Man Candy


Well-known member
Oh yes the things and the videos id make of him too
I'm now getting a talking to by Anthony because I was typing "Oh the things I'd do to him" as his little chat window popped up on my screen which caused me to type that into his chat box instead of here. Oops!

Dolly Snow

I'm now getting a talking to by Anthony because I was typing "Oh the things I'd do to him" as his little chat window popped up on my screen which caused me to type that into his chat box instead of here. Oops! :haha:
Oops lmao oh man dude he prob thinks somethings up :naughty:


Well-known member
Oops lmao oh man dude he prob thinks somethings up
He was all "You'll do what to who? I hope you're talking about me" and I was all "Sorry babe, but I was talking about Gerard Butler" and then he goes "Oh okay, well as long as it's just fantasizing about guys you'll never have I'm good." I'm not so sure how I feel about that remark. lol

Dolly Snow

He was all "You'll do what to who? I hope you're talking about me" and I was all "Sorry babe, but I was talking about Gerard Butler" and then he goes "Oh okay, well as long as it's just fantasizing about guys you'll never have I'm good." I'm not so sure how I feel about that remark. lol
what he doesn't know is lol we are kidnapping gerard for our needs :naughty:


Well-known member
If I'm open to give him a free pass with Jennifer Love Hewitt, he can give me one with Gerard. lol. Sexy, sexy Gerard.
I have a similar agreement with my husband, lol. I get a free pass with Henry Cavill, and he gets a free pass with (as he puts it) "Catherine Zeta-Jones...pre-Michael Douglas." Since he doesn't have a time machine that I'm aware of, I feel like I at least stand a better chance of making mine happen, haha.


Well-known member
I totally get what you're saying about the voice thing. I feel the same way about Benedict Cumberbatch. I could listen to him talk alllllllllllll day

I have a similar agreement with my husband, lol. I get a free pass with Henry Cavill, and he gets a free pass with (as he puts it) "Catherine Zeta-Jones...pre-Michael Douglas." Since he doesn't have a time machine that I'm aware of, I feel like I at least stand a better chance of making mine happen, haha.
I think you definitely have the more likely scenario there.


Well-known member
I have no idea who these guys are, but this is my eye candy lol I'm attracted to the bad boys, with the tattoos! And the awesome hair lol
With bodies like this.
And who doesn't like a cutie that dresses like this :
^^^ and if he had TATTOOS! :hot: And this gorgeous man, whomever he is. If I had a professor that looked like this, I would never skip class . :devil: