Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


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Yes, stubborn indeed. I'm glad your dad is OK!  Thanks, girls :) So sorry to hear about your dad and that you couldn't say goodbye. :support: My dad is a bladder cancer survivor and my grandma had a very long battle with it before she died from it. I never said goodbye to her, even though she lived next door. I have horrible regrets, especially that I didn't even go to her funeral. I was 14 and immature and couldn't really handle the whole situation. I defnitely agree with you about making sure to not have regrets. On a lighter note, not sure if I mentioned yet, but I was able to win an auction for a Estee Lauder lip pencil for just 1 Euro. Now that's the kind of prices I like, lol. So I finally have a lip pencil and don't have to buy the Chanel one that was tempting me forever.
My dad has good days and bad days. We've been struggling lately getting him on a new Leukemia medication, as his first one started to not work and became too toxic for his system. His poor hands swelled up like the elephant man and he had horrible rashes up and down both arms! But he's a trooper and we go to every doctors appt together. I want him to know how much I care about his health! As for you... 14 is really young to experience a close loss. I'm sure your grandma understood that. Try to make peace with the mistakes in your past. We have all made them, and they don't need to follow you around for the rest of your life. You're in my thoughts sweetie! Keep us all posted on how your dad is doing.


Well-known member
Kiki, I'm obsessed with Dim and Luminous I use one every day that I wear makeup. Dim is the bomb because it's matte and Luminous adds that extra umph plus sometimes I set my under eye concealer with Dim, hope that helped. I have Radiant too which I also love but putting a 3rd one in rotation would be too much, may be next month.


Well-known member
Thank you for sharing this story! Everything you said hits so close to home for me! Hearing you speak about your dad... It's obvious you loved him very much! I'm sure he would be heartbroken to know you are carrying around these thoughts and guilt. Try to make peace with it when you can. Your dad knew you loved him and is most certainly looking out for you now. Bless you doll!
Thank you! I had thought that I was doing really well getting past it until I read Naynadine's post. That made the tears come back. I like to think that he is able to hear me when I talk to him. The last night. That he was in the hospital I was able to have some time alone with him. They had taken him off of the ventilator, etc., so I kept wetting his mouth for him and putting balm on his lips. I hope on some level he could feel that and hear me talking to him. He was pretty grumpy the last 9 months of his life, so it was hard to know what to say to him. But I hope he knew that I loved him a lot. I have photos and nice memories from a time he came to California to visit. It was just him and I. Those are the memories I hold onto, and try not to think of his death too often. I think of make up and clothes to make me feel better!


Well-known member
Yes, stubborn indeed. I'm glad your dad is OK!  Thanks, girls :) So sorry to hear about your dad and that you couldn't say goodbye. :support: My dad is a bladder cancer survivor and my grandma had a very long battle with it before she died from it. I never said goodbye to her, even though she lived next door. I have horrible regrets, especially that I didn't even go to her funeral. I was 14 and immature and couldn't really handle the whole situation. I defnitely agree with you about making sure to not have regrets. On a lighter note, not sure if I mentioned yet, but I was able to win an auction for a Estee Lauder lip pencil for just 1 Euro. Now that's the kind of prices I like, lol. So I finally have a lip pencil and don't have to buy the Chanel one that was tempting me forever.
Wow, I've never known anyone else who had bladder cancer. My Grandma died from it, also, but I was much older than you. Fourteen is really too young to be able to deal well with death, especially a Grandparent. You did the best that you could at that time. I'm sure that your grandmother understood. I'm glad that your Dad survived the bladder cancer. I actually had it before my Dad did, but mine was not invasive, so they were able to remove it surgically. By the time they figured out what my Dad had, it had grown into his muscle wall and several other places. He was like your father and didn't like to fuss about things or go to the Dr. Unless he had to. Keep us posted about your Dad. I hope he feels better very soon. And congrats on winning the Estée Luader pencil!


Well-known member
I think of make up and clothes to make me feel better!


Well-known member
Lots of hugs to everyone

Today was Viva Glam Nicki 1. Also, I got an original Stereo Rose off the CB and wore it today, it's a tad warm for me but I really really like it.


Well-known member
Nayadine, sorry to hear about your Dad. That sounds scary. I lost my Dad this past September to cancer. He had surgery last Feb and we thought they had gotten all of it (they removed his entire bladder). He went for a checkup in July and they told him it had spread. He started radiation and he wanted us to wait to visit until he was done and got his strength back (he lives a few states away). He never did get his strength back, though. He had a hard time breathing one day so he went to the E.R. I flew down to be there, hoping to talk to him, but they had sedated him. They stopped the sedation but he never woke up. I feel so bad that I didn't get to visit with him before he died. My stepmom had them turn off his pacemaker and all of the IV's, etc. we had no input on any decisions at all, which was hard (in fact she got upset when I asked if I could be there when the Dr. Gave us his prognosis. She told me IF she decided I could be there, that I could not say a word.) No funeral, no momento's, nothing. Sorry to post such a sad post, but everyone should go visit loved ones when they are sick, because you never know. I put off making the trip while I waited for my sister to decide when she could go. That was a big mistake that cost me my last visit whole my Dad was awake. Don't make my mistake, anyone! Make sure you have no regrets, if possible.
That story is crazy! How can your stepmom prevent his kids from being around for the prognosis? And why was there no funeral? That's horrendous. Sorry to read this.


Well-known member
[@]burghchick [/@]stay strong losing someone close is a hurt that's unbearable trust me I know time heals all wounds u are in my prays


Well-known member
That story is crazy! How can your stepmom prevent his kids from being around for the prognosis? And why was there no funeral? That's horrendous. Sorry to read this.
I was very surprised by my Stepmom and so was my Dad's nurse. The nurse was the one who told me that we should all be there when the Dr. came. My stepmom wasn't there at the time, so when she came back I told her that I'd like to be there to hear what the doc said. I felt like my stepmom was rushing things. He went in Friday night and they incubated him, and on Sunday shortly after my sister and I got there, she said that when he came off sedation she was going to tell him "we're done." I was taken aback. I thought we should at last tell him the prognosis and let him decide. She is 13 years younger than him and I wondered if she didn't want to take care of him. And then she told me that she didn't want me asking the Dr. Questions or anything. It was all strange. I got upset about what she told me, although I didn't say anything to her. But when I told my sister and brother it upset me, they got angry at me! They said, "you asked if you could come and she said "no." That's your answer, you shouldn't be mad." Neither of them wanted to talk to the Dr. They don't like any "negative" emotions and avoid anything that might upset them if they can. My stepmom told me that in the weeks before my Dad died, I was the only one who was calling to talk to him. I assumed that they didn't want to think about losing him, but geez! You put your pain aside so you can be there for them. Once he died my stepmom said he didn't want her to spend the money on a funeral. I had never heard him say he wanted cremated, but he didn't talk to me about that kind of thing. Although he had always told me that funerals were for the people left behind, to help them have closure. My stepmom did bring some of his ashes up here (where both she and my Dad are from), and she had a small get-together just for family. We didn't have any input about that, either. I realized that I'd just have to do my grieving in private and in my own way. But it's hard to forget the way things happened. I did ask to have a sweater or something of his, but i haven't gotten anything. I have a hard time getting past my sister and brother not seeing my side of things, either. My sister has never been close with my stepmom yet she still defended her and got angry at ME. Sorry for the long personal post, guys. I'm done and will stick to make-up topics now!


Well-known member
Girl, that's horrible. They all owe you an apology, but don't wait for it. Continue to talk to your father and mourn and heal and take care of yourself. He knows you loved him. You were there when it counted-when he was alive. Don't have any regrets. You did your absolute best. Thanks for sharing. I know that was difficult. We are hear to "listen" if you feel like "talking" about it again.


Well-known member
Girl, that's horrible. They all owe you an apology, but don't wait for it. Continue to talk to your father and mourn and heal and take care of yourself. He knows you loved him. You were there when it counted-when he was alive. Don't have any regrets. You did your absolute best. Thanks for sharing. I know that was difficult. We are hear to "listen" if you feel like "talking" about it again.
Thanks so much! I haven't talked about it much since it happened. My mother has been bitter about my Dad for 28 years now, so I can't even mention him to her. Obviously can't talk to the rest of my family, either. It's nice to have someone see my point of view. You are right, what's most important is the time we spent with them when they were alive. :heart:


Well-known member
Thanks so much! I haven't talked about it much since it happened. My mother has been bitter about my Dad for 28 years now, so I can't even mention him to her. Obviously can't talk to the rest of my family, either. It's nice to have someone see my point of view. You are right, what's most important is the time we spent with them when they were alive.
I'm so sorry to hear that you've struggled through this alone. I'm sure it's made the grieving process MUCH harder for you. But sometimes just getting it off your chest... even to "strangers" on a makeup board... can help so much! I'm sending some extra prayers up for you tonight sweetie! Time really DOES heal all wounds. Things will get better.


Well-known member
Kiki, I'm obsessed with Dim and Luminous I use one every day that I wear makeup. Dim is the bomb because it's matte and Luminous adds that extra umph plus sometimes I set my under eye concealer with Dim, hope that helped. I have Radiant too which I also love but putting a 3rd one in rotation would be too much, may be next month.
What does Dim do? Especially under the eyes?

I just realized a downfall to this challenge. I'm kinda interested in some of the lippies you all have posted that I don't have. :)


Well-known member
Wonderful sentiments... My Grandmothers have both been gone for years. I was close to both of them. I "talk" to them often! And it really does make me feel better when I am missing them! Like they are calming me and letting me know they love me.  And YES we are here for you @burghchick ! I'm so sorry to hear that you've struggled through this alone. I'm sure it's made the grieving process MUCH harder for you. But sometimes just getting it off your chest... even to "strangers" on a makeup board... can help so much! I'm sending some extra prayers up for you tonight sweetie! Time really DOES heal all wounds. Things will get better.
You guys are so sweet! I so appreciate your kind words. Maybe if I let myself feel some of these things I'll quit spending so much money to make myself feel better! Sometimes "strangers" are the best people to talk to.


Well-known member
Day 1: L'Oreal Extraordinaire Fushia Drama - A tad to bright/blue toned and very much a statement - great on days where my clothes are really classic and I want a statement, i like the formula it is staying. Day 2: MAC Viva Glam Cyndi Lipstick - I don't wear this enough but I like it, going to keep for now and try to use more often. Day 3: Chanel Coco Rouge Shine in Romantic - An HG lippie, the perfect pink, bright enough to lift my face and give me colour without be over the top for work. This isn't that far from being finished and I wanted to repurchase, but only once i have been through all of my lippies and made sure I don't have anything like it. Day 4: Sleek Matte Me in Brink Pink - this went in the bin after - it is awful! It was too fluro for me and too drying I wiped it off before I even got to work! Day 5: Revlon Lip Butter in Wild Watermelon - I like this colour its a nice cross over, not too pink, not too red and not too orange. i like that it has no glitter and its a nice summer bright - keep pile Day 6: Revlon Lip Butter in Sorbet - LOVE, again a cream formula, no glitter/sparkle but nice and juicy looking, good staying power and leaves a nice stain. Keeping it! Day 7: Revlon Lip Butter in Sweet Tart - A more toned down version of Sorbet - again a nice cream, enjoyed wearing this, keeping it! Day 8: Revlon Lip Butter in Strawberry Shortcake - this one doesn't work too well on me its going in the disposal bag! The formula is again a cream, but its less juicy and more opaque, it clings to my dry bits in a way Sorbet and Sweet tart don't, also the colour is too baby pink with too much white in it, I don't think this works for me anymore, I prefer stronger colours with less white - this has gone in my disposal bag! Day 9: Revlon Lip Butter in Macaroon - this was my favorite originally, but now I think i prefer Sorbet and Sweet Tart ? I think it is a lovely colour, but this one has glitter in it, at the moment its staying, but tempted to move it to the disposal bag. A wait and see shade. Day 10: Revlon Lip Butter in Candy Apple - this is a stayer, again a clear juicy lip butter with no glitter, a very wearable red. its a a Keep. Day 11: Revlon Lip Butter in Tutti Frutti - think this might be leaving, lovely formula just don't think the colour works on me :-( The orange just doesn't look that amazing on my skin tone, i want to love it but i don't, its in the dispose bag. Day 12: L'Oreal Extraordinaire Rose Symphony for a girls shopping day - swapped for Chanel Rouge Allure Laque in 707 empire for a date! The L'Oreal is a good every day colour, staying in the keep pile, these are lovely opaque glosses that leave a slight stain, nice than the YSL glossy stains in my opinion. The Chanel is a favourite formula of mine, wish they hadn't discontinued it. I have been rationing this, but now I am not going too, i love it and should use it more. Day 13: Bourjois Shine Edition in Famous Fushia - hot pink, my favourite colour at the moment - not sure this is as good as Revlon Sorbet though ? Not sure if the formula of these are as good as the Revlon lip butters ? its a keep for the moment, but once the 30 days are up I intend to play it off against Sorbet and only keep the best one! Day 14: Revlon Lip Butter in Juicy Papaya My last lip butter! definately a better colour on me that Tutti Fruiti so I may keep this as a peachy lip option! After a Full day of wear I am now not so sure....thinking this can go peach and orange don't seem to be my colours! Day 15: Bourjois Shine Edition in 21 Rouge Making of - a gorgeous orange toned red, no glitter/shimmer I love it....more than Candy Apple from Day 10: its less muted but still wearable. Hmmm, I may give these too a face off along with Revlon LB in Sorbet and BSE in Famous Fushia. Day 16: L'Oreal Extraordinaire Molto Mauve - wearing exactly the same make up as yesterday apart from the lippie! Really busy at work so will catch up on the last 2 pages at the weekend when I have time, but I hope everyone is ok ? Sending Big hugs to those who are having a tough time right now. I also realised thay I think the Bourjois shine editions are more drying on me compared to the Revlon Lip Butters, they might be going as I definitely get a deterioration in the condition of my lips on the days I wore these. Something I definitely don't get with the L'Oreal Extraordinaire Lip colours for sure.


Well-known member
And day 13 : impassioned. I will catch up on the thread after I get out of the train. I keep getting lost on the numbers so this is prob 14...


Well-known member
@burghchick I'm sorry this happened. But I'm sure his soul hears yours. I believe in talking to your dead and letting them know how you feel. Don't let anyone tell you he's just gone. Whatever religious beliefs people may have (and I don't Intend to talk about that since it's a way personal matter and I refuse to open that can) our souls do have louder voices and stay somehow connected to who we care about. Sounds crazy but somethig similar happened w my dad when he passed but I feel him at times and sometimes there's signs that he's looking over me. And I was the first one not to believe those "stories". So talk to him and grieve. Nobody can take that away from u


Well-known member
I can't believe I waited years to get Fan Fare -- it's gorgeous!

Since I'm on a low buy I'd like to avoid buying another lip liner. Any suggestions?

Thank you

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