MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
I know the struggle

I went to my counter and almost bought myself sharons quad and bijou!
What? They still had bijou? Lucky girl (even though you didn't get it LOL). All of the stores around here sold out right away. I actually called around haha!

The struggle is real!


Well-known member
Pussywillow is perfect over your favorite nude lipstick.
I just used it over EO from AA and its love.
Sounds absolutely perfect!

By any chance to you have gold mirror? Am wondering how the two compare. Guess I should mozzy on over to the Pedro Lournenco thread to see if they discuss it there!


Well-known member
Sounds absolutely perfect! :haha: By any chance to you have gold mirror? Am wondering how the two compare. Guess I should mozzy on over to the Pedro Lournenco thread to see if they discuss it there!
Someone posted a comparison pic awhile ago of the two! I can't remember which thread tho lol. I love both of them :heart:


Well-known member
:thud: Drop dead gorgeous!!!!
I'm hoping it's still in stock when I get paid next week lol! If so, then it will be meant to be lol.  It just looks so cute!  :eyelove: Thank you! :heart: Thank you! And you are going to loooove that combo! It really made DG look like RiRiBoy :heart2: Thank you, Gorgeous! Nala says thank you! Hehe...:heart: Thank you, Beautiful! These colors will look so pretty on you! :heart2: Thank you, love! :heart: So gorgeous! :eyelove:  Love the combo - I wish I picked up Heroine when I had the chance.  Maybe one day Mac will reprobate/make it perm lol :heart2:
Hey beautiful :wavey: . Nw I am regretting skipping that (heroine liner)!!!
Love the Dodgy on you. It's stunning. I'm curious what eye products you used. They bring out the purple without being too matchy matchy.
so beautiful
I love it! Your skin is gorgeous too :)
Thank you very much ladies, y'all are too sweet! :kiss: [@]Martiangurll[/@]I'm incredibly lazy 95% of the time and usually only slap mascara on, but today I was feeling crazy and used Black Ivy and did a little wing. Nothing else besides that and my mascara was used. :)

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