MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)


Well-known member
Obviously that is an exaggeration, but still. I used to love her, and I still do appreciate what she does, but she reviews some products so harshly and seems to have a lot of bias in more recent reviews. She also just seems a bit jaded to me. Don't even get me started on her recent lighting changes. I feel like she is sitting 3 feet from the sun.

Marsha Pomells

Well-known member
If I didn't already have Color Club - Pearl District n/p, I would have totally grabbed Neptune n/p! :love:
700 vs.
That is the BEST dupe of Neptune I have seen... Not that I have seen any... Gonna have a look in the draw of colour when I get home
See? Told you. OH HI HERGREYNESS! How is your beautiful face doing this fine day? :wavey:
PS. I may or may not have bought AS today. Or I may have just innocently talked about it with @Dolly Snow . Who knows really?
Mmmmmmmmmm, I love a bit of GB on the bus home from a BBQ. He looked really yummy in Law Abiding Citizen, when he stripped naked and got arrested


Well-known member
Just goes to show us how different these things can look depending on skin tone and lip pigmentation. That's why I love the "Name that Lippie!" thread that HerGreyness started.
thank you Mandy.. we are having fun.. and it is really important to identify skin tone and lip pigmentation.. if not we would all have to do the 15+pass like @Mac-Guy says.. lol


Well-known member
The only one I knew she might have got a dud on is SB. I need a jack hammer to get any color out of mine and then a car buffer or an attatchment for my Clarisonic to blend it out. I agree with HG that it was doomed because she had to pay for it.


Well-known member
That is the BEST dupe of Neptune I have seen... Not that I have seen any... Gonna have a look in the draw of colour when I get home Mmmmmmmmmm, I love a bit of GB on the bus home from a BBQ. He looked really yummy in Law Abiding Citizen, when he stripped naked and got arrested
I need to see that movie!!!


Well-known member
I have just Seen T's AS Rating, i was like "did she have to pay for that one?" Lol. To me AS is A product, shows up beautifully but of course not very ideal for deeper skin tones. But an experienced blogger such as herself should know better. Anyway I will keep enjoying mine, because it is so pretty. I got back to get Seduced at Sea blush and Enchanted One lippies too, wore them today, luvre them sooo! This collection ate my wallet!