder in Antigua 2) BTM (net +3):              Dreaming Dahlia l/s              Heavenly Hybrid l/s              Planned: Head in the Clouds l/s 3) Swaps (net -4):              OUT: Stereo Rose 2012, Forever Marilyn, RiRi Diamonds CCB, Modern Mandarin, Early Morning, NARS Liberte, Magnetic Attraction MES               IN: Coygirl, Crew Highlight Powder (gifted), Bareness EDB, Ripe for Love, Deliciously Rich f/l 4) Sales (net - 5):               Forever Marilyn x2, Redhead, Flatter Me, Amber Glow I think I've now returned anything that I'm not using that's eligible, which means that anything I buy new (that's not a swap) is going to count as a new item to me. I don't count skincare, staples and brushes towards my total because I don't have too many of any of those.  Adding up the pluses and minuses, I have five less items than before even if I go ahead and get the BB bronzer.  I'm now moving everything left in my swap thread over the Clearance Bin; I've started to get requests from people to just buy the items and I think it's time for that. There's really not much of anything left that I want.
Wow, nice work!!! FYI, a friend of mine that works at my MAC pro store said the policy changed on B2Ming for LE lipsticks. They aren't supposed to do it anymore. I tried for a FoF lippie and the SA at my department store counter said the policy had changed. So I'm guessing more and more counters and stores will be aware of this soon. Apparently it changed a few months ago but it obviously wasn't made very clear.

Audrey C

Well-known member
FYI, a friend of mine that works at my MAC pro store said the policy changed on B2Ming for LE lipsticks. They aren't supposed to do it anymore. I tried for a FoF lippie and the SA at my department store counter said the policy had changed. So I'm guessing more and more counters and stores will be aware of this soon. Apparently it changed a few months ago but it obviously wasn't made very clear.
That's good to know. know, I don't think I want that lipstick enough to actually buy it. BTM is how I get the lippies I think I'll have fun with for a season. If the policy has changed here, I'll skip.


Well-known member
The tracking the spending is a great idea!! I started yesterday since it was the first of the month. Now to see where to cut corners of useless spending. Off to 'mother and son day' at my sons school. The boys get to take mommy out on a date and to a special show. I'm so excited. $75 for me and him so better be somewhere good! LOL (he's 5)
Oh wow, I would totally have taken that Reel Sexy off of your hands if I hadn't stocked up this past year! Have you tried some serious blotting action? It is my HG lipstick come spring/summer, but I only can wear it when I blot it and it leaves a gorgeous stain. Absolute love. It's great that they have such a good policy though!

Sounds like you have a really good plan of action in terms of donating makeup--I've been putting together little makeup care packages for my close friends and family who I know would love the stuff. Am also donating to a woman's shelter that my sister works at. Great to hear that it's going so well for you.

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