MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)


Well-known member
Hopefully Goddess of the Sea doesn't look like Private Party on me! That lippie come off on me as a grandma color lol it just didn't work!


Well-known member
Well, it looks like I might be getting some lipsticks after all. Mytsical, Enchanted One and Goddess of the Sea all look good to me right now. So, those along with the compact is my tentative list.

Miss Dynamite

Well-known member
Screw it, I'll just take everything but the regular bronzers, Enchanted One, Peachstock, and the brown eyeshadow. Might get backups of a couple things too. Still wishing there would have been a bright teal eyeshadow though, and a pink gold.


Well-known member
Screw it, I'll just take everything but the regular bronzers, Enchanted One, Peachstock, and the brown eyeshadow. Might get backups of a couple things too. Still wishing there would have been a bright teal eyeshadow though, and a pink gold.
Moody Blooms have something similar to those, but it would be awesome having those in this packaging.


Well-known member
I'm too tired/too doped up on my pain meds to scroll back but Sea Me, Hear Me I think is quite unique to my collection. Is this similar to anything from past collections?


Well-known member
I will never forget when my brother told me mermaids didn't exsist so I couldn't be one lol I was like seven. I was arguing with him lol
Awwww meany pants! That reminds me of when we were younger my parents broke the news to my younger brother that there was no Santa Claus! So he turns around and tells me younger sister which was like 5 at the time that there was no SA! Totally ruined her childhood!

Dolly Snow

Awwww meany pants! That reminds me of when we were younger my parents broke the news to my younger brother that there was no Santa Claus! So he turns around and tells me younger sister which was like 5 at the time that there was no SA! Totally ruined her childhood!


Well-known member
Ok serious question time ladies: would it be bad to ask for no flowers or perfumes or roses for Mothers Day and instead give me some MAC gift cards?...