Nail Polish Discussion - Any Brand


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No, just no.


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Pretty mani, but as you know I'm a sucker for blue! I don't have this one....yet.....
Love your haul, those Ethereals look really nice - I'm drawn to the far left one! I have a couple of Ethereals, but haven't worn them yet.
I'm ashamed to admit, I've yet to wear my Ethereals too...
I now have 13 untried ones.


Well-known member
I'm ashamed to admit, I've yet to wear my Ethereals too...
I now have 13 untried ones.
Lol, what are we like? I'm trying not to buy more of any brand I own that I haven't worn at least once. Unless I'm ordering other stuff anyway, then you might as well take advantage of combined postage. Or where a restock is limited edition or hard to get, well then you just have to BUY NOW....
Oh the justifications I can find to break my own rules!


Well-known member
Lol, what are we like? I'm trying not to buy more of any brand I own that I haven't worn at least once. Unless I'm ordering other stuff anyway, then you might as well take advantage of combined postage. Or where a restock is limited edition or hard to get, well then you just have to BUY NOW....
Oh the justifications I can find to break my own rules!
Hahaha, yes, that's exactly what I'm like. And since most of the indies are limited editions and/or are only available from abroad, so I end up buying them straight away and in bulk. I really shouldn't, but can't help myself. In my defence, I don't buy expensive clothes, bags or shoes, so I only spend on make up and nail polish.


Well-known member
They are all so tempting! I had hoped I wouldn't fancy a few of them...
Gonna have to prioritise!
Yeah, me too. The spring holos were easy to pass on for me, but these bright ones are gorgeous. Also, I'm definitely getting the spring and summer ultrachromes. I'll think about the ultrachrome holos. Luckily these are all going to be available for a while, so no rush.


Well-known member

No polish for me...
I'm passing too. Nothing is tempting me at the moment (from Llarowe anyway).

Also, Rainbow Connection is closing for 2-3 weeks while she's away, so I won't be buying from there either.

Just as well, since I'm going to have a field day at the ILNP pre-order.....


Well-known member
BTW - here are nail swatches for the OPI Nordic Collection:
Hmm I like Can't Afjörd Not To, especially because I can say fjörd a lot! lol
New to the stash this week: Colors by Llarowe House of Blues, Dance Legend Boggs (backup bottle!), Liquid Sky Lacquer Twilight Peacock, Glitter Gal Hell Bent Blue So a few less this week! And my new mani: ILNP Neutron Starlette (1st pic indoor light, second pic sunlight). In real life it reads heavy on green shifting a bit to blue, all with a tinge of grey while the duochrome comes in at certain angles in a purple shifting towards pink.  Quite a thick texture, on the verge of bubbling in several places.  Two coats though, so that's always good.
Nice haul and mani! Somebody loves blue ;)
Here's my mani: Elevation Stree side, NYC
That's a unique one! I would have such lobster hands heehee!
Nice haul and mani! Once again, have to admit, I have most of these! :haha: My Rainbow Connection haul: And my mani, Liquid Sky Lacquer Wink ^.~ Really pretty, love this one.
Nice haul! I don't have any Ethereal Lacquers And I love the mani! So icy :drool:
:lol: I did paint my nails with CbL Precious Metal
I did my best to capture the red/green shift And I think I said I would post when the kitten cam foster gal Shelly got new kittens? Well she's got a mama cat ready to give birth very shortly! I just know you all want to waste time watching them! :D Because kittens!


Well-known member
Llarowe posted on Facebook that she will have 34 new CbL colours in the summer collection! That is mental! Who releases 34 colours in one go???


Well-known member
Llarowe posted on Facebook that she will have 34 new CbL colours in the summer collection! That is mental! Who releases 34 colours in one go???
I saw that. Completely bonkers imho. But apparently she hopes that the more the better because people will buy buy buy.


Well-known member
Llarowe posted on Facebook that she will have 34 new CbL colours in the summer collection! That is mental! Who releases 34 colours in one go???
Good grief! No wonder so many have retired! Thankfully going on the last few collections I'll only want a few of them - I hope! I'm trying to just stick to her holos in the main, and I expect some won't appeal while some will be too similar to ones she's done before. Maybe. Hopefully!


Well-known member
I saw that. Completely bonkers imho. But apparently she hopes that the more the better because people will buy buy buy.
I do think that she'll find buyers for the whole collection, she certainly has up till now! My head says there can't be that many new colours for her to bring out - and then I think how many polishes I own, and how similar many are to each other, and I realise she'll sell these no problem!


Well-known member
Llarowe posted on Facebook that she will have 34 new CbL colours in the summer collection! That is mental! Who releases 34 colours in one go???
That's more than the last time (28 or 29 was it?). Def. NOT getting all. Time to be selective!


Well-known member
Thanks, it's a challenging colour, but I love my ugly yellows/greens/browns!

Luckily I don't *need* that much from ILNP this time. I made a wise decision not to buy chrome and holo-chrome versions of a same polish a while back, so I'm only getting the chromes and maybe 2 holos. (I have the holo-chromes in chrome already.)



Thanks, Fuzzy! My hands always look so red in pics but irl they are not that red. Maybe I should wear this kind of polishes when it's freezing (> white hands!)

PM looks lovely on you!

That's more than the last time (28 or 29 was it?). Def. NOT getting all. Time to be selective!
I've made the same decision with the Ultrachromes/Holo Utrachromes - but I've decided to go for the holo versions! The early ones I have both versions, and I just don't need them - and waiting for the holos means postponing the spending, so all good!


Well-known member
These are from the summer neon collection. My order came super fast: ordered last Thursday (shipped on Friday), and they're already here!
The coral on the left has pink shimmer. I'm wondering if the greens are close to the greens in the CG Off the Shore Collection? I'm waiting for more swatches for them.
