Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
So many thoughtful and great posts! Thank you all for being you and charing your words and wisdom here.

And in a lighter vein:
@Naynadine, weren't you looking for a hair dryer? Maybe there's something for you in here?
I guess they'd be available via amazon over here?


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by mosha010

I just saw pictures of force of love.

O. M. G. I wanna cry. I wasn't around for this. This lippy is sooooo beautiful.

I think the lippie look pretty as far as the color but I didn't buy it because it was too sheer for me. I think it would have looked quite cute on you.


Well-known member
@naynadine I just got the #1 (revlon one) hair drier on this list. It was $30 bucks. My old hair drier blew it after 10 years yikes! But this one actually cut my drying time in almost half and my hair is so shiny after (ionic!!)


Well-known member
Day 1: L'Oreal Extraordinaire Fushia Drama Day 2: MAC Viva Glam Cyndi Lipstick Day 3: Chanel Coco Rouge Shine in Romantic Day 4: Sleek Matte Me in Brink Pink - this went in the bin after - it is awful! Day 5: Revlon Lip Butter in Wild Watermelon Day 6: Revlon Lip Butter in Sorbet Day 7: Revlon Lip Butter in Sweet Tart Day 8: Revlon Lip Butter in Strawberry Shortcake - this one doesn't work too well on me its going in the disposal bag! I did some reorganising/clearing out on Sunday, I threw some stuff away and took some more products out of my collection. The Lip's challenge is going well, currently working through my revlon lip butters so that I only keep those I truly love. Once I am through with those I am going to try my Bourjois Lipsticks and then my Shu Uemura ones. I also depotted 5 blushes and put in a pro palette, I am still not sure it was wise but i wasn't using them enough and I think this may help. I depotted Immortal Flower, Lovecloud, Pink Swoon, Personal Style, and X Rocks. I was treated to a frankly scarlet pro pan from MAC by my friend who I let have a free for all in my unwanted section of my stash, this was my thank you present. I am discovering that lipstiks with shimmer/glitter make my lips sore/dry so I wan't to test that theory out properly and take those formulas out of my collection. i also am discovering that I am loving neutral eyes and bright lips at the moment, it will be interesting to see what happens when i get to some of the neutral lippies! I have sold some more bits on ebay too and I am close to finishing my foundation and concealer, so making a concentrated effort to finish those up this month. My moisturiser stopped pumping on saturday and its sealed so that had to go in my used up pile. I am using my mini strobe cream as moisturiser in the morning at the moment as there isn't much left, I am worried about it going off, and it is helping me dilute/use up a full coverage foundation which isn;t the best formula on me, so thats a win win situation. Using stuff up is definitely having the desired effect, I am getting better at reapplying lippies during the day and I find finishing something motviating where as I used to dread finishing something up! I managed to resist buying 3 new revlon super lusterous lipsticks at the weekend which made me happy, finally some will power has emerged! Now going back to re-read the last 65 posts as I am behind!


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by Glitteryvegas

@SleepingBeauty - Hey Lady! Thanks for the shout out! I've been reading for a few days and following along with all the posts, but haven't felt like commenting too much as we had to put our little girl kitty down on Wednesday. It was the hardest day of my life and it was terrible to have to witness, but we couldn't have her be alone when she really needed us. We get her back this week I think and have a little urn for her, all picked out. To say that this week has been shitty would be a huge understatement. Luckily work has been steady so that has kept me busy and my mind off of things. We are grieving together and leaning on each other, so that is the important thing. When our hearts are ready, we will be ready to love again and adopt another senior kitty! I've cried myself to sleep every night so far, so hopefully tonight I'll feel a bit better. This type of grief seems overwhelming and misunderstood by well meaning people. I don't remember feeling this devastated when my grandparents passed and we were close. I think the element of choice is weighing heavily on us too and the fact that animals only love, they don't judge or withhold their love at all, unlike humans. Oh, how we miss her so much - we keep looking for her and expecting her. Sometimes I almost call for her before I remember.
i am so sorry to hear about your kitty! My heart goes out to you, a brave descision, she will be watching over you now xx


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by kerry-jane88

Ebay goes through phases of doing this.....suggest you leave it a while and then try again. It certainly stops me from buying so much. Most of the stuff i am currently clearing out is brand new. The only used listing is nail polish, but the large majority is brand new so hoping it will slip through!


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by shellygrrl

There's a thread in Chatter.

Having just read this I feel very humbled... I will be joining the wearing it pink crew on Friday as a mark of my respect x


Well-known member
Day 7. Spice. Lips lined with subcultured. And bit of spice gloss in the center. Big Beauty buy of march accomplished: I hauled the electric palette. Been wanting it, I love using brights and doing a thorough analysis of my stash I dod have similar colors but in matte form. So I can already anticipate "mating" my Mac shadows w some of the ones on this palette for some cool summer looks. Yea right summer. I'm wearing this as soon as it arrives in the mail!


Well-known member
Some know her as Steven Tyler's girl but she did have her own career and was an awesome lady. Very sad to hear what happened.


Well-known member
Oh wow. That's sad. I hate to say that I know several people who have taken their lives. You never know what demons folks are battling. I'm going to look her up. On a lighter note, today's lip is Eden Rouge. The hubs and I are doing much better. He read my email to him several times to digest it and we had a good conversation. That's the man I know and love. Thanks for the support, ladies. You all are a godsend.


Well-known member
Oh wow. That's sad. I hate to say that I know several people who have taken their lives. You never know what demons folks are battling. I'm going to look her up. On a lighter note, today's lip is Eden Rouge. The hubs and I are doing much better. He read my email to him several times to digest it and we had a good conversation. That's the man I know and love. Thanks for the support, ladies. You all are a godsend.
Yayyyyy!!! Good. Sometimes it takes balls and love to take the first step but never let ur pride take the best of you! Go get ur man! And rock that lippy!

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