MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)


Well-known member
Goddess of the Sea and AS on my cheeks in person AS is more rosy!
Hello Dolly, they both look awesome on you! Prayers for your grandmother--hope she has a speedy recovery


Well-known member
what made it worse us my sister does hair and makeup for a living! This was hair salon that told her she couldn't have blue hair and to cover up her tattoos!
Ok that's really messed up! What a lame hair salon I mean don't they dye peoples hair color like that sometimes as well? How stupid!


Well-known member
Goddess of the Sea and AS on my cheeks in person AS is more rosy!
finally dolly in as!!! love it! gots looks great on you too. [@]BrknFlwr85[/@] saw you got to check out the collection! glad you got your bronzers. You're making me want golden; I don't remember it looking like that. just to add to the siren song love
as on too and as on my eyelids too!


Well-known member
I agree. I'm a WOC, probably around the same complexion as the lady in the video and I think this collection has a lot of great items for WOC. I swatched everything this morning and I do agree with her perspective on Delphic, AS, Golden and SS l/s, those items will work better for those of a lighter complexion IMO. But she didn't even review the e/s which I believe are the stars of the collection and will definitely work beautifully on WOC. I also really like SMHM blush, it is sheer but it leaves a gorgeous natural-looking flush of color. The l/g, especially WD, SS, & ML will also look great on WOC. I think her review was lacking without swatches or a review of the EDES or L/G.
I totally agree! I saw several of the face products when she swatted them and was thinking "those look good for a touch of color". They won't scream out "HEY I'M WEARING BLUSH/BRONZER" but they would give a lovely kiss of color, which I think was the goal of the collection. Colors that would look good poolside. Nobody really wants to be on the beach or by the pool with heavy, full face makeup on...IMO lol. Most of these colors give a beautiful light wash of color. They have a light sheen or shimmer that says "I woke up like this" "the sun kissed me and gave me this lovely dewey glow" lol...Anyways, this isn't the collection to wear when you want your makeup to be the main event. I love bold makeup as well, but I appreciate colors that can let my face shine through and be the main event from time to time. I hope that makes sense.

I also feel that she should have tested them on her face instead of coming on camera with full make up on. Just because something swatches a certain way on my hand doesn't mean that's how it will play out on my face. Also, it looks like her hands are slightly darker than her face....same for me. She seems like a nice lady, though. Very pretty.

Dolly Snow

finally dolly in as!!! love it! gots looks great on you too. [@]BrknFlwr85[/@] saw you got to check out the collection! glad you got your bronzers. You're making me want golden; I don't remember it looking like that. just to add to the siren song love
as on too and as on my eyelids too!
Thank you and you look so pretty your eyes are beautiful!


Well-known member
Using my new eyeshadows today! Legendary Lure in the crease and outer edge, and Silver Sun on the lid, with a little bit of Modern Pewter and Omega to blend it out. Love it! Also, popped a tiny bit of Sea Me Hear Me and Delphic on


Well-known member
Aargh! Now i'm "only" 700 messages behind. I give up. (throws hands up into the air, then catches them)

So i got to my local MAC this AM around 9:15. I was the first one there. Whew! But, what do i see? The Allluring Aquatic display is already out! And some of the slots are not filled? How can this be?

Another woman shows up around 9:30. She's on her cell. She walks to the door and peers in, then crankily asks when it opens. She's in front of the sign on the door that tells the hours. I say, "10 AM." She gets even crankier, "Why can't the open sooner?" Then she goes to sit in her car and wait. I'm still sitting out in the cold and i left my hot coffee in my car. What was i thinking?

A young woman shows up and sits not far from me on the bench, face down into her cell phone - i think she's Facebooking, but i'm not sure.

I recognize a MAC SA coming down the street. She recognizes me and says "Hi!"... then she tells me that the collection went on sale YESTERDAY!!!! Wednesday! Yesterday!?!?! I hope they aren't sold out of anything i want... Maybe that explains all the empty slots in the display... Why didn't know!?!?!? I make the face in the Edvard Munch painting, "The Scream". It's not much different from the face Macaulay Culkin made in "Home Alone". I feel a faint sense of panic. I have been Low Buying all year so far - skipping some collections, buying one or 2 things from others.

I get out my cell phone and check Alluring Aquatic stock at Nordstrom, Macy's, Bloomingdales, Nearly everything is sold out, even the nail polish i want!!!

Another young woman arrives to wait in the cloudy cold. Finally it's 10, the doors open, and i rush in waving my list. My intention is to have the SA pull the stuff, then i'll swatch and put a bunch of it back. The cranky woman who was on her cell comes in after everyone else. The young women are swatching. She's still on her cell, and she is even crankier. In a loud and crotchety voice she complains that she was there ahead of everyone but me (which is true) and she *demands* to be waited on. And she is still on her cell.

Meanwhile my SA is pulling my stuff and I am swatching lipsticks and lipglosses and AS ED bronzer. I make one change - i ask her to put Water Deities back and get me Seductive Sound instead. Otherwise, i don't ask her to put anything back, and i buy waaaaaaay too much beautiful stuff -- think i may even have gotten the last Aphrodite's Shell, which will work on my neutral toned skin. Except for one thing... they were OUT of Fathoms Deep ED e/s. Nooooo! Aargh!

But the SA is sweet and calls another MAC counter. They have Fathoms Deep, but they won't hold anything because it's a new collection. It's about a 30 minute drive there at best - and today is not the best. There's plenty of crazy traffic. I finally see the mall but i take the wrong exit, because i've never gone to that mall. I drive around looking for it, for what feels like a long time, through suburban style residential neighborhoods. Finally, i see some businesses and, in desperation, i enter a fast food drive-thru and ask the girl who takes orders how to get to the mall. I'm sure it isn't far away. She sounds a bit puzzled by my request, but she tells me. Meanwhile i have to wait for the guy in front of me in the giant pickup truck to get his order.

I finally get to the mall and find the Macy's. I park near a door. But there's a sign on the door saying for MAC Alluring Aquatic people should line up at another door far far away. I walk into that door anyway, through the men's wear dept., through most of the cosmetic department and finally see the MAC counter. They want to help me. They want me to buy more, more! All i want is Fathoms Deep and i get it. The traffic is still crazy in the other direction going back. Fathoms Deep is beautiful. Still I suspect it may not have been worth driving through crazy traffic for a total of about 70 miles.


Well-known member
Aargh! Now i'm "only" 700 messages behind. I give up. (throws hands up into the air, then catches them)

So i got to my local MAC this AM around 9:15. I was the first one there. Whew! But, what do i see? The Allluring Aquatic display is already out! And some of the slots are not filled? How can this be?

Another woman shows up around 9:30. She's on her cell. She walks to the door and peers in, then crankily asks when it opens. She's in front of the sign on the door that tells the hours. I say, "10 AM." She gets even crankier, "Why can't the open sooner?" Then she goes to sit in her car and wait. I'm still sitting out in the cold and i left my hot coffee in my car. What was i thinking?

A young woman shows up and sits not far from me on the bench, face down into her cell phone - i think she's Facebooking, but i'm not sure.

I recognize a MAC SA coming down the street. She recognizes me and says "Hi!"... then she tells me that the collection went on sale YESTERDAY!!!! Wednesday! Yesterday!?!?! I hope they aren't sold out of anything i want... Maybe that explains all the empty slots in the display... Why didn't know!?!?!? I make the face in the Edvard Munch painting, "The Scream". It's not much different from the face Macaulay Culkin made in "Home Alone". I feel a faint sense of panic. I have been Low Buying all year so far - skipping some collections, buying one or 2 things from others.

I get out my cell phone and check Alluring Aquatic stock at Nordstrom, Macy's, Bloomingdales, Nearly everything is sold out, even the nail polish i want!!!

Another young woman arrives to wait in the cloudy cold. Finally it's 10, the doors open, and i rush in waving my list. My intention is to have the SA pull the stuff, then i'll swatch and put a bunch of it back. The cranky woman who was on her cell comes in after everyone else. The young women are swatching. She's still on her cell, and she is even crankier. In a loud and crotchety voice she complains that she was there ahead of everyone but me (which is true) and she *demands* to be waited on. And she is still on her cell.

Meanwhile my SA is pulling my stuff and I am swatching lipsticks and lipglosses and AS ED bronzer. I make one change - i ask her to put Water Deities back and get me Seductive Sound instead. Otherwise, i don't ask her to put anything back, and i buy waaaaaaay too much beautiful stuff -- think i may even have gotten the last Aphrodite's Shell, which will work on my neutral toned skin. Except for one thing... they were OUT of Fathoms Deep ED e/s. Nooooo! Aargh!

But the SA is sweet and calls another MAC counter. They have Fathoms Deep, but they won't hold anything because it's a new collection. It's about a 30 minute drive there at best - and today is not the best. There's plenty of crazy traffic. I finally see the mall but i take the wrong exit, because i've never gone to that mall. I drive around looking for it, for what feels like a long time, through suburban style residential neighborhoods. Finally, i see some businesses and, in desperation, i enter a fast food drive-thru and ask the girl who takes orders how to get to the mall. I'm sure it isn't far away. She sounds a bit puzzled by my request, but she tells me. Meanwhile i have to wait for the guy in front of me in the giant pickup truck to get his order.

I finally get to the mall and find the Macy's. I park near a door. But there's a sign on the door saying for MAC Alluring Aquatic people should line up at another door far far away. I walk into that door anyway, through the men's wear dept., through most of the cosmetic department and finally see the MAC counter. They want to help me. They want me to buy more, more! All i want is Fathoms Deep and i get it. The traffic is still crazy in the other direction going back. Fathoms Deep is beautiful. Still I suspect it may not have been worth driving through crazy traffic for a total of about 70 miles.
Wow--amazing description! I'm sorry it was a hassle--but I loved reading the story!! :)


Well-known member
Catching up....
Enchanted One
EO looks perfect on you!!!
I'm loving these eyeshadows! They are fantastic! And I really like Delphic. Being NC/NW 15, it's actually gives a deep pretty natural glow.
Pretty pretty!!! Delphic looks great on you!
I picked up my goodies today! Went early thinking the Mac store would be packed I've never been on a release date but I couldn't get any items online since I been on the process of moving back in the states but luckily was able to hold items. Walked away with both blushes, enchanted and Delphic Ed bronzer I really wanted the es but I really don't need any and I'm still trying to be on a low buy! Even tho there wasn't a lot of people you could tell the collection was going fast mostly anyone that came in basically came in asked for their items play some more with the collection then left haha Here's me wearing seduced at sea beciz I couldn't wait anymore and applied it in the fitting room haha who else stuffs fix plus in her purse and a brush to try blushes on on store. I hate using the store brushes
edit: im an Nc40
SAS looks great on you!!!! Great idea keeping a baby fix plus and blush brush in your bag!
Here is what I got
Fantastic haul!!! Everything looks so pretty!
I did a quick little swatch of Enchanted One. The lighting isn't the best, but here it is. I love it.
EO looks really nice on you!
SMH. And this is why I won't take a bloke make up shopping with me, don't want and can't deal with the embarrassment Can't stand people like that. If I ordered something and it does look right on my skin tone, I give it to my friends, at least I know then it won't go to waste and what not. I gave my best pal and her sister around 10 bottles of nail polish because they were duplicates in my draw of colour and nail care (that what I call my nail polish draw). The same with my stepmum, if I have something I won't use, I just give it away or sell it on if no one wants it. I stay away from those shades like the plague, if I can't find anything to go with it or ombré it. I will not buy it. Ps... I love Prince, I want to get tickets for when he's next in London
I am the same way! I hate returning makeup if I don't like it. It's such a waste when they throw it out. I'd much rather give it to someone or sell it. That way it gets some love! I have a bag full of makeup (drugstore and mid/high end) that I've cleaned out of my makeup stash because they weren't getting any love.
Lipstick Heroine and lipglass Clear Water over Heroine
Clear Water looks so amazing! I'm kinda regretting skipping it but it was so sticky when I tried it on. I hate how sticky their lipglasses are.
Goddess of the Sea and AS on my cheeks in person AS is more rosy!
Both of these look so nice on you! I'm loving the red hair girl!!
Going back to the mall again to pick up an EO for a fellow Specktraette. Let me know if you need anything girls! Please!
That's so sweet of you!!
Loom what I just saw on Instagram
This is SO ME Lmao thanks to amrezy for that one
Too funny!!
finally dolly in as!!! love it! gots looks great on you too. [@]BrknFlwr85[/@] saw you got to check out the collection! glad you got your bronzers. You're making me want golden; I don't remember it looking like that. just to add to the siren song love
as on too and as on my eyelids too!
SS looks so good on you!
I totally agree!  I saw several of the face products when she swatted them and was thinking "those look good for a touch of color".  They won't scream out "HEY I'M WEARING BLUSH/BRONZER" but they would give a lovely kiss of color, which I think was the goal of the collection.  Colors that would look good poolside.  Nobody really wants to be on the beach or by the pool with heavy, full face makeup on...IMO lol.  Most of these colors give a beautiful light wash of color.  They have a light sheen or shimmer that says "I woke up like this" "the sun kissed me and gave me this lovely dewey glow" lol...Anyways, this isn't the collection to wear when you want your makeup to be the main event.  I love bold makeup as well, but I appreciate colors that can let my face shine through and be the main event from time to time.  I hope that makes sense. I also feel that she should have tested them on her face instead of coming on camera with full make up on.  Just because something swatches a certain way on my hand doesn't mean that's how it will play out on my face.  Also, it looks like her hands are slightly darker than her face....same for me.  She seems like a nice lady, though.  Very pretty.
Perfect description of this collection!

Dolly Snow

Aargh! Now i'm "only" 700 messages behind. I give up. (throws hands up into the air, then catches them) So i got to my local MAC this AM around 9:15. I was the first one there. Whew! But, what do i see? The Allluring Aquatic display is already out! And some of the slots are not filled? How can this be? Another woman shows up around 9:30. She's on her cell. She walks to the door and peers in, then crankily asks when it opens. She's in front of the sign on the door that tells the hours. I say, "10 AM." She gets even crankier, "Why can't the open sooner?" Then she goes to sit in her car and wait. I'm still sitting out in the cold and i left my hot coffee in my car. What was i thinking? A young woman shows up and sits not far from me on the bench, face down into her cell phone - i think she's Facebooking, but i'm not sure. I recognize a MAC SA coming down the street. She recognizes me and says "Hi!"... then she tells me that the collection went on sale YESTERDAY!!!! Wednesday! Yesterday!?!?! I hope they aren't sold out of anything i want... Maybe that explains all the empty slots in the display... Why didn't know!?!?!? I make the face in the Edvard Munch painting, "The Scream". It's not much different from the face Macaulay Culkin made in "Home Alone". I feel a faint sense of panic. I have been Low Buying all year so far - skipping some collections, buying one or 2 things from others. I get out my cell phone and check Alluring Aquatic stock at Nordstrom, Macy's, Bloomingdales, Nearly everything is sold out, even the nail polish i want!!! Another young woman arrives to wait in the cloudy cold. Finally it's 10, the doors open, and i rush in waving my list. My intention is to have the SA pull the stuff, then i'll swatch and put a bunch of it back. The cranky woman who was on her cell comes in after everyone else. The young women are swatching. She's still on her cell, and she is even crankier. In a loud and crotchety voice she complains that she was there ahead of everyone but me (which is true) and she *demands* to be waited on. And she is still on her cell. Meanwhile my SA is pulling my stuff and I am swatching lipsticks and lipglosses and AS ED bronzer. I make one change - i ask her to put Water Deities back and get me Seductive Sound instead. Otherwise, i don't ask her to put anything back, and i buy waaaaaaay too much beautiful stuff -- think i may even have gotten the last Aphrodite's Shell, which will work on my neutral toned skin. Except for one thing... they were OUT of Fathoms Deep ED e/s. Nooooo! Aargh! But the SA is sweet and calls another MAC counter. They have Fathoms Deep, but they won't hold anything because it's a new collection. It's about a 30 minute drive there at best - and today is not the best. There's plenty of crazy traffic. I finally see the mall but i take the wrong exit, because i've never gone to that mall. I drive around looking for it, for what feels like a long time, through suburban style residential neighborhoods. Finally, i see some businesses and, in desperation, i enter a fast food drive-thru and ask the girl who takes orders how to get to the mall. I'm sure it isn't far away. She sounds a bit puzzled by my request, but she tells me. Meanwhile i have to wait for the guy in front of me in the giant pickup truck to get his order. I finally get to the mall and find the Macy's. I park near a door. But there's a sign on the door saying for MAC Alluring Aquatic people should line up at another door far far away. I walk into that door anyway, through the men's wear dept., through most of the cosmetic department and finally see the MAC counter. They want to help me. They want me to buy more, more! All i want is Fathoms Deep and i get it. The traffic is still crazy in the other direction going back. Fathoms Deep is beautiful. Still I suspect it may not have been worth driving through crazy traffic for a total of about 70 miles.
Wow! At least you got what you wanted thats what counts...but 70 miles for MAC lol dedication

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