Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
Money issues just keeeeep coming. Last night had a table walk out so had to pay the tab. Found out I owe taxes, and my tooth filling decided to fall out so now I have a gaping hole in it. Which I have no dental insurance for. Not sure if I can even buy anything next month now. All these awesome collections at the worst time. I'm just so sick of working my ass off and still struggle. And now have to pay taxes. Sucky when one of your vices in life is makeup. Need to get myself a career. Can't keep doing this. But feels good to know I have a place to go with a wonderful support system here at Specktra! :heart: Enough of my own pity party. I'll stop being such a debby downer... Wore my beloved Restrict Friday and Snapdragon yesterday. I'm loving how this challenge is bringing out some old favorites as well as recent ones.
Big hugs xx Yesterday's lippie was revlon lip butter in wild watermelon, haven't chosen today's yet as I'm still in bed, will be another lip butter though as I am working my way through them to decide which to keep and which to throw out.

Audrey C

Well-known member
Last night had a table walk out so had to pay the tab.
What? Let me get this straight - if a table sneaks out without paying while you're in the kitchen putting in/picking up an order, they expect YOU to pay for it? That doesn't sound right - is it even legal? That would be like saying that a retail employee is responsible for paying for any items shoplifted. My son is working as a cashier in a grocery store and he had someone run out with a small bag of expensive seafood after he rang them up. They're specifically trained not to give chase (he's a fit 6"1" and it was a petite woman so no question that he could have caught her). He called out after her but he's not allowed to leave his cash. He didn't have to pay for the order (I'd have coached him on how to fight it if they'd asked him to). When a teller in a bank is robbed (even without a weapon being shown) s/he is not responsible for paying the money back.

I don't see how they get the right to make a server personally responsible for the criminal actions of a customer that the restaurant admitted. I understand that there's a loss, but a business owner has insurance and is the one who should be bearing the risk of theft - not an hourly paid employee.

It makes me crazy when businesses take advantage of employees this way. I was working retail (for minimum wage) in university and the clothing store I was working for wanted me to arrive 15 minutes early to vacuum and clean and then stay an extra 15 minutes after my shift to close up. I had no problem with that, except that they told me that I wasn't allowed to punch in for that time since I only get paid for my shift itself. I punched in anyway, and when the manager told me that I couldn't I pointed out that she was breaking the Labour Code. She tried to swish that off, so I brought in a copy of it (I minored in Business Law) to show her and told her in no uncertain terms that if the practice continued that I was going to call the Labour Board and report them on behalf of all of the employees who worked there. At a minimum, that would result in retroactive back pay if not fines and penalties. I also pointed out that terminating someone for exercising their rights under the law is seen as a BFD by Labour Board types. She couldn't stand me after that, but I kept my job and hours got paid for the time I worked from then on. Thankfully this happened just a few months before I graduated and found full-time work in my career, so I wasn't there long.

I don't know anything about labour law in the U.S., but it might be worth checking out.


Well-known member
Wore my beloved Restrict Friday and Snapdragon yesterday. I'm loving how this challenge is bringing out some old favorites as well as recent ones.
I agree with @Audrey C, check the labour law where you are.. that sounds extremely sketch to me. A lot of employers will do whatever they can get away with unless you call them out on it.


Well-known member
Wow [@]singer82[/@]! That is so messed up! I own a home decor store and I've never asked an employee to pay for something they broke unintentionally! Its not your fault the table walked out so you shouldn't be held responsible and even worse asked to pay the bill! I am so sorry this is happening to you!


Well-known member
Cute vanity!  I especially love the cartoon face on that bow!  :heart:   I am a sucker for cute toyish happy faces!  ^__^
Thanks ladies! The cute happy face is on all the pieces.. The lipstick, the powder puff etc. She loves it but still rather hold my lipsticks as they fit better in her hand lol


Well-known member
Money issues just keeeeep coming. Last night had a table walk out so had to pay the tab. Found out I owe taxes, and my tooth filling decided to fall out so now I have a gaping hole in it. Which I have no dental insurance for. Not sure if I can even buy anything next month now. All these awesome collections at the worst time. I'm just so sick of working my ass off and still struggle. And now have to pay taxes. Sucky when one of your vices in life is makeup. Need to get myself a career. Can't keep doing this. But feels good to know I have a place to go with a wonderful support system here at Specktra! :heart: Enough of my own pity party. I'll stop being such a debby downer... Wore my beloved Restrict Friday and Snapdragon yesterday. I'm loving how this challenge is bringing out some old favorites as well as recent ones.
I'm having a month like this too. It just won't stop and I'm trying to avoid retail therapy although it's near impossible (for me). I hope things start to pick up for you soon. Just hang in there and it will all turn around soon. I also agree with [@]Audrey C[/@] and the other girls. You shouldn't have to pay a tab on an order that walked out. I'd question it. Good luck! We are here behind you!


Well-known member
Going to take my kids to the St. Patricks Day Parade.. So wearing a basic nude lip. Edited- Day 6: Pure Zen Day 6: Flair for finery with you've got it c/s


Well-known member
@singer82. I'm sorry ur having a sucky week. But don't let that shit bring u down. Use it as fuel to get up and make a change In your life. The thought is there: u said u need a career. You must have have something u love doing and there's gotta be someway to make it profitable. Start ur research and come up with a game plan. Spring into action. Don't let life live you. Live it and embrace it and take it by the horns. Sending u hugs but a quick friendly spank to wake u up. Let me know if you need help building a resume or something. Fk taking crap from people it's time u act and give yourself the job and life you deserve.


Well-known member
I wore nothing today. Today was the last day of spring break
I knew I would be driving for 4 hours and unpacking and it's raining and yucky here. I don't like to wear makeup when traveling.


Well-known member
Same here. Sunday's the day where I clean my brushes.

@mosha - Damn, your new ava looks amazing! Love your eyebrows.

Sending good thoughts and hugs to anyone who's struggeling right now!

@Glitteryvegas: How're you doing? How's your kitten?


Well-known member
Singer... Not cool hun! I agree that your employer should not expect you to cover that loss! That goes to show how little respect he/she has for their workers! And PLEASE don't tell me this is a chain restaurant or I might really freak! That's just dirty and probably illegal... I back AudreyC... Def look into the laws where you live! We are here for you. Just know that right around the corner there are positive experiences to replace these negative ones. "This too shall pass!" And I nominate Mosha for life coach/ motivator of the year!!! I read your post and say "hell YES!" out loud MANY times! Inspiring stuff lady! Thanks!


Well-known member
Lmfao! Life coach of the year!! Hahaha Ty Ty. Oh and I reorganized (rotated ) my lipsticks for the week and ended up putting on heavenly hybrid with huggables 'what a feeling" on top! Ha. I always get tempted hehe so that's my day 4 (or 5?) @sleepingbeauty Ty hun! Those are my own naked bushy brows.. Looking to tone the black down a lil so I'm researching into the Anastasia stuff but idk yet. Very preliminary and will prob hit sephora to try stuff out. I got some good advise from Medgal so I have a starting point. Kisses and happy Sunday lovelies!


Well-known member
@singer82 Stay strong sweetie.. and remember things always look dark before you get to the end of the tunnel.. so hang tough. Mosha has given you great advice!

Lippie of the day

Chanel Enjouee.. pink blush and bronzer -- Lunch at the beach day! Nothng else but some mascara (can't live w/o it)

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