Hi everyone! I am sort of a newbie here. What I have to say is: I already got Lolita and Mau5 - Kat renamed it Bauhau5, guess she broke up w/ deadmau5 - both in liquid version. Anyway, I am not buying Studded Kiss shades that already exist in liquid formula. Liquid lippies are waaaaaaaaaay better, the colors look so much brighter and lip contour gets really nicer than regular lipsticks. Oh, of course. It takes years to them to come out of your lips. And there's more: they're cheaper. LOL. However im really interested about Coven and Homegirl. I am also looking for a nice black lippie. Im thinking about purchasing Pretty Zombie's Black Cat instead of Slayer. And that's it. PS Bauhau5 and Lolita look A-effin-MAZING in liquid formula.
ultra-matte kisses from Brasil