July No Buy - 2 Week Update [COLOR=4B0082]"Anyone can do anything for a week." [/COLOR] Week 2 Goals: Completed!:cheer: Goal 1: Purchase 0 material items - SUCCESS! I purchased a small sketchbook and drawing pencils but I counted them as experience items. The pencil tin also doubled as a DIY palette! Goal 2: Use up a lipstick - I've been working on finishing up my Peach Blossom lipstick. It's not there yet but I did use it every day that I wore makeup - I'll carry it over to next week. Goal 3: Use an eyeshadow every day for a week - SUCCESS! I used All That Glitters eyeshadow every day that I wore makeup. I also made my own mini palette with: Pink Swoon and Melba blushes; Blanc Type, Dazzlelight, All That Glitters, Bamboo, Soft Brown and Wedge eyeshadows. I was lemming for a nude eyeshadow palette but I decided to use what I had on hand instead! What a concept eh? This way I can focus on using up some of my eyeshadows this year. Goal 4: Makeup purgatory - Use one neglected item every day. I'm going to try and think of the item I used the least recently, generally the "I can't remember the last time I used this" item and use it that day. - SUCCESS! I used 4 eyeshadows, a blush, an eyeliner, and a concealer that I haven't pulled out in a while. Goal 5: Minimalist challenge - Every day I'm going to find items in my apartment to donate or trash. On Day 1, I'll let go of one item.. Day 2, two items.. etc. By the end of the week I will have let go of 28 items! They can be anything: makeup, beauty products, clothes or shoes, kitchen utensils, books, etc. - SUCCESS! I let go of a couple pairs of shoes, some clothing items, books, dvds, a keychain, my old cell phone, a scarf organizer, and some jewelry. Most of it I haven't used in over a year.. but it was all still hard to let go of! Really trying not to be so attached to things anymore. It definitely helped having a certain number of items I had to get to! I'm going to do this challenge every 3 months. Week 3 Goals Goal 1: Purchase 0 material items - no beauty products, no clothes or accessories. Basically nothing non-consumable. Allowable expenses include food and drinks, monthly bills, experiences like movie tickets. - This is a repeat from last week.. will be doing this one all month! Goal 2: Use up a lipstick - This is also a repeat from last week. I'll be working on Peach Blossom until it's finished. Goal 3: Use an eyeshadow every day for a week - Another repeat from last week. I'm going to use Wedge this time. Goal 4: Find dupes for wishlist items - I'm going to go through my wishlist for upcoming collections and beside each item I'm going to try to list things I already own that will have the same effect. It might not help to narrow down my list any more but at least I'll be thinking about it. Goal 5: Use the myfitnesspal app every day - One of the things I need to focus on is not letting my impulse to buy things translate into overeating. I definitely felt like that was an issue last week so I'm going to try to keep it more under control this week. Last week was tough. Also, over the past couple of days I found myself wanting a lot of items like the new Kat Von D lipsticks, the NARS Jardin Perdu duo, a couple of the lipsticks from Tarte, etc. Most of them are permanent so I'm going to put them off and it definitely helps that I know I'm not allowing myself to buy anything right now. I'm really happy that I didn't let stress or emotional issues be a justification for shopping last week. That's been a huge problem for me and I'm still working on it. Hope everyone's having a good week so far!