They use FedEx and you must be there to sign for it. Which is a serious pain. I left a note once, and was told I needed an official form from FedEx and even then it was not acceptable. I have found a personal shopper for my quest at Bergdorf Goodman in NY. Free shipping and returns. Returns to TF sucks. They refuse to accept anything unless you call first and get a RA #, then it can't be touched. I had a horrible reaction to their primer, but they refused to take it back. Since it was used. The lady at BG handles my wants and desires, and I no longer fret. I send her my wish list for current and not yet released items, and she handles it. I no longer have to chase this stuff down. I was able to reserve the matte lipstick for Holiday 2014. As well as the releases for the Tilbury collection being released on Tuesday.