Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


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FOTD... * MAC Paint Pot - Painterly (under the eyes) * It Cosmetics YSBB CC Cream - Fair * MAC Studio Sculpt Concealer - NW15 * MAC Brow Pencil - Stud * Sonia Kashuk Brow Gel - Clear * NARS Smudgeproof Eyeshadow Base * Smashbox Eyeshadow - Vanilla (used as a base colour all over the lid) * Makeup Geek Eyeshadow - Hipster (above crease) * MAC Pigment - Naked (all over lid) * Makeup Geek Eyeshadow - Corrupt (lashline) * Prestige Total Intensity Mascara - Black * MAC Blush - mix of Strada and Taupe * Illamasqua Lipstick - Sangers (dabbed onto the lips and rubbed in like a stain) The look was largely inspired by a Pixiwoo tutorial from a few years ago. I've been wanting to use at least one of my red lippies and needed some inspiration. So there you go. I quite liked this look! It was also a little strange reaching for my Prestige mascara after using my Bare Minerals one almost all the time. *ponders*


Well-known member
Juli was a good month regarding the low-buy:

roundabout 20€, very budget friendly.

August will be a bit different, I'm visiting Berlin, that means I'm also visiting the MAC-Pro Store, Burberry Counter at KaDeWe and Maske Berlin (MUFE and Kett).
And don't get me started on Oktober, once again:


Well-known member
The Sephora points got me today..
Ordered 2 makeup items and got a few free things and a Marc Jacobs mini eyeliner for 100 points. Now I'm down to 1 makeup item I can purchase for this month which should hopefully be okay because I cut out almost everything from my ANR list. I made VIB Rouge too.. don't know whether to celebrate or be ashamed of myself haha. At least now that there's free shipping I won't feel the need to add anything on to bump up future orders to the $75 mark.

I also got rid of 5 more items today. I know my decluttering is part of the reason I feel like getting certain things because suddenly it feels like I don't have very much. Now that I've downsized everything that needed to go right now I need to try and get used to a smaller selection rather than wanting to "stock up" again.


Well-known member
The Sephora points got me today..
Ordered 2 makeup items and got a few free things and a Marc Jacobs mini eyeliner for 100 points. Now I'm down to 1 makeup item I can purchase for this month which should hopefully be okay because I cut out almost everything from my ANR list. I made VIB Rouge too.. don't know whether to celebrate or be ashamed of myself haha. At least now that there's free shipping I won't feel the need to add anything on to bump up future orders to the $75 mark.

I also got rid of 5 more items today. I know my decluttering is part of the reason I feel like getting certain things because suddenly it feels like I don't have very much. Now that I've downsized everything that needed to go right now I need to try and get used to a smaller selection rather than wanting to "stock up" again.
If the points were more like Ulta's I think the whole double/triple/quadruple points thing would bring me in. But samples just never get used by me and I already have like 700 points saved for Sephora. I'm waiting until the 20% off sale. :)


Well-known member
If the points were more like Ulta's I think the whole double/triple/quadruple points thing would bring me in. But samples just never get used by me and I already have like 700 points saved for Sephora. I'm waiting until the 20% off sale. :)
I usually get the mini mascaras or lip glosses! I rarely buy a full size of those now. Sometimes a deluxe perfume. I think I only got a 500 point once and it was a Josie Maran kit. Now that they have the smaller lip and mascara samplers those are less exciting though. I had a couple things in my cart for a while and then saw the points + MJ eyeliner + Buxom mini today and couldn't resist.


Staff member
I have over 700 points at Sephora and have yet to turn any of them in for something. I think it's that every time I order something, the perks aren't intriguing enough for me, or I wish it was a different brand or something? I dunno. Strangeness. I think a hybrid of Sephora and Ulta's points thingie would be ideal. Like Sephora, you get to keep all your points until you use them (something that bothers me about Ulta's system is that points expire), and you can turn them in for deluxe samples or exclusive kits or whatnot. But like Ulta, you also have the option to use your points for discounts.


Well-known member
I think a hybrid of Sephora and Ulta's points thingie would be ideal. Like Sephora, you get to keep all your points until you use them (something that bothers me about Ulta's system is that points expire), and you can turn them in for deluxe samples or exclusive kits or whatnot. But like Ulta, you also have the option to use your points for discounts.
Yeah I still have 850! I always see great perks when there's nothing I want to buy.. then when I have a cart of stuff there's nothing. I agree, it would be awesome if you had the option of doing discounts instead!


Well-known member
Well I made it through no buy July with just the small hiccup of buying a $3 lip liner, so I'm pleased! Was near a CCO this weekend, and my birthday is this month so I treated myself and picked up $50 worth of goodies. Now back to the low buy!! I may pick up a blush from ANR but not 100%, so I feel like I'm in good shape. Everyone here seems to be doing well. I haven't posted but I've been reading and everyone's input has been helpful! Go team!

Maris Crane

Well-known member
My goal is to be REALLY good during August. I'm allowing myself one Tom Ford Quad, but that's it. I managed to make it to the mall, Shoppers Drug Mart, and Wal Mart without buying any makeup. I didn't even breakdown at Shoppers - I got my hair stuff, a new eye cream, and toner and walked out. (Well, I paid first and got my points - but no impulse Stila or Art Deco purchases!) Next, I'm going to try and use my Revlon CS Whipped for the next few weeks when I'm at work. It lasts a good, long time on me, but I've been doing my usual skin79 Hot Pink and MAC Loose or it cosmetics celebration with a big fluffy brush and I've got so much foundation to go through. I really want to make a dent in this CS Whipped, and then I'll allow myself to go back to my Bb's. I also created a list of stuff I want to do in August' I have a Shop My Stash List and my goal is to use 3 items off the list at least once each week. I also have a goal to use a Color Tattoo at least once each week. So far, since Saturday, I've crossed 5 items off my Stash list; but those were the easiest ones to build looks around. Keep strong, ladies! :D


Well-known member
Well I made it through no buy July with just the small hiccup of buying a $3 lip liner, so I'm pleased! Was near a CCO this weekend, and my birthday is this month so I treated myself and picked up $50 worth of goodies. Now back to the low buy!! I may pick up a blush from ANR but not 100%, so I feel like I'm in good shape. Everyone here seems to be doing well. I haven't posted but I've been reading and everyone's input has been helpful! Go team!
Wow that's fantastic! Great job on your No Buy. $3 for the month is something to be proud of!! I have my 2 items from the beginning of the month to keep me busy for now and my 2 additional items being sent so that should be enough to tide me over until ANR. I'm going to exercise some patience and check it out in store since I'm only allowing myself 1 item. I do have enough empties for 3 B2M if I get desperate at some point lol. Really trying to be good! I've been shopping my stash like crazy the past few days!


Well-known member
  If the points were more like Ulta's I think the whole double/triple/quadruple points thing would bring me in. But samples just never get used by me and I already have like 700 points saved for Sephora. I'm waiting until the 20% off sale. :) 
I usually get the mini mascaras or lip glosses! I rarely buy a full size of those now. Sometimes a deluxe perfume. I think I only got a 500 point once and it was a Josie Maran kit. Now that they have the smaller lip and mascara samplers those are less exciting though. I had a couple things in my cart for a while and then saw the points + MJ eyeliner + Buxom mini today and couldn't resist.
How do I make the VIB Rouge category?


Well-known member
How do I make the VIB Rouge category?
Spend $1000 in a calendar year. I wasn't expecting to ever get there but here I am! An easy way to check how close you are is to add a more expensive product to your cart and keep changing the amount until the VIB Rouge notification pops up in the corner.


Well-known member
Been traveling a lot the last few weeks, but I have been reading every post.
I have been good about rotating the items in my travel bag, so I have been getting some good use out of my stash! I have found I REALLY love shopping my stash when I put my mind to it! SOOOO many things have been neglected that I used to LOVE! Using them again has been awesome! I don't think I'll have any issues sticking to my goals with the upcoming fall collections. I feel in control and in love with my makeup collection right now. It feels good!


Well-known member
Hello Low buy ladies!

Mini update from me...I still haven't found time to redo my inventory for half we are now in August I am going to not worry about it until September.

I spent some time re-organising my stash on my vanity to make it easier to get to my lip products etc so I can try to shop my stash more and so far this is helping.

I have done a little bit more purging on the lip and face product front.

As for purchasing, I had a blip at the start of the month and I now own some new eyeshadow palettes, but i have used them all already and I am really enjoying them. I made the decision to purge my Naked 1 & 3 palettes as they hardly get any use and the shades are not right for me.

I now want to continue shopping my stash as much as possible for the rest of the year, this should enable me to identify any products that don't work for me and purge these from my collection.

I am finding using things up motivating me again, My Rouge Coco Shine will be finished & go in the bin this month!

So far the fall collections are not calling to me....but I know my weakness will be the NARS and LM holiday sets and these are what I need to try to keep down to minimum.


Well-known member
Wow that's fantastic! Great job on your No Buy. $3 for the month is something to be proud of!! I have my 2 items from the beginning of the month to keep me busy for now and my 2 additional items being sent so that should be enough to tide me over until ANR. I'm going to exercise some patience and check it out in store since I'm only allowing myself 1 item. I do have enough empties for 3 B2M if I get desperate at some point lol. Really trying to be good! I've been shopping my stash like crazy the past few days!
I like the idea of saving the b2m almost like a "break open in case of emergency" thing!! I did start a spreadsheet of my collection this month. Any tips for what kind of info you ladies felt has been most helpful to keep from making duplicate purchases? Or just in general? I've got product name, type, finish, possible dupes according to temptalia or other blogs... Maybe a color category would be good...


Well-known member
Been traveling a lot the last few weeks, but I have been reading every post. I have been good about rotating the items in my travel bag, so I have been getting some good use out of my stash! I have found I REALLY love shopping my stash when I put my mind to it! SOOOO many things have been neglected that I used to LOVE! Using them again has been awesome! I don't think I'll have any issues sticking to my goals with the upcoming fall collections. I feel in control and in love with my makeup collection right now. It feels good!
Glad to hear that shopping your stash has been going so well for you! In control & in love are great feelings to have about your makeup.. that must be so amazing! :) Rotating travel makeup is such a good idea. Kind of forces you to evaluate things because you can't just reach for something else right away. I'm kind of having the opposite experience with shopping my stash. Now that I've gotten rid of some items it's made space to see that some of the others I used to love I'm not crazy about anymore! I've been using things one at a time and comparing them to my favorites and a few things have been purged already.
Hello Low buy ladies! Mini update from me...I still haven't found time to redo my inventory for half we are now in August I am going to not worry about it until September. I spent some time re-organising my stash on my vanity to make it easier to get to my lip products etc so I can try to shop my stash more and so far this is helping. I have done a little bit more purging on the lip and face product front. As for purchasing, I had a blip at the start of the month and I now own some new eyeshadow palettes, but i have used them all already and I am really enjoying them. I made the decision to purge my Naked 1 & 3 palettes as they hardly get any use and the shades are not right for me. I now want to continue shopping my stash as much as possible for the rest of the year, this should enable me to identify any products that don't work for me and purge these from my collection. I am finding using things up motivating me again, My Rouge Coco Shine will be finished & go in the bin this month! So far the fall collections are not calling to me....but I know my weakness will be the NARS and LM holiday sets and these are what I need to try to keep down to minimum.
Yay! Purging and shopping my stash have been my main goals right now too. I found a few things from a couple years ago that are so frosty compared to the subtle glow of some of my newer products.. it's just hard to wear them knowing I have more finely milled things. I'm getting rid of a little bit at a time. Also been focusing on using things up! Don't worry too much about the palettes.. you were able to get rid of a couple that weren't working for you so that's great! Holiday sets usually aren't a big problem area for me but with my recent obsession with minis I'm going to have to be more careful this year!
I like the idea of saving the b2m almost like a "break open in case of emergency" thing!! I did start a spreadsheet of my collection this month. Any tips for what kind of info you ladies felt has been most helpful to keep from making duplicate purchases? Or just in general? I've got product name, type, finish, possible dupes according to temptalia or other blogs... Maybe a color category would be good...
That's a good way of thinking about it! I should write that on my MAC bag lol. On my spreadsheet I have them separated by product type in different sheets. Then I have the brand, name, color, manufacture date, approximate purchase date (if I could remember), expiration date. If it's an eyeshadow I have them sorted by crease/transition shades, highlights, and lid colors. The really metallic or foiled shades like the NARS dual intensity shadows or MAC extra dimension or pigments are separate too. I tend to do a really neutral eye or a really bold metallic eye lol. For lips it's nudes, pinks, corals, reds, purples.. etc. That helps me see what I have the most relative to what I actually use. If I always wear nude lips but have more purples than nudes I know I need to cut back.


Well-known member
I agree with @veronikawithak, shopping my stash and purging items has really given me a new perspective and allowed me to whittle down my fall collection lists to where I'm only really wanting 3-5 things. I'm almost positive I can find a dupe for things now and I like how less cluttered everything is and how I'm able to see and use what I have. I'm also re learning what colors work for me. Like nudes, I only kept one nude lipstick because it has some pink in it, otherwise I just look dead.


Well-known member
I agree with @veronikawithak, shopping my stash and purging items has really given me a new perspective and allowed me to whittle down my fall collection lists to where I'm only really wanting 3-5 things. I'm almost positive I can find a dupe for things now and I like how less cluttered everything is and how I'm able to see and use what I have. I'm also re learning what colors work for me. Like nudes, I only kept one nude lipstick because it has some pink in it, otherwise I just look dead.
So glad to hear that!! 3-5 items for Fall is fantastic.. well done! I still have a pretty big wishlist for AW but I'm going to take some of my stuff in store to swatch and compare. It's amazing what a good clean out can do! I thought I had my stash down to a pretty good number but after that forced purge where some of my blushes weren't performing well anymore I realized I could let go of more! I only miss two things so far: MAC Blushbaby and Tenderling. I might eventually repurchase those. There have been a couple blushes I missed out on that I'm hoping for a repromote - The Perfect Cheek, At Dusk. I realized I'm happy to wait for shades like that to come around again rather than some of the other new blushes. I'm skipping Pink Sprinkles from the Simpsons and I'll have to try on Pink Cult and Fun Ending but I'm only getting them if I love them on me. I did pick up Tarte Exposed with my last Sephora order. I had always passed it up for new LE shades but I wear nudes the most so that was kind of silly of me!


Well-known member
Glad to hear that shopping your stash has been going so well for you! In control & in love are great feelings to have about your makeup.. that must be so amazing! :) Rotating travel makeup is such a good idea. Kind of forces you to evaluate things because you can't just reach for something else right away. I'm kind of having the opposite experience with shopping my stash. Now that I've gotten rid of some items it's made space to see that some of the others I used to love I'm not crazy about anymore! I've been using things one at a time and comparing them to my favorites and a few things have been purged already. Yay! Purging and shopping my stash have been my main goals right now too. I found a few things from a couple years ago that are so frosty compared to the subtle glow of some of my newer products.. it's just hard to wear them knowing I have more finely milled things. I'm getting rid of a little bit at a time. Also been focusing on using things up! Don't worry too much about the palettes.. you were able to get rid of a couple that weren't working for you so that's great! Holiday sets usually aren't a big problem area for me but with my recent obsession with minis I'm going to have to be more careful this year! That's a good way of thinking about it! I should write that on my MAC bag lol. On my spreadsheet I have them separated by product type in different sheets. Then I have the brand, name, color, manufacture date, approximate purchase date (if I could remember), expiration date. If it's an eyeshadow I have them sorted by crease/transition shades, highlights, and lid colors. The really metallic or foiled shades like the NARS dual intensity shadows or MAC extra dimension or pigments are separate too. I tend to do a really neutral eye or a really bold metallic eye lol. For lips it's nudes, pinks, corals, reds, purples.. etc. That helps me see what I have the most relative to what I actually use. If I always wear nude lips but have more purples than nudes I know I need to cut back.
Sorting shadows by crease/lid etc.. Love that! Def doing it.
I agree with @veronikawithak, shopping my stash and purging items has really given me a new perspective and allowed me to whittle down my fall collection lists to where I'm only really wanting 3-5 things. I'm almost positive I can find a dupe for things now and I like how less cluttered everything is and how I'm able to see and use what I have. I'm also re learning what colors work for me. Like nudes, I only kept one nude lipstick because it has some pink in it, otherwise I just look dead.
Agree on the dupes! I was looking at some makeup geek shadows last night online and am forcing myself to see if I have anything similar really. It is making me look at some shadows I have but don't really use but could be close to the ones I'm wanting. Random but I'm totally convinced makeup geek is going to raise their prices so I feel that slight pressure to buy soon. I have no basis for my theory other than they've been exploding recently and haven't raised prices ever to my knowledge. Veronika I saw at dusk at cco and just skipped it but maybe I shouldn't have! Maybe your cco has if there's one close?

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