Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Staff member
Day 5 - NARS Satin Lip pencil in Lodhi (lovely colour, I adore the satin lip pencils!)
I wore this today, too, with Revlon Sweet Tart lip butter over the top. (Attempting to hack my way to a pink-coral lip, given I don't have an actual pink-coral lippie in my collection.)
Last night had a table walk out so had to pay the tab.
:shock: That is so effed up. I agree with the others; look into the labour laws where you live. Meanwhile, hang in there. :hug:


Well-known member
Last night had a table walk out so had to pay the tab.
What? Let me get this straight - if a table sneaks out without paying while you're in the kitchen putting in/picking up an order, they expect YOU to pay for it? That doesn't sound right - is it even legal? That would be like saying that a retail employee is responsible for paying for any items shoplifted. My son is working as a cashier in a grocery store and he had someone run out with a small bag of expensive seafood after he rang them up. They're specifically trained not to give chase (he's a fit 6"1" and it was a petite woman so no question that he could have caught her). He called out after her but he's not allowed to leave his cash. He didn't have to pay for the order (I'd have coached him on how to fight it if they'd asked him to). When a teller in a bank is robbed (even without a weapon being shown) s/he is not responsible for paying the money back.

I don't see how they get the right to make a server personally responsible for the criminal actions of a customer that the restaurant admitted. I understand that there's a loss, but a business owner has insurance and is the one who should be bearing the risk of theft - not an hourly paid employee.

It makes me crazy when businesses take advantage of employees this way. I was working retail (for minimum wage) in university and the clothing store I was working for wanted me to arrive 15 minutes early to vacuum and clean and then stay an extra 15 minutes after my shift to close up. I had no problem with that, except that they told me that I wasn't allowed to punch in for that time since I only get paid for my shift itself. I punched in anyway, and when the manager told me that I couldn't I pointed out that she was breaking the Labour Code. She tried to swish that off, so I brought in a copy of it (I minored in Business Law) to show her and told her in no uncertain terms that if the practice continued that I was going to call the Labour Board and report them on behalf of all of the employees who worked there. At a minimum, that would result in retroactive back pay if not fines and penalties. I also pointed out that terminating someone for exercising their rights under the law is seen as a BFD by Labour Board types. She couldn't stand me after that, but I kept my job and hours got paid for the time I worked from then on. Thankfully this happened just a few months before I graduated and found full-time work in my career, so I wasn't there long.

I don't know anything about labour law in the U.S., but it might be worth checking out.
We lived in the US for 10 years. As Canadians it was shocking to us some of the things they can get away with. Like paying servers $2 an hour. Shameful. North Carolina wasn't big on workers rights.


Well-known member
Wore Pink Plaid, and I am thinking subdued tomorrow. I will be at the tax preparer's office, getting ready for the BOHICA treatment. I am hoping the ever-changing Byzantine tax codes would not get us. So now I am rechecking my deductions and taxable income and comparing it to last year's return. I also got Turbo Tax as a forecasting device; do not know if I am doing it right. Is Turbo Tax pretty decent?


Well-known member
Wore Pink Plaid, and I am thinking subdued tomorrow. I will be at the tax preparer's office, getting ready for the BOHICA treatment. I am hoping the ever-changing Byzantine tax codes would not get us. So now I am rechecking my deductions and taxable income and comparing it to last year's return. I also got Turbo Tax as a forecasting device; do not know if I am doing it right. Is Turbo Tax pretty decent?
Hey! I've always wanted to check out pink plaid!!!! How U like it????


Well-known member
2nd makeup purchase of 2014...mac half red lip pencil. I hated paying $16 on a lip pencil but I think I'll get lots of use out of this shade.


Well-known member
I'm losing steam on my drugstore lipstick purge. The idea was that I would wear each one once and decide whether to keep it or toss it. I'm more than halfway through, and I just don't want to finish. I miss my MAC lipsticks. Many of the colors left just don't sound interesting. I'm thinking of giving it one more week and tossing anything that is still left. If I haven't wanted to wear it yet, am I going to miss it? Anyone have any other good ideas for how to wrap up this challenge?


Well-known member
Today I wore Richly Revered csg.

Yesterday, besides Rich Marron, I wore Positively Dashing PLW lipstick in the evening. I only have 2 PLW lipsticks. It's a nice formula. I wish they hadn't gutted the color range. There were a few cute colors that got axed a while back. I wonder if they'll bring in some new shades as part of a color collection, the way they did with Daphne Guinness.


Well-known member
Anyone have any other good ideas for how to wrap up this challenge?
Awwww don't waste time on them if you don't love them. I agree with you... if you had wanted to wear them, you'd be wearing them. And you wouldn't dread continuing your challenge. Makeup challenges should be exciting and kick your creativity in high gear! Makeup should be fun... not a chore! There's enough mundane things in life. I say just let the boring lippies go...


Well-known member
@SleepingBeauty - Hey Lady! Thanks for the shout out! I've been reading for a few days and following along with all the posts, but haven't felt like commenting too much as we had to put our little girl kitty down on Wednesday. It was the hardest day of my life and it was terrible to have to witness, but we couldn't have her be alone when she really needed us. We get her back this week I think and have a little urn for her, all picked out. To say that this week has been shitty would be a huge understatement. Luckily work has been steady so that has kept me busy and my mind off of things. We are grieving together and leaning on each other, so that is the important thing. When our hearts are ready, we will be ready to love again and adopt another senior kitty! I've cried myself to sleep every night so far, so hopefully tonight I'll feel a bit better. This type of grief seems overwhelming and misunderstood by well meaning people. I don't remember feeling this devastated when my grandparents passed and we were close. I think the element of choice is weighing heavily on us too and the fact that animals only love, they don't judge or withhold their love at all, unlike humans. Oh, how we miss her so much - we keep looking for her and expecting her. Sometimes I almost call for her before I remember.

@singer82 - girl, that can't be legal. What a bunch of bull. I worked as a server and when we would have a dine and dash it would be covered by the restaurant. You have had some good advice here about labour laws, etc. Thinking of you girl.

To everyone being successful on your low buys and use it up challenges, Way to Go! I've been trying the 'week product basket' where I'm only using stuff in the basket for one week at a time. Not bad at all!

This funk has kept me out of the stores at least, and I am re-examining many parts of my life. I keep thinking about how much I spend and how I could refocus that onto things that matter to me - like maybe charities to do with animals, for example. How can I give back to the causes that I care about? How can I honour myself and those that I care about in the best possible way? How can I save money for things that really matter, like money for adopting animals in need, for my future, for my education? How I have been frivolous in the past - sometimes it's hard to believe. I feel like I am waking up out of a long stupor.


Well-known member
I'm not in the best financial position and have recently decided my collection is complete, spare a few elusive htf's.... I have always been able to find "one more" item I "need" (I even did it a sentence ago!). I'll pine after something rare and spend too much time, effort or money (or all 3!) to get it, then it's on to the next conquest and the one I just obtained goes unloved, or rarely loved. I don't need anymore, I need to learn to cherish and use the gems I've spent so long (and so much $) collecting. I'm ocd about keeping everything organized and well presented for easy access to everything yet most goes unused. I think I need to try using at least 1 different product each day instead of going with old faithfuls and playing it safe. My challenge is I'm fairly new to makeup at 30 and feel a bit intimidated by my own collection! Lol. Crazy, no?


Well-known member
@Glitteryvegas: I was afraid you were gonna say that.
I'm so, so sorry that you had to make this decision. It was probably the best decision to put her down, though. What would have been left for her if you'd decided to keep her alive? You only saved her from suffering more. I bet your kitty's playing in cat heaven right now, trying to catch the red dot and making a lot of new friends. I'm sending warm hugs and thoughts to you and your partner! Take as much time as you need and don't let anyone tell you different. Some people have no idea what it's like to lose a pet. And maybe some day a new kitten will be lucky to have you as her/his parents! Love to you both and hang on! x

Guys, I must sick or something because I lack motivation to apply makeup every day. I usually change my eyeshadow, lipstick and blush every day and always try something different but I guess you could say last week I had a 'face of the week", not 'face of the day' since I was wearing the same makeup for four days straight and I'm also wearing it now. What the hell is wrong with me?
I'm now wearing Shale on the lid, a mixture between the matte greyish colour and the matte black from Rihanna's autumn palette in the crease, Crew from Hey, Sailor! as a blush, and Burt's Bees Tinted Lipbalm in Pink Blossom over a pink lipliner on the lips. I've decided to try and sell some more stuff; I've put Breezy up for sale (somewhere else, though) and I want to let go of at least for lipsticks (Craving, Lustering, Hue and Speed Dial). I also don't have any interest in buying something new right now. Perfectly happy with what I have at the moment.


Well-known member
I'm not in the best financial position and have recently decided my collection is complete, spare a few elusive htf's.... I have always been able to find "one more" item I "need" (I even did it a sentence ago!). I'll pine after something rare and spend too much time, effort or money (or all 3!) to get it, then it's on to the next conquest and the one I just obtained goes unloved, or rarely loved. I don't need anymore, I need to learn to cherish and use the gems I've spent so long (and so much $) collecting. I'm ocd about keeping everything organized and well presented for easy access to everything yet most goes unused. I think I need to try using at least 1 different product each day instead of going with old faithfuls and playing it safe. My challenge is I'm fairly new to makeup at 30 and feel a bit intimidated by my own collection! Lol. Crazy, no?
That's a beautiful collection! Is break into your house and play w it for hours like a major creep. Juuuusttttt kidden (kinda) So. Maybe you can start a Pinterest idea board of things you want to try, since you certainly have plenty of options and material to work with. Pick a few shadows or products you want to try (specially if you got then and haven't used) and plan it out! Like planning ur wardrobe for next day, plan ur makeup wardrobe! Allocate extra time in the morning to get ready tho (it's easy to have a wild idea and then get lazy in the morning and end up w just lipstick cause u got 5 min to put on ur makeup and go.. Cough cough me...) Don't be Inimidated! They're not quietly judging you!


Well-known member
Day 7: Kat Von D liquid lipstick in Lolita Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! May you all be blessed by a little luck of the Irish!!!


Well-known member
@SleepingBeauty   - Hey Lady! Thanks for the shout out!  I've been reading for a few days and following along with all the posts, but haven't felt like commenting too much as we had to put our little girl kitty down on Wednesday.  It was the hardest day of my life and it was terrible to have to witness, but we couldn't have her be alone when she really needed us.  We get her back this week I think and have a little urn for her, all picked out.  To say that this week has been shitty would be a huge understatement. Luckily work has been steady so that has kept me busy and my mind off of things.  We are grieving together and leaning on each other, so that is the important thing.  When our hearts are ready, we will be ready to love again and adopt another senior kitty!  I've cried myself to sleep every night so far, so hopefully tonight I'll feel a bit better.  This type of grief seems overwhelming and misunderstood by well meaning people.  I don't remember feeling this devastated when my grandparents passed and we were close. I think the element of choice is weighing heavily on us too and the fact that animals only love, they don't judge or withhold their love at all, unlike humans.  Oh, how we miss her so much - we keep looking for her and expecting her. Sometimes I almost call for her before I remember.     @singer82   - girl, that can't be legal. What a bunch of bull. I worked as a server and when we would have a dine and dash it would be covered by the restaurant.  You have had some good advice here about labour laws, etc.  Thinking of you girl.  To everyone being successful on your low buys and use it up challenges, Way to Go!  I've been trying the 'week product basket' where I'm only using stuff in the basket for one week at a time.  Not bad at all!   This funk has kept me out of the stores at least, and I am re-examining many parts of my life.  I keep thinking about how much I spend and how I could refocus that onto things that matter to me - like maybe charities to do with animals, for example.  How can I give back to the causes that I care about?  How can I honour myself and those that I care about in the best possible way?  How can I save money for things that really matter, like money for adopting animals in need, for my future, for my education?  How I have been frivolous in the past - sometimes it's hard to believe.  I feel like I am waking up out of a long stupor.    
I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty. I understand how hard it can be. I lost my puppy last December he was 8.5 to a sudden unexpected heart attack. He had cancer but we never knew. I'm still Not fully recovered as he was my child. My furry adopted baby boy and I will love and miss him forever. In his honor I always donate, do charity or help out for other dogs in need. Sometimes it helps :(
I'm not in the best financial position and have recently decided my collection is complete, spare a few elusive htf's.... I have always been able to find "one more" item I "need" (I even did it a sentence ago!). I'll pine after something rare and spend too much time, effort or money (or all 3!) to get it, then it's on to the next conquest and the one I just obtained goes unloved, or rarely loved. I don't need anymore, I need to learn to cherish and use the gems I've spent so long (and so much $) collecting. I'm ocd about keeping everything organized and well presented for easy access to everything yet most goes unused. I think I need to try using at least 1 different product each day instead of going with old faithfuls and playing it safe. My challenge is I'm fairly new to makeup at 30 and feel a bit intimidated by my own collection! Lol. Crazy, no?
When I started I consumed a lot of new stuff right away too. I found a look I liked and just changed up a product once every few days until I got the hang of it. I agree with [@]mosha010[/@], I would look up on Pinterest or YouTube. Either a color or specific product and see what they did and try to simulate it myself. It's fun!!


Well-known member
Glitteryvegas i was very sad when i had to put my kitkat down in september, as hard as the decision is, you're kitty is now free of pain and will be looking down on you purring :)

sooooo ebay has removed most of my listings because you're not allowed to list used makeup.
i always list them as used in the 'other' category, rather than in the usual way of listing it as new but then writing in the listing that it's actually used.
but it's still not allowed so im kind of stumped with some used makeup, reminds me not to get into this position again of course because you cant count on the reselling of makeup.
luckily ive managed to sell most of my used makeup in the past few weeks on ebay anyway - haha!

thinking about skipping proenza completely?
i like mangrove but i dont need another red, woodrose looks nice but then again, can i live without it? probably


Well-known member
I'm also skipping Proenza entirely. Did that LORAC look today. Amber Lights and Coppering didn't give quite the right color so I added Expensive Pink and it is perfect. Also, the lippie was too pink and too dark so I had to top it with Revlon Coralberry. Overall I like it. :)

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