MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)


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I feel the same way about some of the items, but I would rather spare myself the potential regret. hehe. You can always buy, sit on them for a few days and return what you don't want.
And then the stuff gets thrown away. And it's people like that that waste perfectly good product, and are the reason for increased prices and limited production.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by BarbieWalters

Sooo pretty I gotta see it next to riri boy and up the amp( i have 2 of each)to justify my purchase because I should be #teamnobuy right now lol

I love riri boy too. I bought three tubes of it and I am about to start my second tube so I am getting nervous because I will only have one left.


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Quote:Originally Posted by veronikawithak

Lol just showed this picture to my man and asked if they looked different enough.. just for fun. His expression was beyond priceless.

I know like my guy cannot for the life of him figure out why I have some many of the same color lippies. He is always reminding me that there are only so many pink colored lippies that they can make. He just does not get that they can have different finishes and undertones.


Well-known member
To throw my two cents into the mix, when you do stuff like that, not only does it deplete the items that would have been available for someone who truly wants it, but also wasting a perfectly good item for nothing. If you are take it a step further, it!s possibly driving up sales for the eBay sellers. They will love you for it.
I could see the validity of what comes off as a crass and demeaning comment had I suggested that she or anyone purchase items they had absolutely no interest in or even for the sole purpose of collecting, or an investment they could later profit from due to it's high demand and limited quantity. Let me clarify my viewpoint on what I thought was an otherwise simple and friendly suggestion to a mutual makeup lover who was undecided on a purchase that she was drawn to. Being that this is a limited edition collection and released as such for the sole purpose of making a profit off of the hype and the fact that eBay, as you mentioned, has increased that hype by who knows what, due to internet scouts grabbing up the items availability for no other reason then to flip for profit from the consumer, I suggested that if she was undecided that she go ahead and purchase only from the standpoint that in my experience I have regretted passing up an item in the past that I was undecided about. Thus leaving me to then seek the product from such venues as you suggested, at unreasonable markups. Normally in a situation where time is not of the essence so to speak, and a consumer has an attraction to an item but is apprehensive over the shade/texture whatever, they could obviously try it out in the stores and decide. But in this case it is likely to sell out within hours both online and in stores, bringing me to the conclusion of my previous comment. I don't see why anyone would discourage any fellow makeup lover from purchasing a product to try who more likely then not, will end up absolutely loving it.
And then the stuff gets thrown away. And it's people like that that waste perfectly good product, and are the reason for increased prices and limited production.
It was not my intent to ruffle any feathers over what I thought was an innocent suggestion. I definitely would've appreciated polite feedback or alternate suggestions rather than the slightly demeaning responses.


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Hanging in there taking it day by day.
Big hugs, missOannette


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I could see the validity of what comes off as a crass and demeaning comment had I suggested that she or anyone purchase items they had absolutely no interest in or even for the sole purpose of collecting, or an investment they could later profit from due to it's high demand and limited quantity. Let me clarify my viewpoint on what I thought was an otherwise simple and friendly suggestion to a mutual makeup lover who was undecided on a purchase that she was drawn to. Being that this is a limited edition collection and released as such for the sole purpose of making a profit off of the hype and the fact that eBay, as you mentioned, has increased that hype by who knows what, due to internet scouts grabbing up the items availability for no other reason then to flip for profit from the consumer, I suggested that if she was undecided that she go ahead and purchase only from the standpoint that in my experience I have regretted passing up an item in the past that I was undecided about. Thus leaving me to then seek the product from such venues as you suggested, at unreasonable markups. Normally in a situation where time is not of the essence so to speak, and a consumer has an attraction to an item but is apprehensive over the shade/texture whatever, they could obviously try it out in the stores and decide. But in this case it is likely to sell out within hours both online and in stores, bringing me to the conclusion of my previous comment.
Don't worry @Gellydonut I understand where you're coming from


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Comparison of KYY & CYY


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Awesome... I just added to my list from that post alone. :/ I really hope I get those pretty!!!!!!!
Yes me too! I was originally only going to get Kelly's but now both are definitely on my list. Not good lol


Well-known member
Yes me too! I was originally only going to get Kelly's but now both are definitely on my list. Not good lol
I was just going for the blushes but now I need the quad...I just need it lol. And I think I'm going to go for Kellys quad too!! Did we get clarification on when this comes out? I'm nervous I'll miss it :'(


Well-known member
I was just going for the blushes but now I need the quad...I just need it lol. And I think I'm going to go for Kellys quad too!! Did we get clarification on when this comes out? I'm nervous I'll miss it :'(
I want Sharon's quad! Kellys is so pretty too. And nopppe, people are starting their stalking tonight lol


Well-known member
I want Sharon's quad! Kellys is so pretty too. And nopppe, people are starting their stalking tonight lol
Lol. I'm not that hardcore, whatever I can't get from MAC, Nordies usually has it within the next few days. I feel like people forget about it. I finalized my list to be Both blushes KYY Both Quads Maybe both MSFs...not sure on those


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All of Kelly's Lipsticks!!

2 Cheeky Bugger
1 Bloody Brilliant Quad

1 Ruby Patentpolish
2 Cranberry Lip Pencils
2 Bijou
2 Peaches & Cream
1 Duchess Quad

My biggest haul in quite some time