Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


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New Summer challenge idea!: Pick the item that you have no idea what to do with and make it fabulous.
This is what I was afraid of with DG. I also have no fashion sense so I am with you there! Solidarity!


Well-known member
This is what I was afraid of with DG. I also have no fashion sense so I am with you there! Solidarity!
Liba always has great ideas on outfit and lipstick combos! She always envisions the total look. Maybe you can lure her in here for some suggestions about what to do with Dodgy Girl.


Well-known member
Nothing was "needed" but with my own health issues and my Mom's coming to light again - I thought I'd treat myself a bit. This is my first purchase in about 4 weeks or so, so I think I'm doing pretty good.

I do want an eye shadow from Moody Blooms but I think otherwise that's me collection wise.

I have my brother staying with me and our spare bed is in my makeup room/partners office, so I can't even get to my make-up table at the moment. Not that I've had need to, I've been so worn out just from existing that just showering and shaving my legs has been a hassle.

I think this is one of my biggest problems though when it comes to purchasing. I purchase things like make-up because I feel low from being unwell permanently, but because I'm so unwell I don't get around to using it. I guess that's why people will say to me "you don't need anymore makeup" - no, I don't. I don't even use what I have.. but it brings a little light to my day when I feel so crap.

I do need to try and find other hobbies, the problem is I played on the ps3 for an hour earlier and afterwards I was nauseous and had a migraine and needed to lay down. Just because I concentrated on something for 60mins. That's insanity.

I have cut down on my purchasing a lot though, which is good.
Hugs to you, PT.

Having had a lot of health issues the past few years myself, I actually went out of my way to wear some makeup, since it felt like something I could take charge of to make my day a little more fun, plus pep me up when I was feeling sick or worn out looking. So there's that side of it, and a good excuse to wear all of your things. If you feel like your makeup just comes off as too dramatic for what you're wearing around the house, pare it down a bit and just wear a fun lipstick or a blush that livens up your face. Just a little thing like putting your hair up and wearing some jewelry can be enough to justify makeup when just wearing a t-shirt and jeans. I guess it's making that mental leap from "I feel like crap, so I don't care what I look like" to "I feel like crap - let's see if this livens things up for a minute" - you'll be surprised at the results! For me, at this point, I honestly look forward to putting on the items I really love, especially now that I've got some things in formulas like the Huggables and Patentpolishes that also condition my lips, along with being pretty.

Also, I've said it before and I'll say it again - some makeup is just meant to be trendy and of the moment and if you got some use out of it for a season, just chalk it up to "OK, I spent $2 per wear when I wore this 10 times" and see that as the cost of your beauty needs for that look and then let it go and B2M or donate it to a shelter or sell it/give it to someone else. There have been times I've bought expensive shoes or clothes and saw that I wore them many times over the years, so the cost averaged out over time, and I feel the same way about trendy makeup too. Anything to give yourself a mental break about what you already own. Dealing with the urge to buy more is a separate issue, of course, but that is an ongoing process that no one needs to make even more difficult by beating herself up about what she already has. You seem to be working on that part with RESULTS too, so good for you and keep being strong!!!!

Finally, yep - video games can be a great escape, but there are some basic physiological issues that can affect how you feel after you play for a while. Some games can cause minor or major motion sickness and also since you wind up staring with a lot of concentration at a certain point on the screen with a lot of single person and third person games, it can be exhausting for the eyes without taking a break. I worked in the industry for years and had to play 8 or 12 hours a day and definitely ran into some situations where I felt like a dead slug afterwards. Games you can play in 30 minutes bites, then take a 10 minute break or so, work well as far as not being as exhausting. I should talk….I've been playing Dark Souls II, by one of my all-time favorite developers, right now and I have to restrain myself from playing every day. LOL, I bought the game the day it came out and didn't allow myself to play it for a couple of months because I knew if I got started, I'd be risking all my free time to it. I do shut it off after every half hour or so, even if I haven't gotten through a particular area or challenge, and go do something else more "productive".

You'll get through all of this!


Well-known member
Edited due to poor lighting and out of sequence. Will redo and post when I get it together ugh! Oops


Well-known member
Hi Debbs,

That's fantastic you have sisters to send your rejects off to - it keeps it in the family, so to speak!

How do you feel about your organization situation? Do you feel like when you pull open a drawer to pick out a blush, do you love seeing everything laid out or do you get a pang, like "Wow, there is too much here"? I ask because just taking a look at what you have, I've got fewer blushes that you do and the only way I can deal with them so that I can grab one quickly and just use it, is to keep 1-2 in an "on the go/grocery store" type bag in my purse, and 3-5 other more specialized ones separated out in my seasonal look container. Then the rest get put the heck away. I only pull out the larger container when I have a very specific look in mind (plus the time to put it all together) or when I have the time to swap out looks in my in-use bags. This way, I only deal with all of my things at times where it feels pleasurable, not rushed. I think it keeps me more positive about what I do have, I use my stuff, and I keep in touch with what I already own.

I know sometimes you've felt a bit low about your collection and 'ole Liba wants you to enjoy what you've got in the least stressful way possible! Attack it from every angle and be kind to yourself, most of all.


Well-known member
Awesome stash and organization you got going there @Debbs and I don't think it's anything to be ashamed of at all. You're going through things and selling or giving things away and seem to be making real progress with your collection from what I've seen.


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I seemed to have missed quite a bit of drama. I hope everyone is okay. I haven't read it all, as I don't even know where it all started due to my fail absence lately. Back to make-up. I purchased 4 items yesterday which arrived today.  Bought them from Selfridges.  Toying Around l/s - yes, I got that little bastard.  Copperplate, Sushi Flower, All That Glitters & Malt pans.  I was sure I had Copperplate already as it's in my spreadsheet, but when I searched for it in my stash I didn't have it. Nothing was "needed" but with my own health issues and my Mom's coming to light again - I thought I'd treat myself a bit.  This is my first purchase in about 4 weeks or so, so I think I'm doing pretty good. I do want an eye shadow from Moody Blooms but I think otherwise that's me collection wise. I have my brother staying with me and our spare bed is in my makeup room/partners office, so I can't even get to my make-up table at the moment.  Not that I've had need to, I've been so worn out just from existing that just showering and shaving my legs has been a hassle. I think this is one of my biggest problems though when it comes to purchasing.  I purchase things like make-up because I feel low from being unwell permanently, but because I'm so unwell I don't get around to using it.  I guess that's why people will say to me "you don't need anymore makeup"  - no, I don't.  I don't even use what I have.. but it brings a little light to my day when I feel so crap. I do need to try and find other hobbies, the problem is I played on the ps3 for an hour earlier and afterwards I was nauseous and had a migraine and needed to lay down.  Just because I concentrated on something for 60mins.  That's insanity. I have cut down on my purchasing a lot though, which is good.
Peach Twist, Sorry to hear you have been feeling so unwell lately. Maybe just pick one item to wear to brighten up your day a little bit? If I'm feeling lazy and I am not planning on going anywhere, I sometimes just put on a lipstick or blush or some other single item to try it out without bothering to put on a full face, figuring that I'll just wash or wipe it off later on if I do go out. If you just pick one thing, it won't be so overwhelming, and it will let you enjoy your collection a little.
I have started doing that recently, too. I don't go out often, but when I'm at home I put on a lipstick, anyhow. It's much nicer to look in the mirror and see a pretty color. I don't care if I'm using it up because I have so many. Each little thing helps. I'm glad to see you here again, Peach!


Well-known member
I grab from my stash at nights and add to the few things in the bathroom for the day's look I also separate the es so everything gets rotated (hate almost every pic I take guys!)


Well-known member
It seems like you do have a lot to go through, Debbs, but I like how you have everything put in designated rotation drawers and set aside. Such a good idea. :)


Well-known member
Thanks guys, I really appreciate the support. One of the blush drawer is missing as I was editing the pics but you have the general idea. I don't feel as overwhelmed with a strong urge to use up stuff fast before they go bad. Destashing really works, lol . I think I am where I want to be now so minimal and carefully planned future purchases I decided today that I didn't need a extra Deep Fixation es anymore so down to only 2 es from Moody Bloom! Liba reading your post helped to put things in perspective much better. TY ! Trying not to use all the sales funds to rebuy more make up has been my biggest challenge. Working on that.


Well-known member
Yes, Debbs, I agree with Liba that you should try to avoid feeling bad about your stash, but put the focus instead on how you can better enjoy what you already have. And I am skeptical that cosmetics really go bad as quickly as people sometimes try to make out. If it happens it happens, but I wouldn't assume it's really going to be a major problem. I don't have a lot of old glosses, so don't have much experience with that, but otherwise you should be okay for most things, I would think.


Well-known member
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well @PeachTwist and big hugs to you girly.
Thanks, ladies.

I'll start trying to put something on like a lipstick, so I can at least use/enjoy those. I guess I've just always felt silly wearing one thing of make-up without doing a full face. I really miss doing a full face but it's so much energy these days.

Hopefully I'll be back a bit more often. I guess I've not been on/contributing because I've not been purchasing or wearing anything. I haven't even been lemming after anything other than Toying Around which I now have - so there's nothing really "new" that I want at the moment. Crazy, right? Lol. Good for my low-buy though. Probably helps I've not had the energy to look at anything either!


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[SIZE=10pt][COLOR=181818]30 days 30 lippies round 2! Progress Summary : 5 OUT : 6 KEEP Day 1 25/05: Revlon Romantic Kissable Balm Stain - umm its going i like the color but have other pencil formulas I prefer, this one is gone - OUT Day 2 26/05: L'Oreal Glossy Balm Sin on Peach - love the colour but made my lips sore, this one is gone - OUT Day 3 27/05: Revlon Honey Kissable Balm Stain - I think this is going to go to, its not the best on me. - OUT Day 4 28/05: Rimmel Kate Moss Lasting Finish Lipstick in 20 - its a better colour,it looks good now my hair is back to its natural cool dark brown shade, the perfect clash. - KEEP Day 5 29/05: Rimmel Moisture Renew 130 Oxford Street Fushia, its not fushisa, but an amped up version of mac creme cup, me likely so it stays - KEEP Day 6 30/05: Clarins Instant Light Lip Perfector in 02 - basic light tint in a moisturising formula - KEEP Day 7 31/05: Lancome Rouge in Love in Rouge in Love, red perfection - KEEP Day 8 01/06: No lipstick today just Nivea Balm in Honey & Milk - hangover day from the previous night :) Day 9 02/06: Nivea Soft Rose Lip Balm - not sure I like this, I don't think it sits very naturally on my lips - OUT Day 10 03/06: Topshop Gloss Ink in Sugar Rush - its a keeper I love this formula a lot and this is a great everyday colour - KEEP Day 11 04/06: Chanel Rouge Coco Shine in 55 Romantic - This is love an nearly finished, in fact its would be finished if not for these challenges, so leaving it on my desk to top up during the day - KEEP[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt][COLOR=181818]Day 12 05/06: Rimmel Moisture Renew Vintage Pink - I love this formula but this colour is off on my a touch too purple to be a MLBB, it looks grey unfortunately it is an OUT[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=181818]In the B2M news....[/COLOR] [COLOR=181818]I went to MAC yesterday I used my voucher and bought Syrup and Hot Tahiti Lipsticks, I have put them in my draw for when this 30 lippies challenge is over. I collected up my B2M empties last night and I have enough for 3 lipsticks so I am going back to MAC in my lunch time today.[/COLOR] [COLOR=181818]I discovered my wearing patterns and stash habits have been leaning towards brights in pink and red form and I have neglected to replenish neutrals/softer colours since I used them up. I also discovered my other half prefers the subtler stuff. Now I don't propose to wear neutral lips just to please him, but it is a hole in my collection that I want my B2Ms to fill![/COLOR] [COLOR=181818]I already got Syrup and Hot Tahiti, now I have the following shades as a short list to research this morning before I go to the counter, any input welcome! Plumful[/COLOR] [COLOR=181818]Lustering[/COLOR] [COLOR=181818]Patisserie[/COLOR] [COLOR=181818]Lovelorn[/COLOR] [COLOR=181818]Sweetie[/COLOR] [COLOR=181818]Capricious[/COLOR] [COLOR=181818]Ladybug[/COLOR] [COLOR=181818]I need a soft plum, a soft pink, soft red and a soft peach so I think Plumful and Lustering are coming away with me, its the red and pink that I am finding hard![/COLOR] [COLOR=181818]Now im off to find the swatch thread, i want these to be considered purchases which will work.[/COLOR] [COLOR=181818]PS big [/COLOR]:heart:  to everyone, this thread has helped me a lot, we just need to stay on team low buy track :bouquet:
I just love Lovelorn. My b2m list currently includes Syrup. I'm also eyeing Patisserie and Blankety but I have and love Viva Glam 2 so I'm not sure I really need anything else in that nude-mauve color. I'm also looking at a few colors that were made perm like Giddy and Lip Blossom, which are both pretty glossy pinks (Temptalia reviewed them). Hope that helps you narrow it down!


Well-known member
Thanks, ladies. I'll start trying to put something on like a lipstick, so I can at least use/enjoy those.  I guess I've just always felt silly wearing one thing of make-up without doing a full face.  I really miss doing a full face but it's so much energy these days. Hopefully I'll be back a bit more often.  I guess I've not been on/contributing because I've not been purchasing or wearing anything.  I haven't even been lemming after anything other than Toying Around which I now have - so there's nothing really "new" that I want at the moment.  Crazy, right?   Lol.  Good for my low-buy though.  Probably helps I've not had the energy to look at anything either!
I don't even think of it as really wearing makeup, but just experimenting with my stash. Like I said, you can wash it off afterwards if you feel funny about just wearing one thing or just let it wear off naturally. Or you can put on one lipstick, and then replace it with an entirely different colour later on when that one wears off. You can wear 15 different shades in one day if you want! Or put on one thing, forget about it, and let your face be for the rest of the day. Think of it as playing with or shopping your stash, so it doesn't seem like a chore. You don't have to want to purchase or wear anything to participate in this forum, since enjoying what you already have, whatever that means to you, is in the very spirit of this thread.