Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
I have been eyeing the small lipglasses too since I know that their shelf life is not as long and these are the perfect size! I have pink lemonade in my Mac basket--still considering though!
I have NO idea how I've never had Pink Lemonade lipglass! It's been on my list FOREVER... seriously, like YEARS!! I just have WAY too many lipglosses to go through before I could consider buying anymore. Even though I REALLY wanted 1 or 2 from AA... I'm skipping!
But if and when I allow myself a lipglass purchase, these minis ARE perfect! And you're right... they won't have time to go bad! I like that MAC has decided to offer these sizes in lipglasses and pigments. If they sell well, hopefully they'll expand the color selections.


Well-known member
"30 Lipsticks In 30 Days" Challenge - Cycle 2
"30 Eyeshadows In 30 Days Challenge"

Day 1: MAC Sheen Supreme in Bare Again w/ NYX Mauve Lip Pencil
Jete Eyeshadow
Day 2: MAC Sushi Kiss w/ MAC Lasting Sensation Lip Pencil & Fold And Tuck Lipglass
Loreal Infallible Eyeshadow in Amber Rush
Day 3: MAC Huggable Lipcolour in Fresh & Frisky (THANKS @Debbs! I LOVE IT!!) w/ MAC Have to Have It Lip Pencil
Make Up For Ever Aqua Cream #15 as a base w/ Sable
Day 4: MAC Viva Glam II Lipstick w/ MAC Underage Lipglass
Urban Decay Eyeshadows in Vigin, Naked, and Sin
Day 5: Revlon Colorburst Lacquer Balm in Vivacious
Loreal Infallible Eyeshadow in Tender Caramel
Day 6: MAC Sail La Vie w/ MAC Lasting Sensation Lip Pencil
MAC Eyeshadows: Shroom, Texture, & Beautyburst
Day 7: MAC Hibiscus w/ MAC Lasting Sensation
Anastasia Lavish Palette: Cream, Ballet, Orange Soda, Sienna
Day 8: MAC Mineralize Lipstick Bold Spring w/ MAC Just Wonderful Lip Pencil
No Eyeshadow today - just a wash of Orb from lid to browbone & LOTS of mascara
Day 9: MAC Daddy's Little Girl w/ MAC Just Wonderful Lip Pencil
Too Faced Heaven & Push-up (shades from Natural Eyes Palette)
Day 10: MAC Kinda Sexy (B2M'd for this yesterday!) w/ MAC Dervish Lip Pencil
MAC Eyeshadows: Next To Nothing, Dark Edge, & Tempting (from MAC's Tempting Quad)


Well-known member
Been thinking about pulling the trigger on some of MAC's sized to go pigments for the past week or so.. Thoughts? I have 2 of the regular sized ones that I've been using a lot but I don't think I'll buy any others since there's so much product to go through. Minis seem like a great option to try some more colors.
They're pretty much the same size as the ones you get in the holiday kits and I like that size. However, you obviously get a better deal at Christmas because a kit of five cost $38.50 Cdn this past holiday season even if it was a mix of pigments and glitters. However, I suppose $12 Cdn is better than paying full price if you know it takes ages to go through a jar and they do contain a little bit more (2.5g) than half the capacity of a full jar (4.5g).


Well-known member
@Audrey C, @Glitteryvegas, @lipstickaddict, @PixieDancer & @DMcG9 thanks so much for the input! Wanted to keep myself on the rails since I've been doing well with things for the past few weeks.

I do have full size pigments in Rose and Melon (new jars) and I do use them regularly. I've been wanting to try some others forever.. but the amount & price stopped me since I still have so much of them left. I know you can get samples but I think I'd prefer to have them in the new mini form.

Minis seem like the way to go; I don't think many people finish pigment jars. I don't want to start on another category, so I'm not going to get any. Do you wear the pigments you have?
I pruned a bunch again yesterday; anything I didn't already swap or sell is being BTM this afternoon. Feels good to be getting it out of the house so it's actually GONE. We spend hours going through the garage/closets and have a full van for the dump and seven garbage bags of clothes for Value Village.

Garage sale planned for May two-four weekend. Listing bikes & more valuable toys/equipment on Kijiji over the next few days.

LOVE the decluttering!! Good riddance!


Well-known member
I'm sure half of my pigments are samples from the counter. I probably won't even get through those. I love the idea of minis but I already have the ones they are offering. :(


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[@]Debbs[/@]HUGS! Today's face is Naked 2, Milani Luminoso, and a Tarte lip creme in a name I can't recall. I like the formula but the color isn't a stand-out. I'm thinking it will go in the toss pile but it looks similar to Mystical from AA so I want to keep it until AA launches to compare in person.


Well-known member
I finished my first Paint Pot ever - down to the last drop! Feels pretty good since they have so much product in them.. Onto the new one! Hopefully I'll be able to finish a few other things this summer and consolidate things.


Well-known member
It's so satisfying finishing products! I have two eyeshadows I'm close to finishing (might work on getting through them actually): MAC Omega, which I use for my eyebrows every day, and the other one is a Revlon single in Nude Slip, which it looks like has been discontinued, which is disappointing because it's something I would absolutely repurchase.


Well-known member
I've finished some lipsticks (Venus, VG Cindy and Revlon's Berry Smoothie)and Satin Taupe e/s apart from everyday staples like MSFN etc. Its so hard finishing one product lol!

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
I finished my first Paint Pot ever - down to the last drop! Feels pretty good since they have so much product in them.. Onto the new one! Hopefully I'll be able to finish a few other things this summer and consolidate things.
Yay! Feels good to finish a product, you know your getting your moneys worth.


Specktra Bestie
Hey ladies! Since it's getting so much participation here, I thought it might be nice to create a thread in the "Challenges" forum for the 30 lips/ eyes in 30 days. Please feel free to copy your results if you'd like, or start fresh with a new list... Here's the location:


Well-known member
I will admit that have committed anti-low buy acts however several members have been really thoughtful and generous to me. I have received several unexpected offers and gifts without any obligation for repayment. Sometimes I really get a bit "lost" when I can't keep up with the thread. I honestly am unaware of the flow, the conversations, accomplishments, achievements, crisis, hurt and pain etc. I do admit that not processing what's happening, confusion, frustration and lack of direction causes me to wander away a bit. I am not buying tons. I haven't bought from any Mac collections this year except for Sultana lip pencil. Low buy sales are mostly derived from blog sales and those are well-thought out, budgeted and executed. I am more focused on having quality pieces versus tons of sub-par items that I am dissatified with. I cleared out a lot since Dec 2013 to now. I have bought items from other brands while planning what I am skipping like the recent Proenza blushes. I try to keep my word to myself as if I cannot be honest with myself I cannot be trusted to be honest with others as well. I have gifted, swapped, gifted, swapped to my heart's content and even discontent to be able to bring others joy and happiness. I will not make excuses for a lot of my splurges however I will acknowledge that I was a very self-deprived person for the last 4 years. I was in a marriage during which I held down the home, paid all the bills and expenses. I have worked 12 hours dayshifts, 12 hours nightshifts, every available overtime shifts, moon-lighting at other facilities etc. This week I went through a few more items and a friend of ours was going to Jamaica yesterday so I was able to send my sister in Jamaica a few beauty and skincare items. I allowed myself to pick up Marc Jacobs Daisy "Delight" Perfume and the newer subtle Prada Candy in the peach packaging. I had skipped the Prada perfume in December because I wanted to finish a few other bottles first and was also waiting ideally for it to be available as a set for the value. I sent my sister 4 perfumes and had finished 2 to allow myself to get those. I sent her some lipglosses that are more low key and ideal for the islands were they are mostly Christians and very tone downed. Impossible Sweet, Soul Serenade, Comfort and Joy, Flash of Flash, Pleasure Principle and a few others were sent to her. They are nice layered over lipsticks but on me they are just shine without much color (vaseline with sparkles, lol). I allowed myself to gift a few items generally to justify a replacement. I will say sending 5 plus glosses for my sister allowed me to get Gloss Inerdit Givenchy Velvet Purple #15. It is one of the best purple lipglosses that I have come across in a long while. I do not wear lipsticks really, mostly gloss except for the TR dazzles. Saturday I did buy a purple beauty blender sponge as it was a nice new addition to all the pinks and the BB sponge that I was using was getting a bit old. My mom washed and cleaned the one i was going to discard and is enjoying using it. I honestly don't have a answer for everything I have done and gone overboard and bought. I know several of us were low buying really long before there was ever a low buy thread so it may come naturally to some members. For me personally, it is still a struggle. I do know that I felt liberated as it wasn't cool working, always exhausted, trying to make ends meet as much as I did and being told that everything I wanted I didn't NEED while others enjoyed the fruits of my labor to the max. I am still unsure what to so with this new found freedom but until I figure out what to do and how to start all over again I want to do a few things guilt-free. If selling, gifting, swapping etc don't trim my stash and taper it as much as I want to I have come up with a new plan. I have gained a lot of weight, gone from being extremely stressed , thin and anorexic looking a few months ago to now gained a lot of weight. I know i am extremely depressed, unmotivated with low energy, long periods of inactivity (hence all this Specktra time). I do plan to reward myself with an item or two for every say 5 pounds or so that I lose. I have just cancelled my gym membership (who knew you have to send a certified letter and wait another month) as I was being billed monthly and not going to the gym. I can now use those wasted monthly gym funds for makeup etc. I started walking at the park yesterday. I have lemon juice squeezed in my water bottle today. I am cutting out sodas, candy since i ate a big Easter Bunny, lol (chocolate), eating less portions and making healthier choices. I am trying being more responsible for my actions, being active versus passive and apathetic. I won't use a failed marriage as a clutch to continue going downwards. I do enjoy being on here with you lovely folks as it is my distraction from a sad reality. I have had sellers gently and tactfully reprimand me while reminding me where I belong-in low buy so that has been helpful as well. Thanks for reading this long narrative and stay strong, classy and beautiful!!!!
ah dear @Debbs .. don't worry about anti low buy acts. I have racked up many in the last month (blames Elegant) and my own craziness for good clothing and accessories. Back on this side of the pond, but jet lag has got me in it's grip (it's worse when I am back on this side since my body clock is used to getting up early anyway).

there is a psychological term called "hitting rock bottom" ... but they never say how many rocks are there or how much hurt you go thru to get there. Also, I am a recidivist rock bottomer.. I have hit it innumerable times. So don't feel bad.

You will lose the weight, you will find love again -- or not, it's up to you. But you are young and beautiful and will recover. There is no failure in mariage. It's a failing institution from the git go if we don't work at it constantly.. so no fails no fouls.. and what's done is done. I have to meet with Bert on Tuesday and just "listen" to him. Makes me feel like vomitting on his Ferragamos.. but I will do it and I will look spectacular (best and then tell him to piss off for now and forever. He can go hire a slut to answer his cell phones in the middle of the night. HA.

Be happy and stay strong.. plod if you must. Plodding is truly an art -- it's one foot in front of the other, eyes straight ahead, head held up.

you can do it..I know you can.



Well-known member
So thankfully, my fever has gone down.

I had about 5hrs sleep last night before I had to get up to go get my hair done, which is about an hour drive away. I went for a patch test @ 1, because I want to go back to more of my natural colour as my partner is curious what it is as he's never seen me with it (lol), but my hair isn't strong enough so at my appt @ 2, they put a brown over the red, so I have a reddish brown and next appt we'll start highlighting so we can get it lightened up so I can grow out my roots without looking ridiculous.

I'm a bit pissed at the price, though. My colour was half price, so instead of £70 I paid £35... but I essentially paid an extra £41 for him to TRIM my ends. I'm not even kidding. My total came to £76. If I hadn't been so nauseous feeling at the time I was going to dispute it but they were busy, I was light headed and just needed to get out of there. I'm really pissed, the more I think about it. I could understand if I had an entirely new haircut, but he literally just trimmed my ends off and thinned my hair out a bit on top. I just can't understand £41 for that. Thank god I had the funds to pay for it at the time, but I'm raging.

So after leaving the salon I started feeling even worse. The nausea was getting worse, the light headedness - I thought I was going to pass out. Being in the car made it even worse. I realised I hadn't eaten other than a muffin all day but even still, I'm not usually *that* bad if I've missed a meal or two due to rushing. Went to McD's and picked something up to try and see if it helped. Initially, it did.. then the nausea started again. Fast forward about 30mins, I'm not too bad - just tired and sore so got home.

Had a nap from 6:30pm to 8pm and at 9pm I started to feel extremely weird within myself. I couldn't get my words out. I knew what I wanted to say, but I couldn't figure out how to actually say them. This lead to my partner laughing hysterically at me repeating myself saying "no because", until I stood up and went out back to get some fresh air and I started to feel like I was drunk or something unexplainable. I then started laughing - hysterically. For absolutely no reason at absolutely nothing. This is when Dan (partner) starts to get a bit weirded out. At first he looked annoyed, but really he was just confused because he didn't know what was going on. Neither did I. So we're sitting back on the couch and I say "Call my Mom" 'cause my mother ALWAYS knows what's wrong with me even when I don't (the best thing about a mother is how well they know their kids!) so he called her and then again, suddenly, I start laughing hysterically at nothing. You know when you laugh but can't stop and it hurts? That. Times 10. Then I start CRYING. Absolutely no idea what happened, but I went from laughing hysterically to bawling my eyes out within 20 seconds flat. Calmed myself down and managed to breathe a bit and my Mom was asking what of my meds I'd taken, trying to figure out if it was some new side effect or if I'd accidentally taken too many of one or something. Absolutely nothing like that happened though - we have no idea what happened to me. Decided it'd be best if I went to bed as we just figure with my having a fever for the past 2 days and not feeling well and everything I had to do today which my body isn't used to and can't cope with, it just overdid it.

Long story short: I really need to learn to do nothing. I manage it most of the time, but I push myself sometimes when I want to get something done and it just sent my body haywire. I need to learn to listen to it better.

On top of that: My skin has been the weirdest it's ever been. Break outs galore and I can't understand it, so that's been a ton of fun to deal with. Even Dan questioned what was going on as he's never seen my skin not be 99% clear. I even have a spot coming up in my EYEBROW, wtf?!

It's 4am. I woke up at 3am, as usual, and am on here trying to tire myself out so I can go back to sleep (love insomnia.)

However. A success: I went into MAC today - I swatched a ton of things (they had everything from AA, not one thing was sold out) and I didn't want ANYTHING.

I swatched Enchanted One l/s as that was the only l/s I didn't get that I wanted as online sold out. I swatched it next to Kinda Sexy as I recently B2M'd for it. It's like.. a pinker version of KS imo. It's pretty, but I couldn't justify the purchase so skipped. This is a MAJOR triumph for me.

I hope you're all doing well - sorry for the long winded post.


Well-known member
So glad for your wise words of wisdom and excellent insight, extremely amazing gift. Absolutely love reading your posts, HG. Since I gave up night shifts now I may apply for the vacant position. Don't be stunned if you hear me answer the phone, lmao. In all seriousness big hugs and thanks to you for EVERYTHING. Behind all the humor, fun and laughter you bring such warmth, positivity,honesty and sincerity it really does liven up the entire site. I know firsthand of your realness. Hugs and kisses, HG! xoxoxo BTW, in low buy news today I have made the decision to skip AA. Stop staring at me and close your mouths please, lol . No, I haven't gone crazy yet. I just think based on some of the premeditated plus impulsive spending I have recently done, Mother's Day, my mom bday party the 23rd and my sister's small wedding in Jamaica this month I need to slow down big time. I was able to make a few returns today therefore removed several items I had listed for sale . I think I should be able to swap items for the AA eyeshadows and Modern Lure gloss. It is me understanding that I have several variations of eyeshadows and glosses I haven't yet opened. I made vast progress , had credits and no payment due to now starting to see a vicious cycle beginning to re-emerge that I have to address immediately. Between swapping, the clearance bin and the CCOs I am almost positive that I will be ok. I just realized that I need to do a few things before I do some other things. I am putting family first, prioritizing , paying off past debts before creating new ones or at least until I am comfortable with amount due etc. I want to be in a position where I can turn down shifts, take vacations instead of cashing out my vacation hours to compensate for outstanding debts and responsibilities. Overall, I am proud of growth and progress even if they are baby steps I am trying to move forward! Thanks for always keeping things in perspective around here ladies! Everyone is really amazing, admirable and beautiful! Keep smiling and plodding on!

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
Luv your hair @PeachTwist, and glad your feeling better. I go to see a surgeon tomorrow, so I'm curious lol. @Debbs, great post. I do swap, trade, but more so give it away lol. I don't want things around that I am not gonna use. It's so sweet of you to give to your sister, now this is one thing I Do Not do lol. I have half sisters and when I would try to"gift" my little sister make up, she'd get a attitude if it wasn't Lord, I wanted to call her out her name. But I'm trying to stick to me low buy, like you I've been depressed and shopping is like my emotional eating lol. So at this point I'd rather have a gym membership (or some weave lol) than makeup. Keep up the good job and stay Blessed


Well-known member
My debbs. I've been MiA this weekend but been checking the forums. Sending u million hugs and listen don't stress, shit happens life goes on and we gotta move on with it. Making every day count. Make the decision of buying or not based on what YOU want to do and worry not about anything or anyone else. It's your life and your money. And yea sometimes a little purchased us warranted when we just need a pretty thing inside a pretty bag. @peachtwist. So proud of you. I'm taking a page from your book and actually I'm going to wait for things to come out in store to really decide. Since I'm so undecided on a lot of things. The only thing I know I want and because I've already swatched it and been waiting for is the C O M P A C T :p


Well-known member
The compact is beautiful, truly stunning. The eye shadows are like butter - except for one, it was a tad bit glittery, though I can't remember the name. But the rest of them are beautiful, I just can't justify the cost of them so I'm skipping. The EDSF's were meh to me, I swatched AS and just didn't care for it. The best part of this collection, imho, is the packaging - which is a shame, because they could've really smashed this out of the ball-park. Don't get me wrong, quality isn't lacking - I'm just not inspired much by the colours of the products and definitely fell into the hype due to the packaging.


Well-known member
Back from vegas, had a blast but the cco at premium outlets North was disappointing to say the least! Managed to spend money nonetheless and am allowing myself some online purchases with what money I had left over! Missed you all, hope life is goodforyouall!


Well-known member
Reminding myself not to let the little purchases add up! I could save up and get the chantecaille spf 50 primer I really want Or I can carry on buying stuff 'because it's cheap'

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