Seeing all your goodies makes me want my last Nordies orders to get here.
I'm not going to be able to rest until my Nordies SP order finally ships.
Yesterday, I was told by Live Chat "Oh, here's your tracking, it'll ship tonight. No it won't be cancelled."
Today, I got a cancel email for 1 of the 2 lippies. So I Live Chatted again and said what had happened, and this lady was like "Oh that's too bad. Only one was cancelled." And I was like "Yeah, so will I still get one of the lippies?" And she was like "Yes." And I was like and when will it ship? And she's all "I don't have that information. Have a good day."
I know they don't have all the answers and I don't expect them to... but...
I just want my SP backup.