MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)


Well-known member
Think we watched the same annoying. I bet they were some of the guests stalking the other day! LMAO
I was literally cringing (erin would know
) And in all the videos everyone was so underwhelmed and they really need to be researching the products.. then they just send everything back.. and there goes an AS I could have had (don't get me wrong I like a lot of these youtubers)


Well-known member
So far, I love what I got. In these pics, I'm wearing Enchanted One and Delphic. I'm hoping that these pics will help some people decide on Delphic, because it's really hard to capture it in hand swatches. I used Worldly Wealth blush (which everybody needs) and a little Magnetic Appeal to highlight. I'm about an NC42 (if MAC made an NC41 that would probably be perfect) and it is subtle, but it shows up. On my hand, it looks like nothing, but on my face, it's definitely there. I'm using it as a contour/blush kinda thing. I love bronzey brown cheeks, so if you're into that, and warm toned, I'd give it a try (Thanks to Mac-Guy for the suggestion). Also, loving Water Deities and Mystical. They're great everyday colors. Don't wanna make this post any longer, but I also bought the Conceal and Correct Palette in Medium Deep. For my WOC dealing with hyper-pigmentation, please give it a try. The Burnt Coral alone is worth the $40, for me.

You are welcome. It makes your skin look radiant!


Well-known member
One lady was calling AA mineralize
I was literally cringing (erin would know
) And in all the videos everyone was so underwhelmed and they really need to be researching the products.. then they just send everything back.. and there goes an AS I could have had (don't get me wrong I like a lot of these youtubers)
EXACTLY! I thought the same things...they don't do their research and then go and bash the products. If ya don't like something, that's cool - but at least know the difference b/w a SF & Mineralized products before you complain that it has no shimmer!


Well-known member
  [COLOR=0000FF] Enjoy Beautybuyer!!!!!  You deserve it, and then some!!![/COLOR]
I can't believe your mojo is still MIA!! But I can see why. I may be naughty and get enchanted one but that's ONLY if it's pink on me otherwise skip! And I'm so happy! I got my festival tickets, BUT they charged the ENTIRE amount to my card :( thank goodness for savings lol


Well-known member
Guess you guys didn't see the video where the woman called Delphic "dell-pick" and Aphrodite's Shell "Aphro-dee-tee Shell"


Well-known member
Guess you guys didn't see the video where the woman called Delphic "dell-pick" and Aphrodite's Shell "Aphro-dee-tee Shell"
HAHA I did!!! And everyone's like what's a Delphic or Aphrodite's Shell... just pay attention to the collection name my goodness.


Well-known member
The youtube videos have been brutal ha. Like they did zero research about the collection, didn't look at any swatches and were just getting everything wrong in general. Get it together or don't make a video jeesh.


Well-known member
On a funny note, with Aphrodite's Shell my 13 year old daughter kept telling me that the name was gross. Finally, last night she was like why would they name a blush (she thinks it is a blush) after an animal that is male and female? OMG. Ok, so I had to explain that Greek Aphrodite and a hermaphrodite animal, are not the same. I guess it is good she remembered something from her science class this year.
Every time I hear the word I am reminded of the other


Well-known member weren't playing around about Lorelei - absolutely stunning! Gonna get a b/u..and I never do b/u because I have such a big collection (aka: hoard)..but this one is a winner!
Do get a BU a.s.a.p. I have a feeling that Lorelei will turn into a HTF item and/or ridiculously overpriced item.


Well-known member
I played quickly with my beautiful goodies after work today.

Okay, #1...The eyeshadows! Like everyone seems to be saying, they are amazing. And I want the rest of them. I only got Silver Sun, Sea Worship, &Lorelei. I know I will enjoy wearing these and they will be sitting out with my daily makeup stash to make sure I use them. I would like to get LL &Fathom's Deep now.

I got PMP &Mystical. PMP is okay IMO. I don't love it, but Clearwater over the top makes it look a lot better. My lips looked luscious with the combination. Mystical is nice. It's like my lips if my lips were deeper and rosier. But, I could have passed on it. On both of them, actually. Clearwater is amazing. I don't usually go for lipglasses (esp. clear ones for some reason) but my, oh, my the tiny pink sparkles in it have me glad I purchased it.

Sea Me, Hear Me is lovely! I applied some today (though my makeup wasn't fresh) and it was like a nice medium rose pink color on my cheeks. I was on the fence and unsure of which blush to get. I'm happy with this one.

And of course...the packaging is gorgeous and unique, but this has been said many times.

Also, I think the 127 brush seems to be of decent quality. I find it to be very soft.
You picked a nice neutral selection, which will allow you to create awesome day looks. If you have the cash, I'd say go for the darker ones too. They are also very buttery. The best feature is really how versatile these e/s are: from a simple wash of color to an opaque finish. Love pure.

SMHM is a winner as it will work on a lot of different complexions. If you have a chance, still check out SaS. The color is a bit more unique than SMHM. I love both of them, but for different reasons.