Nail Polish Discussion - Any Brand


Well-known member
Have you all seen the announcement that Llarowe will do some July 4th sales? I'll have a look at her Website every now and then tomorrow if I remember it. ;)


Well-known member
I caved in and ordered a few of the Lilypads from Llarowe after all. But I'm really annoyed because there were 2 polishes I really wanted and they kept showing as reserved all day, I kept refreshing and readding to the basket, and eventually asked Llarowe on Facebook if those were still in stock as it seemed a bit unbelievable that they were always reserved, and they're actually out of stock! Bloody website. Wasted most of my day with it.

On a better note, my Color4Nails order arrived with their 2 exclusive Femme Fatales plus another one of the new FFs, They are really pretty (prettier than my pictures show).

I had some difficulties getting in. I had the auto refresh on as usual but I was not able to get in until 15 past (!) when I rewrote the last letter in the address and then got in! I don't know if that was a loop I was in or what.

Lovely haul! I so need to catch up on FF! Next payday I think as I have crossed over almost everything else on my list.

Quote: Originally Posted by Anneri

Have you all seen the announcement that Llarowe will do some July 4th sales?
I'll have a look at her Website every now and then tomorrow if I remember it.
It's on now! I ordered a few (and managed to throw half out of the cart before that) but I really hope I'm done now. It is true that the shipping has gone up. :(


Well-known member
Nice work on your glitter bomb! I love the last mani there, so pretty. I really should try stamping - I bought a cheap stamper with a plate to test if I was any good, spent about 5 minutes with it, failed completely to get any polish onto the stamper and dumped the lot at the back of the implements drawer! I should try a different polish with it to see if that was the problem (I used a Nails Inc matt).
Why is it that I always look at other people's Cadillacquers and swatches and really like them, but am always completely uninspired when I pull up a list of them with a view to buying? I'm not really bothered, I think I have enough brands to be going on with, but I see pics like yours and just go oooooh, want! Look forward to seeing them on you, when I can do the same again!


Well-known member
Gone off enchanted used to do the restock every time and get a few polishes now I don't bother since Aprils one came out think that's the lady I bought of enchanteds .
Nice manis there, hope you get your mojo back! You know it's a sin to own lovely polishes and not use them, don't you?


Well-known member
You have no love for greens, Anneri?

I wish I could read too, but I've been feeling too restless for it for a long time now. At least I'm back on knitting. I bought yarns last Saturday and on Monday I had the back part ready!

Fuzzy, you def need to get more EdMs once she gets back. Hope you like you HR!

I went for the clear ones but I don't know if one is better than the other. On clear ones you can at least see if a polish is opaque/transparent.

Glad to hear you had a nice time! I like the combo!

Dominique, MD is a Dream!

Oh, EF looks lovely! I love warm holos.

Nice little haul. I also got my Harlow order yesterday (plus another one, 15 in total, oops), one of them being the copper one you got.

I once ordered a LC lippie (Airborne Unicorn) from Harlow, too. Geranium is another one I'm interested in. Please post pics!

Lovely blue! The holo makes is alive.

You live near Brighton? A lifetime ago I was supposed to come there to learn some English, but my friend's father had some issues so the plans were called off.

Thanks, Fuzzy! I'm looking forward to the warm weather that's supposed to come back next week. I've been freezing out here with 10-15 C for weeks!

Thanks, Dominique! They look nice. Ugh, I've been lemming MK watches for a long time, but I'm not good with big purchases. Happy with my current watch though.

Lovely manis again! The stamped ones especially. I can see the thermo, and love the last one with Penny Talk.

You have some lovely NPs, beautycool. Hope you will get your NP mojo back!

I could add that glitter polishes that have a sparse glitter (like a glitter TC) are usually easier to take off. BUT, ChosenOne, the polishes you're taking about - Airy Fairy or Chuffed - are not glitter polishes, they are shimmers!

I'll post some pics form my phone.
Hi MRV, I live in Brighton (Hove, actually as we locals like to say!) - it's a fun town, shame you didn't make it! A nice bright mani fits in well with our colourful residents!


Well-known member
Well I tried ordering some of the new Lilypads from the first Llarowe restock but the colours I liked the most went really quickly and were all sold out within 20 minutes. 7 pm is the worst time for me as I'm doing bathtime, etc., so couldn't really sit in front of the computer and click refresh. Oh well. Hopefully Sally Magpies will stock these too, obviously not the Llarowe exclusives, but never mind. I'm definitely not waiting up until 2 am for the second restock!

Here's today's mani, Zoya Tinsley. It's really summery and pretty.

I like this, I'm not really a pink gal, but this has much more to it. Perfect for holidays in the sun! Zoya's another brand I haven't really got into, I bought one, but haven't used it.


Well-known member
Nice manis there, hope you get your mojo back!  You know it's a sin to own lovely polishes and not use them, don't you?
Lol that made me smile thanks Hun I just haven't the time and I'm more mad on my make up now really I will buy odd occasional bottles though And do nails occasionally I did my nails the other night at 11 pm All chipped now though need to do again maybe I will later or over weekend Thanks Hun I would be mad on polish though instead if buying one or two I would buy the whole set or if they were like picture polishes I would buy like four then three from colours by llarowe then 2 from nails inc I didn't stop at like say two So it was getting stupid tbh too x lol x What ever polishes was out I would have to have if liked the colours Anything from four bottles to 6 bottles in one order and we all know how many polishes are bought out every month or so lol xx


Well-known member
I have been looking at the mac ones The top coats etc are the new ones aren't they So may see if anyone had swatches on the net of them :)


Well-known member
I caved in and ordered a few of the Lilypads from Llarowe after all. But I'm really annoyed because there were 2 polishes I really wanted and they kept showing as reserved all day, I kept refreshing and readding to the basket, and eventually asked Llarowe on Facebook if those were still in stock as it seemed a bit unbelievable that they were always reserved, and they're actually out of stock! Bloody website. Wasted most of my day with it.

On a better note, my Color4Nails order arrived with their 2 exclusive Femme Fatales plus another one of the new FFs, They are really pretty (prettier than my pictures show).

I sooo want more Lilypads, but I've got too many expenses this month :(
Glad you got some of your wishlist, I'm still hoping she'll open on Etsy again, it feels like forever since she said she was bringing out a Galaxy collection, and they haven't shown up elsewhere at restocks. After wearing my Teal Pearl, I want the whole collection, and looking at Llarowe's restock yesterday there were a bunch more (plus I love the Nail Polish Canada exclusive shade). Gaaaah, too many polishes, not enough lottery wins!!!
Can you guess which of the Femme Fatales you bought is sitting in my C4N basket? It looks even better in your pic than it does in theirs, I hope to see a swatch from you soon!


Well-known member
I'll have a look at her Website every now and then tomorrow if I remember it.
I thought I might cave in when I read about it, but I'm not tempted. A couple of nice ones are there, but only one from my actual Llarowe wishlist, and shipping is way too high unless you're buying a lot. Plus, I'm just going to say it out loud, most of the discounts are not exactly enormous! Saving $2 isn't going to pull me off my wagon!


Well-known member
I thought I might cave in when I read about it, but I'm not tempted.  A couple of nice ones are there, but only one from my actual Llarowe wishlist, and shipping is way too high unless you're buying a lot.  Plus, I'm just going to say it out loud, most of the discounts are not exactly enormous!  Saving $2 isn't going to pull me off my wagon!
Right?!?!! I was absolutely disappointed. 2$, sheesh! But I'm actually happy about it, like you put it so succinctly - too many expensive, too little lottery wins!


Well-known member
Anything from four bottles to 6 bottles in one order and we all know how many polishes are bought out every month or so lol xx
I honestly know where you're coming from! I went mad at Xmas and I pretty much cleared my wishlist, thinking that I would be able to reign in the spending in future and stick to new items from favourite brands. It hasn't worked, and my wishlist was back to full strength within a couple of months. I've sussed out it's because the makers bring out so many new collections per year, it's not like the high street where each brand probably has one winter and one summer collection. Plus I always hate wasting money on postage, so I try to throw as many polishes in as possible to make it more cost-effective (I swear I've added 12 polishes to a tiny order I wanted so I could get free shipping lol!), especially since so many of them are coming from foreign sellers. It soon adds up, I reckon I've just about got enough now to paint the whole house inside and out (not sure how the landlord would feel about that, but what a sparkly holo-y glittery house it would be!).


Well-known member
I honestly know where you're coming from!  I went mad at Xmas and I pretty much cleared my wishlist, thinking that I would be able to reign in the spending in future and stick to new items from favourite brands.  It hasn't worked, and my wishlist was back to full strength within a couple of months.  I've sussed out it's because the makers bring out so many new collections per year, it's not like the high street where each brand probably has one winter and one summer collection.  Plus I always hate wasting money on postage, so I try to throw as many polishes in as possible to make it more cost-effective (I swear I've added 12 polishes to a tiny order I wanted so I could get free shipping lol!), especially since so many of them are coming from foreign sellers.  It soon adds up, I reckon I've just about got enough now to paint the whole house inside and out (not sure how the landlord would feel about that, but what a sparkly holo-y glittery house it would be!).
Hi Hun I know where you coming from painting whole house with nail polish I prob had 600 at one point I know others have more lol I started collecting and growing my nails after my stepdad died in 2011 We burried my stepdad Friday I had my baby induced on the Sunday it was madness Anyhow I used to bite my nails all time I turned to nail polish I was grieving still am It made me cope Parcels every other day For two years constant it was getting beyond the joke Nearly all from the USA or oz lol Some uk But this was before the uk sellers started there businesses in the uk As I think Sally's started in 2012 And rainbow 2012 but not sure I could be wrong X but anyhow I have been selling lots as it's my sons 18 th soon and gosh we are moving too x


Well-known member
Tbh I have wised myself up buy not spending lots on polishes Some polishes do go abit funny but just need a shake I was well up on my enchanteds I had to have them I got the hubby to even get them for me we both used to sit there trying to score polishes from enchanted we got them all the ones I wanted all time x And when the James Bond Coll came out in the USA omg I was over there in FL AND bought the whole collection lol lol x Not good I bought back over 50 polishes with me Disputed in all different suitcases lol like 9 suitcases madness


Well-known member
This is how mad it got lol two weeks away in the states and this is what I had delievered to my villa or I bought in Sally's etc Walmart etc Madness I take that back think it's more than 50 lol I even had boxes in the mail box outside the villa the night we got there lol lol Hubby was like what's going on there is a parcel in there for you I was like really Lol I had ordered from uk to the USA to go straight to villa for me Ps I love pams polishes whimsicals I always would still buy hers love love them x girls x


Well-known member
I had a look at the Llarowe sale items, but nothing tempted me. I either have them already, or not interested. Just as well, after my large Lilypad order yesterday...


Well-known member
In case anyone's interested, Darling Diva have a 20% off promotion today (code is HOLIDAY20)
and Above The Curve have reduced most full size polishes to $6, minis to $3


Well-known member
I sooo want more Lilypads, but I've got too many expenses this month :(
Glad you got some of your wishlist, I'm still hoping she'll open on Etsy again, it feels like forever since she said she was bringing out a Galaxy collection, and they haven't shown up elsewhere at restocks. After wearing my Teal Pearl, I want the whole collection, and looking at Llarowe's restock yesterday there were a bunch more (plus I love the Nail Polish Canada exclusive shade). Gaaaah, too many polishes, not enough lottery wins!!!
Can you guess which of the Femme Fatales you bought is sitting in my C4N basket? It looks even better in your pic than it does in theirs, I hope to see a swatch from you soon!
Well of course!
I have to say I was very happy with Color4Nails, this was my first order andd it arrived quickly and shipping was't too bad. Llarowe is really taking the piss now with herr shipping costs!

Apparently there's a new shop,, but it only has one nail polish on it?

Oh and does anyone know what's happened to Norway Nails? It says closed until further notice.


Well-known member
You are funny!

Thanks. It doesn't really look pink irl, more orange thanks to the golden sheen.

Well of course!
I have to say I was very happy with Color4Nails, this was my first order andd it arrived quickly and shipping was't too bad. Llarowe is really taking the piss now with herr shipping costs!

Apparently there's a new shop,, but it only has one nail polish on it?

Oh and does anyone know what's happened to Norway Nails? It says closed until further notice.
I've used Color4Nails before, I really rate them - and it's very reasonable if you get a load. My order arrived in a week flat, no import duties either. Norway Nails - Wenche is sick, hubby's dealing with orders but they're not taking more till she's better.