MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
Kelly's quad lol damn them

Dolly Snow

20 min in and my counter sold out of dg, rh, and sp.....and I stood around just to see if that heffer got any and she didn't lmao all sold out so sad


Well-known member
I am convinced that after the past 3-5 years of limited collections and all the fiascos that have happened (Riri was the biggest one of all in my opinion) that MAC needs to develop a new plan for releasing limited edition collections to keep up with the high demand. I am absolutely convinced that they should create a Preorder system for these limited collections. I feel it will give everyone the chance to order exactly what they want, give MAC an idea of how much product to produce, and help to limit the amount of product that is bought up by resellers and sold on eBay for obscene prices. Either way, something should be done in my opinion.
I am still catching up.. Read all the posts since I went to bed last night and still have 6 pages to go..

But I keep reading about people not being able to get what they wanted.

Here is a tip from me... That worked during the last two Riri releases.

First -- call Nordstrom, Dillards and Macy's customer service.. See if they can locate it in a store for you, then see if you can get it shipped to you.

Last time around, a sweet CSR agent from Macy's (or maybe Dillards, but I think Macy's).. did ALL the work for me - he looked it up on the computer until he finally found what I was looking for, then he called the store himself (while I was on hold) and explained the entire situation for me.. and got it all worked out so all i had to do is give the girl at the counter my CC info.. easy peasy.. it is worth a shot if you really want something!!

Good luck! just saved my life. I called Nordstrom customer service, asked to find a store that had DG and KYY...they sent me to their flagship and they have KYY! They are shipping them to me here in TX, I am paying for them on the phone right now. She is also looking for DG for me right now. Thanks for being my saving grace!!!


Well-known member
Hope everyone got what they want today! I'm recovering from giving blood (came off a menstral and gave blood for a teenage family member that's in intensive care with a blood disorder so i'm really weak and light headed) but I'm going to still play in makeup today and celebrate with y'all!
I hope you're feeling back up to snuff soon and that your family member is okay!


Well-known member
Today's delivery
I had to go get hubs so he could see it in all its glory. He said take a pic of it & post it on your board

All my backups, Sephora, Nordies & MAC. I get a small delivery from Nordies tomorrow



Active member
Called my local store and they were out of all the lipsticks. Was able to purchase the kelly blush over the phone. They did place an order for KYY and DG through nordstroms so im praying I get one.

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