Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


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Caught up on everything. Thank god for you all. Its been an emotional couple of weeks, today is especially a bad one. And I try to tell myself the could be worse, and even thought of ways to better my life. But I just cant seem to get out of this funk. But you all have brightened my day. You and music have dried my tears thank you. On the plus side Ive decided to start budgeting and saving money. I calculated my monthly bills. My income is all over from being a waitress. So I'm going to keep track of how much I make in a month to get an idea. Then the money I have left over will have to be divided to savings, then whats left after that can go towards makeup and such. Must be strong and not use my bill or saving money. -Pixie, girrrrllll you look amazing. Your inner beauty shines through your beautiful outside, just stunning. A magazine cover how exciting!! - I am def part of the itty bitty titty committee. Im extreamly self concious about it. Sometimes it gets so bad I dont even like my husband touching them. Im petite but curvy so feel slightly off with my misquito bites lol. Thank goodness for padded bras! So ladies that have them cherish those beautiful breasts! I take comfort in my husband being an ass man though. Cause I def got one of those lol - I admire everyones decision to have children or not. I applaud you hard working mothers and also those who decide children aren't for them. With all the pressures you face from others hang in there. I for sure would like one. Ive yet to feel the joy of having one. Im excited for that part of my life.


Well-known member
Caught up on everything. Thank god for you all. Its been an emotional couple of weeks, today is especially a bad one. And I try to tell myself the could be worse, and even thought of ways to better my life. But I just cant seem to get out of this funk. But you all have brightened my day. You and music have dried my tears thank you. On the plus side Ive decided to start budgeting and saving money. I calculated my monthly bills. My income is all over from being a waitress. So I'm going to keep track of how much I make in a month to get an idea. Then the money I have left over will have to be divided to savings, then whats left after that can go towards makeup and such. Must be strong and not use my bill or saving money. -Pixie, girrrrllll you look amazing. Your inner beauty shines through your beautiful outside, just stunning. A magazine cover how exciting!! - I am def part of the itty bitty titty committee. Im extreamly self concious about it. Sometimes it gets so bad I dont even like my husband touching them. Im petite but curvy so feel slightly off with my misquito bites lol. Thank goodness for padded bras! So ladies that have them cherish those beautiful breasts! I take comfort in my husband being an ass man though. Cause I def got one of those lol - I admire everyones decision to have children or not. I applaud you hard working mothers and also those who decide children aren't for them. With all the pressures you face from others hang in there. I for sure would like one. Ive yet to feel the joy of having one. Im excited for that part of my life.
It breaks my heart to think of you upset, crying, and struggling! It's empowering to hear you work through it and setting such ambitious goals! It shows you're a fighter and a survivor!! You have always been someone on the threads that I relate to and am always happy to see... We are here for you girl!! Always! Thank you for always having such sweet, kind things to say! You are a beautiful soul!!


Well-known member
- I admire everyones decision to have children or not. I applaud you hard working mothers and also those who decide children aren't for them. With all the pressures you face from others hang in there. I for sure would like one. Ive yet to feel the joy of having one. Im excited for that part of my life.
Stay strong! Whatever it is that's causing your troubles, you'll get out of this.


Well-known member
Feel better and stay strong.. remember that every tear is a way towards recovery and feeling well..

big hugs


Well-known member
@singer82, I'm sorry things have been so tough. We are all here to listen if you want to "talk." This too shall pass.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by janette9687

idk if im in a makeup rut or if I’m just feeling overwhelmed with all my crap, but it still feels like a lot. I look at my lipsticks and even though i have gotten rid of at least 10-15 i still feel like it’s a lot and i shouldn’t need the same color in 5 different formulas. I also don’t need 8 eye shadow palletes but it’s so hard to get rid of them! I have done very good with my blushes though, I have cut them in half! need more help downsizing and it feels like i still have it since I can’t seem to get rid of it still.

I have decreased my collection a lot too and sometimes it still feel too large. I already know what is making it look huge and it’s eye shadows. I have since gifted more of it and I still don’t feel a dent. So I am going to go through it again and try to see what I can let go of this week. I find that when I go through my stash every week or other week it helps me let go of items I held on to from the previous week. It works for me.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by walkingdead

Happy Friday Everyone! I just wanted to say that ever since I organized my make up and they're out where I can see them I've been having so much fun using them. I've been taking selfies every morning to record what I've been using. For the 1st time in a long time I haven't felt the urge to by makeup.

Doesn’t it feel good……yes it does. I’m happy I am starting to be able to make smaller purchases and not be afraid to not buy things that I know I don’t need. It’s working so far.


Well-known member
Hey everyone, long time no "see"! I'd like to go back and read through what I've missed but it's more than 40 pages. I can't believe how quickly this thread moves lol. I'm missed being here and sharing this low buy journey with everyone. I need to stop floating away lol!!

I've had major urges to shop lately so I need to get myself motivated again. I gave in and bought two Estee Lauder lipsticks last Friday night. I really love them so I'm happy with my choices. I just need to do a major lip product purge. I have soooo many and I reach for the same ones over and over again.

I've been eying the IT Cosmetics QVC value of the day today because I'm looking for something with a higher spf. to layer under my MAC MSFN. I don't know what to do. I can get the MAC cc cream with my discount and it gives me a B2M item for later... but SPF 50 is hard to pass up.


Well-known member
Well ladies, I went to get my discontinued face powder and am very proud of myself. I only walked away with Petal Power blush that I forgot they were holding for me. In case anyone here wanted it as I had obtained one in a recent swap. The mineralized eyeshadow quads and lipglosses really do look nice but I got what I went in for and other than PP blush to help a lucky person out with I didn't get anything else.


Well-known member
My no sweets is going well! If only I could say the same for the no buy haha. I actually have decided to get a clinique cheek pop. I saw berry pop and swooned...but then I saw plum pop too. Ah, decisions. I don't want to do both so...probably will go with berry. @singer82 - I hope things start picking up for you. Feel free to reach out!


Well-known member
@singer82 - I hope things start picking up for you. Feel free to reach out!
Clinique has a GWP going on at Dillards right now. I'm so tempted to pick up one of those blushes. I'm a low buy failure.

Good for you on the no sweets!! I've been eating way too much sugar lately. I've been doing really well on a no workout sadly enough. I just signed up for my first crossfit class tonight. Hopefully I can get back into a healthier routine!


Well-known member
Bought my first red lipstick today -- Brave Red.

Any tips on how to wear the rest of my make-up.

Thank you.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by walkingdead

Happy Friday Everyone! I just wanted to say that ever since I organized my make up and they're out where I can see them I've been having so much fun using them. I've been taking selfies every morning to record what I've been using. For the 1st time in a long time I haven't felt the urge to by makeup.

Doesn’t it feel good……yes it does. I’m happy I am starting to be able to make smaller purchases and not be afraid to not buy things that I know I don’t need. It’s working so far.
It does feel good! More than a week without buying and I still have no desire to buy makeup!


Well-known member
Bought my first red lipstick today -- Brave Red.

Any tips on how to wear the rest of my make-up.

Thank you.
Keep everything else on your face neutral. Let the lips be the focus. Neutrals, browns, golds on the eyes. Neutral blush (like The Perfect Cheek, Tarte Exposed, Nars Madly, etc). Almost think "pin up" makeup (but you could obviously tone down any crazy winged liner). HTH

Enjoy that red lippie beautiful!


Well-known member
Bought my first red lipstick today -- Brave Red.

Any tips on how to wear the rest of my make-up.

Thank you.
Keep everything else on your face neutral. Let the lips be the focus. Neutrals, browns, golds on the eyes. Neutral blush (like The Perfect Cheek, Tarte Exposed, Nars Madly, etc). Almost think "pin up" makeup (but you could obviously tone down any crazy winged liner). HTH

Enjoy that red lippie beautiful!
Thank you Pixie. I never know what to do with eyeliner when I wear a bolder lip -- I look odd without it.


Well-known member
Thank you Pixie. I never know what to do with eyeliner when I wear a bolder lip -- I look odd without it.
Well then rock that black winged liner with the red lip! Very retro pin up glam! I do it all the time. It's not too much at all.


Well-known member
I guess I am always a dissenting voice (my typing sucks more than usual cause I cut my paw).. I would do a red lip, matte or semi matte with a neutral eye but a great deep purple or green liner depending on preference and eye colour. I don't mean pastel colours -- I mean jewel tones.

neutral cheeks, and a tiny bit of highliter on high points of the face .. maybe a the tiniest pop of pink/peach on the highest part of the cheek.




Well-known member
@singer82 - Girl, I'm thinking of you! I hope you are in a better place today and that this week turns out great. I can sense from the way that you write that your struggle feels never ending and that you are trying to 'plod on' (a la @HerGreyness!). Keep on leaning on your friends and family and US for support!!!

@veronikawithak - that comment about your FI having enough horse power to motor boat. I'M DYING!!!!

@PixieDancer- HOT DAMN. That new Avi is INCREDIBLE. We love you so much for your external and your internal beauty - you are so lovely and we are so lucky to 'know' you!

I've had a rough week last week and I'm not sure how this week is shaping up. Our kitty is so, so sick and I think her time is coming soon. I cry about it all the time and we are so, so sad. She keeps being sick and having tummy issues along w/her kidney issues. We've stopped her meds as I think it was making it worse. However, it seems we are still in the same place and she isn't getting better (obviously the kidney issues won't reverse). We feel devastated but aren't sure we can keep on this rollercoaster much longer. We don't want to keep her here for us but we also don't want to let go too soon.
I find I'm getting frustrated with her and that's not good either. It's not her fault. I've been reading about euthinasia and I'm not sure how to tell if it's 'time' or not. Ugh. So depressing.

It's hard when you can't see the end of your frustrations and sadness. It feels scary and very lonely. Sometimes I just feel so overwhelmed, like things will just keep going around and around. I feel like I'm in a hamster wheel and I have no idea how to get out.

I missed you girls a lot last week! I guess some good news is that I haven't purchased too much makeup (bought some from a specktraite!). Returned my Ambient blush and haven't looked backed! I also started working out again! I keep telling myself - let's try to get some momentum!


Well-known member

sending you good thoughts and whatever strength you may need .. I went thru a similar situation with my little one, HisPugness -- he had a seizure and I was informed that he would never ever really recover or be the same again. this was 2 months after my big boy Konan died of his heart condition. I was devastated and all of this after so many other things in my life.. betrayal by someone I thought was a friend, my own cousin ripping me off and so many other things.

one thing a crazy friend (and I do mean crazy, but wise) said: it's no comfort to realize that what we consider our problems, are minimal nuisances as compared to others -- look at people who have terminal cancer, or who have lost a limb.. well, that left me thinking thru my tears.

don't be sad .. just hold on, hang on, and stay strong.. and yes, plod. One foot ahead of the other, plod.



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