Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
PixieDancer, saw the ED shadows overseas , swatched them and wanted all of them and felt the same way about the ED bronzers so I know I will fall way off the wagon during the release! I know how you love ED formula , so I'm going to be right there with you!


Well-known member
PixieDancer, saw  the ED shadows overseas , swatched them and wanted all of them and felt the same way about the ED bronzers so I know I will fall way off the wagon during the release! I know how you love ED formula , so I'm going to be right there with you!
Glad I'm getting a little understanding with this one! I wasn't expecting to like the shadows so much! They were the things that threw off my whole list... I'll be awaiting your confession Calla!! Heehee


Well-known member
Omg thank you so much everyone for the compliments! I'm humbled and honored to be amungst such amazing people. You made me feel so good! Got a couple compliments at work about my look. So was happy to say it was for a wonderful cause! I'm so thankful to have you in my life. I love this community so much! :bigheart:


Well-known member
Just gonna call you fairy low mother from now on. Lol. Jk. Listen she without sin may cast the first empty... I know this collection was overwhelming. All that teal package with it's pretty fake drops on it... I don't blame you. I cancelled low buy for this collection. And getting my Ish together in the upcoming coll../ Just make a plan and reassess. We all fall off the wagon and you're loved and forever be our dairy low mother (typos increase across the post cause I'm sooo sleepy already! Srf? I meant to type wrf. Wtf! (That one).
Mosha, a raccoon ate my stray cat's food tonight and I thought of you.


Well-known member
Eggs are dropping in here too it appears!! Off to work soon where I'll be stalking AA a bit.. We'll see what goes down. After [@]PixieDancer[/@]'s "incident" I'm sure whatever I end up with will seem tame.. will try not to let that be an influence.. lol.


Well-known member
Just gonna call you fairy low mother from now on. Lol. Jk. Listen she without sin may cast the first empty... I know this collection was overwhelming. All that teal package with it's pretty fake drops on it... I don't blame you. I cancelled low buy for this collection. And getting my Ish together in the upcoming coll../ Just make a plan and reassess. We all fall off the wagon and you're loved and forever be our dairy low mother (typos increase across the post cause I'm sooo sleepy already! Srf? I meant to type wrf. Wtf! (That one).
Mosha, a raccoon ate my stray cat's food tonight and I thought of you.
Awww thinking ur stray cat has to catch a few lessons on how to live in the wild! Lol Go Coons! Strike again :p


Well-known member
I'm glad it's a little quiet in here... Maybe no one will see this... I had a fall from grace ladies! I over-bought from AA's! My limit was kicked to the curb and I fell victim to that beautiful packaging! My limit of 3 items... out the window!  I. Bought. EIGHT. Things. From. AA. *hangs head and awaits @mosha010  to come and take my "Fairy Low Buymother" crown*
I'm one of the last who would banish you, you're too nice! And who can resist this beautiful collection, anyhow? I think we have to indulge occasionally or we feel too deprived and then we binge. I think this will be a big collection for mr, too. I've revised my Moody Blooms list down substantially, so this is my big buy for the summer. I'll let the other ladies punish you in the chair.


Well-known member
Awww thinking ur stray cat has to catch a few lessons on how to live in the wild! Lol Go Coons! Strike again :p
Oh, "KittyCat" (of unknown gender) is wise. He/she came to eat even before the coons. But left some in the bowl, which I didn't bring inside soon enough (sometimes Kitty comes back for round 2). But kitty has a floppy ear now and scratches above it's eye, so it ranks above all others in my "you poor thing, let me help" agenda. The coons are fat this year, they don't need my help.


Well-known member
I'm glad it's a little quiet in here... Maybe no one will see this... I had a fall from grace ladies! I over-bought from AA's! My limit was kicked to the curb and I fell victim to that beautiful packaging! My limit of 3 items... out the window!  I. Bought. EIGHT. Things. From. AA. *hangs head and awaits @mosha010  to come and take my "Fairy Low Buymother" crown*
It's a low buy and you have done great on a low buy. It was never a "can't ever splurge buy". Enjoy your goodies and just make sure you will use and like them all. If not throw in CB right away. Just don't keep stuff unused in boxes things (like me) and there should be no guilt. Enjoy the stuff!! I want to know what you got!! Send it in pm or Put it in a spoiler so those tempted don't have to see. The makeup addict in me needs to know. Lol


Well-known member
Awww thinking ur stray cat has to catch a few lessons on how to live in the wild! Lol Go Coons! Strike again :p
Oh, "KittyCat" (of unknown gender) is wise. He/she came to eat even before the coons. But left some in the bowl, which I didn't bring inside soon enough (sometimes Kitty comes back for round 2). But kitty has a floppy ear now and scratches above it's eye, so it ranks above all others in my "you poor thing, let me help" agenda. The coons are fat this year, they don't need my help.
Kitty cat is adorable!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Enjoy the stuff!! I want to know what you got!! Send it in pm or Put it in a spoiler so those tempted don't have to see. The makeup addict in me needs to know. Lol
Me too PixieDancer, especially since I love many of the same eye shadows that you do.


Well-known member
I've been doing very good with my low buy. I've been enjoying what I have and using it. If i pick up a color that looks like what I have at home. It goes back. Far cry from last year. (Thank God no Riri this year or any other celebs I connect with) Plus I'm looking for a new job. (If any one knows of any thing in NYC, message me please.) But at the end of the day this is makeup and no one should bad if we hapen to spoil ourselves every now and then. Not the worst habit.


Well-known member
I've been so-so on my low buy. But the one thing I can say is that I have made NO impulse purchases!!! Which is a great improvement for me, as I was really bad to do that. Everything I've bought, I've thought about for at least a few days.


Well-known member
My low buy went to shit. (Sits in corner. Next to chair. . Lol. But I anticipated it... The other collections are a mostly skip. Only getting three lippys of Osbournes and skipping lorde and moody. Somy big large list for Aa doesn't seem so bad


Well-known member
Hey guys. Just wanted to pop in here to let you know that my grandma passed away this morning. Thank you so much for your prayers and well wishes. I know she is with my grandpa now and with our Lord. Thank you guys.


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Staff member
Hey guys. Just wanted to pop in here to let you know that my grandma passed away this morning. Thank you so much for your prayers and well wishes. I know she is with my grandpa now and with our Lord. Thank you guys.
Oh god, I'm so sorry.
I wish you lots of strength and I'll keep you in my thoughts.