

Well-known member
I understand.  That check I got? Was from selling my car for scrap. I got into a car accident and my insurance company refused to pay because I was like a few days late paying my insurance. So the only thing I could do was sell my car for scrap. It's not the end of the world, I can share my fiancee's car for now. Once I finish school and am working I'll buy a new car. It's just a bummer, that's all. I'm saving some of the money I got for a down payment on a new car.  But also, I'm buying makeup. Because I could really use something to cheer me up!
Oh car issues are the worst! I'm sorry you had that trouble with your insurance company. :hug:


Well-known member
Oh no! Guess who just walked into ulta


Well-known member
:support:  For me, its like postponing the inevitable. I mean I only make lists of stuff I really want to try and know that I will use, atleast these days. I do not shop unless I am sure of something anymore. I have given away a lot of my stash in the last few months to my friends, my sister and some I have given away through CB. And Now I have mostly stuff that I use often. I used to have so  many palettes that I hardly ever touched few of those. The stash has been well brought into control now and it is indeed a relief. I have kept all the 3 naked palettes, 2 lorac palettes, naked basics and MAC custom palette for me (even that is too much makeup) and now added Amrezy to the mix! I am still destashng but I feel pretty good abut what I have retained and what I have given away! :heart:
I'm using all my lippies and blushes and have destashed a lot over the last year or so. I just need to get the shadow/ pigment bit more whittled down and I'll be good. Every time I attempt going through them to weed things out I feel over whelmed and give up. Hundreds of individual little pots just stare up at me and I start feeling all crazy because I don't even know where to begin. Lol


Well-known member
Oh car issues are the worst! I'm sorry you had that trouble with your insurance company.
They were such jerks about it. They were like "Nope, your coverage lapsed. Too bad, so sad."

Oh well. I hated that car anyway. I got it in my divorce settlement. My ex husband decided he wanted both our cars so his then-fiancee (now his wife) gave me her car. I didn't even know you could legally do it that way, but that's how it happened. It was a Kia and it was just old enough to require a lot of maintenance. I can't say I'm going to miss it much. But it was a car and it was completely paid off. I am not going to be thrilled to have car payments again. That's why I'm holding out until I finish school.


Well-known member
They were such jerks about it. They were like "Nope, your coverage lapsed. Too bad, so sad."  Oh well. I hated that car anyway. I got it in my divorce settlement. My ex husband decided he wanted both our cars so his then-fiancee (now his wife) gave me her car. I didn't even know you could legally do it that way, but that's how it happened. It was a Kia and it was just old enough to require a lot of maintenance.  I can't say I'm going to miss it much. But it was a car and it was completely paid off. I am not going to be thrilled to have car payments again. That's why I'm holding out until I finish school. 
I didn't know you could do that either. I pay mine off beginning of next year and I can't wait. I had just paid my last car off when some ass clown crashed into me on the highway totalling it and so then I had to start over.


Well-known member
They were such jerks about it. They were like "Nope, your coverage lapsed. Too bad, so sad."

Oh well. I hated that car anyway. I got it in my divorce settlement. My ex husband decided he wanted both our cars so his then-fiancee (now his wife) gave me her car. I didn't even know you could legally do it that way, but that's how it happened. It was a Kia and it was just old enough to require a lot of maintenance. I can't say I'm going to miss it much. But it was a car and it was completely paid off. I am not going to be thrilled to have car payments again. That's why I'm holding out until I finish school.

You deserved a treat today after all that jerkiness!


Well-known member

You deserved a treat today after all that jerkiness!
That's what I said.

I'm spending some money on school (I have an application fee to pay for, and I have to pay for the part of tuition that wasn't covered by loans/grants), some on bills (FUN!) and then some money for makeup. I should have some money leftover too.

I start school to be an esthetician on July 21! I'm so excited. I was in school to be a cosmetologist but I hated doing hair, so I switched to a different program.