Quote: Originally Posted by
Okay. I wanted to stay away from the drama 1. Because I wasn't present or even caught glimpse on the initial comments. And I don't appreciate when people butt into things that do not concern them or weren't even present to see things to down.
@HerGreyness and
@elegant-one are two ladies I not only consider a great person and asset to the site but that I respect. And I think we forget that the kidding around can borderline in disrespect. And disrespect is never on the eye of the person saying it but how the disrespected feels about it. Friendships aside, there is no excuse for saying things to one another and make someone feel bad about whatever the hell they want to do.
2. I drink too, I live in New York and whoever isn't drinking here almost every day is deleting themselves. Nothing can make you grab a bottle of wine or a beer like a 1 and a half drive on the LiE or subway ride to work in the morning. So yes I log on while I'm having wine. And I don't care if it's considered too much or too less. I really don't care. But when my friends are being called out on it, I take offense like a hyena.
3. Yes I believe that maybe it wasn't a big comment. And I have nothing against you veronika only thing I'm saying is that sometimes when a person says things to people, You might think that you didn't say something to hurt or demean someone. But it's th other persons to feel good or bad about it. So if that person is offended. They're offended. Period. You can't take that away from a person. So let's not undermine someone's opinion on what is offensive or not to them. Call me a drunk, I won't care a single piece of cheese. But if someone says they were offended. They were. No beef with you, and again I know I wasn't there nor involved in the combo. Now why am I getting involved ?
3. When a post of someone publicly posting their opinion or defending himself is posted like what @Mac-Guy did just now, yes as a moderator you have every right to flag it if it's disrespectful, demeaning, prohibited, illegal, or detriment to the forum life. But if a mod (and I hate to put people on the spot) @Naynadine flags it but does not flag or edit her own response. I don't think that's fair. I don't think these matters should be dealt publicly as to incite more drama but if someone feels the need to say something and you answered back, you either flag both or none at all. That said? Yes I have mod capabilities. Yes I validated it. Should I have? Maybe not, maybe I shoulve deleted both comments. Either both of you get a say In the matter. Or none of you. Nobody gets to flag someone else but leave their own comment and opinion there. It's not fair. It's not freedom of speech.
I have nothing against none of you. I have very good opinion of everyone in this post. Even people that have done or not done stupid postings lol! None has done to me or under my watch. I post racoons half the time for god sakes lol. Now: I think the PM thing is everyone's private matter whoever they want to be friends in a dif level is everyone's business. Whoever feels excluded maybe should have their own friends to send pms to. I PM with very few just like on real life I have few friends, when someone's job is to create relationships and network, it becomes a job to do it on real life.. Whoever anyone decides to be friend or not is their business.
Now. With a bitter taste In my mouth let's leave the snarky comments or references aside, the egos and the pretenses. We all like makeup, that's why we're here. The buying or the non buying of it is each other's personal problem.
That said. Dodgy girl is the ish, I love it. And I'm proud of myself for not going freaky over this coll cause honestly going to the store and swatching used to be half the fun. The online frenzy has made me lazy and high buying. No more online release if I don't see the ish first.
Thanks for being fair. This is much appreciated.
I will keep my mouth shut to put an end (from my perspective) on this unpleasant topic.
Done and dusted.