UK Release Dates Discussion - All Brands Welcome!


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Ooh, look at all the pretties!


Well-known member
Ooh, look at all the pretties!
I've never once played with glitter, but I'm glad these are permanent so I don't have to rush buy them. I like the look of having a silver/platinum one and black. I'll have to get a glitter-glue type thing to use along side it as well I suppose!


Well-known member
I know it's not mac related but I love Space NK and they have a brilliant offer at the minute, spend £40 and get £10 off. They do Nars which is my joint fav brand :)


Well-known member
From first swatches:  Moondust (quite unique), Pixie Dust (really unique), Mermaid (gorgeous), Unexpected (matte2 texture), Graphite, Corrupt (really epic black but not necessary if you don't NEED an awesome black). Honestly though, the only two that I found that aren't as smooth as butter are Appletini and Simply Marlena.  They're still nicely pigmented, but they're not as soft as butter to the touch like the others.  They are all really nice though.
Thanks :) Will definitely pick up the ones you've mentioned :) heard a lot about 'corrupt' and it being the richest black shadow people have ever come across not that I need another black but I think I need that too just to see what the fuss is about ...


Well-known member
From first swatches:  Moondust (quite unique), Pixie Dust (really unique), Mermaid (gorgeous), Unexpected (matte2 texture), Graphite, Corrupt (really epic black but not necessary if you don't NEED an awesome black). Honestly though, the only two that I found that aren't as smooth as butter are Appletini and Simply Marlena.  They're still nicely pigmented, but they're not as soft as butter to the touch like the others.  They are all really nice though.
Thanks :) Will definitely pick up the ones you've mentioned :) heard a lot about 'corrupt' and it being the richest black shadow people have ever come across not that I need another black but I think I need that too just to see what the fuss is about ...
I only got Corrupt because it came in the palette. I'm extremely indecisive and couldn't figure out what ones to order so went with their ultimate palette so I didn't have to choose, lol. I'll try to remember to take another look tomorrow to see if there's any else you should definitely look at.


Well-known member
Will definitely pick up the ones you've mentioned
heard a lot about 'corrupt' and it being the richest black shadow people have ever come across not that I need another black but I think I need that too just to see what the fuss is about ...
Some of my personal favourites apart from the ones Caitlin mentioned are country girl, burlesque, bada-bing, sensuous and razzleberry. The neutrals are all very nice staple shades and to be honest whichever colours you pick it's highly unlikely you'll be disappointed :) Moondust is a must have though it's like all the best bits from mac satin taupe and patina combined


Well-known member
I nipped into my MAC counter today to buy a lipstick (I got Bold Spring, which looks gorgeous), and I asked them about which collections we're getting when. They said that Playland has been pushed back here, probably to June, but we're getting Alluring Aquatics next month (yay!). They also said something about the new brow stuff. From the glimpse I caught of the book, it looked like Maleficent is going to be next month as well (but not 100% sure of that).

Although I'm usually relentlessly optimistic about MAC collections, I'm not that interested in Maleficent. Although it's a pity that Playland has been moved back, I'm not that sorry if it leaves me more money to spend on Alluring Aquatics.


Well-known member
I nipped into my MAC counter today to buy a lipstick (I got Bold Spring, which looks gorgeous), and I asked them about which collections we're getting when. They said that Playland has been pushed back here, probably to June, but we're getting Alluring Aquatics next month (yay!). They also said something about the new brow stuff. From the glimpse I caught of the book, it looked like Maleficent is going to be next month as well (but not 100% sure of that).

Although I'm usually relentlessly optimistic about MAC collections, I'm not that interested in Maleficent. Although it's a pity that Playland has been moved back, I'm not that sorry if it leaves me more money to spend on Alluring Aquatics.
Yay! Thank you!


Well-known member
Hi girls I'm from the uk and always have mac collections etc shipped over to here from my friend in Texas I have never got a custom charge Oh accept with about four polishes from the USA from a indie brand Which was 12.00 I think on top I'm always ok with my make up And that's the only one customs I got last year for my polishes I sent polishes twice now to Belgium. Last week and week before Got there safely No destroys sent second recorded I find most stuff gets through if recorded I don't know why :). The limit is four polishes in uk to be sent to uk I always send recorded second Well wrapped up then in a plastic sandwich bag then taped up again :) When I send abroad I stuff aload of chocolate and sweets in there x:) Hope that helps x


Well-known member
Hi my friend stil needs to ship my patent pencils from mac cannot wait And been waiting to order the playland collection Even though the dates been pushed bk :( I'm waiting for the aqua collection too I ordered a cheek pallete and two lots of inserts Cost me next to nothing Er here it would of cost me 26.00 uk pounds rip off Where as mac USA I paid 15.00 I think it worked out too Those lippy are 20 dollars Which is about 12 pounds something Where as here I reckon they would sell for what 18.00 pounds But I could be wrong :)


Well-known member
Attempting to work out prices for my list (this'll be my first time buying anything in LE packaging!) - what is the general price increase?


Well-known member
I paid 2 dollars for a 6 insert pallete blush And I bought two of them so 4 dollars And a pro pallete large for 8 dollars And a blush for 17 dollars All from mac Which cost about 32 dollars with tax =About 21.00 uk pounds Here it would of been more I will get you prices off everything 6.50 x 2 = 13.00 alone for the blush inserts x2 lol madness where as in USA it's 4 dollars for two Pro pallete large is 18 uk pounds x1 Which is in USA it's 8 dollars And a blush is pro pallete which I bought 15.00 uk pounds Where as USA is 17 dollars Anyhow uk is a rip off like we all know My spend on the USA web mac site was 32 dollars including tax= 21.00 uk pounds And mac here same products a great big whopping 45.50 Piss take


Well-known member
If it wasn't for my friend in the USA I wouldn't have a pallette on way to me Only if we went bk on our holidays :) We go FL every year from 2001 But haven't been last year as got married and went Maldives :)


Well-known member
Def not a extra pound or two lol :( unfortanltly I have just done the maths And it's a big difference But then even though we pay lots of tax Hubby says we quite lucky on our health care as in the USA u need medical insurance for hospital where as we don't pay for it Upto us if we pay for private :) Anyhow the difference is at least 20.00 or more I know I have to pay shipping But that be about 16 dollars Which still isn't alot I prob saved 15.00 quid or 18 which us quite abit But then saying that my friend has alot of goodies to ship to me still So if one package goes into another Then that's good too


Well-known member
Americas dirt cheap and I don't like the uk lol We wanna live in the states I want hubby to transfer from heathrow with ba To ba Miami or Orlando airport :) Woohoo xx

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