Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


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Hey guys! I haven't checked in for a while but I'm trying to catch up. I totally understand the job search thing. I haven't been able to find a job in my field since graduating from college and it's been hard. I know one of the reasons was I totally hated my major and barely scrapped thru to graduate, so my results aren't the best. I'm thinking of going back to school too for a second bachelors now that I know what I'm good at but that would mean spending most of our savings and that scares me a lot.


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Forgot to mention that I updated my list for AW/every other collection launching Thursday: Breaking Ground CCB, Next To Skin blush, and Obviously Bare lipglass. The end. Public list = accountable lol. I'm going to try to push the Naked 2 Basics palette back to Oct or Nov which will let me play with my MAC shadows more. I'm also going to try to do a No Buy in September since I'm buying all of my September items early.. looking forward to placing that order so I can take a break for a while. It's an oddly nice feeling not having any immediate plans for purchasing things!
I slipped up and ordered two other items from ANR that weren't on my list, so I want to be held accountable, too. Icon and Shitake from AW and ISS and RB from the Simpsons. If you see me lemming for anything else, stop me.


Well-known member
I slipped up and ordered two other items from ANR that weren't on my list, so I want to be held accountable, too. Icon and Shitake from AW and ISS and RB from the Simpsons. If you see me lemming for anything else, stop me.
:frenz: We got this! Report back after the launch with your list of purchases. Hopefully they're the same! ;)


Well-known member
Just made it through the Simpsons and AW launches! And... I only purchased what was on my list!! Obviously Bare lipglass, Breaking Ground CCB, and Next To Skin blush. I didn't purchase Pink Cult which was one of my conditions for allowing myself to purchase the Hourglass blush palette so YAY on that! I wanted to get some eyeshadow pans but I resisted! Will be using the shades I have for now. Also took the Marge lashes out of my cart at the last minute! Another YAY! Even though lashes don't count for me as a makeup purchase that I'm limiting. No more interesting collections coming up for me based on current info.. and I've spent the rest of my 5 September item slots today, so I'm on a makeup break until October. :D Really excited about it too. My goal for September is to get a lot of use out of my MAC palette! Feeling good today. AND Pinksofoxy has another YouTube video up on decluttering her lipsticks!! So amazed by her. She went from 120 lipsticks and 29 lipliners down to 37 and 5! Just being consistent about giving away the ones that didn't work and using others up over the past 2 years. She had so many empties today. I just found that soooo inspiring and it made me really want to stay focused. Hope everyone is doing awesome today and gets everything they want from the launches!


Well-known member
Simpsons and A Novel Romance are up on the UK site.

So far I've managed to steer clear. Hopefully everything sells out before I decide I want to cave. I had to force myself to close the MAC website so I didn't buy anything. I did it, though.


Well-known member
Woo a strong stance for many this launch time :) I got a novel romance quad and myself lipstick plus midnight sky nail polish. Also got the new studio sculpt powder as I was literally going to buy a new msfn the day before as I've majorly hit pan. Also, the palette of casual colours I thought I'd be drooling over I wasn't.bothered with at all, so that was an easier skip than I.thought. Yaaaaay!

Maris Crane

Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by veronikawithak

I didn't purchase Pink Cult which was one of my conditions for allowing myself to purchase the Hourglass blush palette so YAY on that! I wanted to get some eyeshadow pans but I resisted! Will be using the shades I have for now. Also took the Marge lashes out of my cart at the last minute! Another YAY! Even though lashes don't count for me as a makeup purchase that I'm limiting.

Hope everyone is doing awesome today and gets everything they want from the launches!

Where's that THUD. emoticon when I need it? I don't know what it is. I think kristingehm's last haul really put me over the edge and has made me CRAVE adding an Hourglass blush (Dim Infusion!) to my hoarde. Please do a report back, veronikawithak! :)


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by veronikawithak

I didn't purchase Pink Cult which was one of my conditions for allowing myself to purchase the Hourglass blush palette so YAY on that! I wanted to get some eyeshadow pans but I resisted! Will be using the shades I have for now. Also took the Marge lashes out of my cart at the last minute! Another YAY! Even though lashes don't count for me as a makeup purchase that I'm limiting.

Hope everyone is doing awesome today and gets everything they want from the launches!

Where's that THUD. emoticon when I need it? I don't know what it is. I think kristingehm's last haul really put me over the edge and has made me CRAVE adding an Hourglass blush (Dim Infusion!) to my hoarde. Please do a report back, veronikawithak! :)
Hehehe. The palette is coming out in October so no reports on that for a while.. but I do have Mood Exposure and Diffused Heat. I'm sure I would have them all if they weren't so expensive. My next one was going to be Dim Infusion or Ethereal Glow but since there's a coral in the palette I'm just getting that for now. I won't elaborate on them given which thread this is.. but I will tell you that I downsized my blush collection to just 5 and 20% is Hourglass. Some people don't like them at all though so really hit and miss depending on what kind of formula/color you like! There's an Hourglass thread if you want more info! or feel free to pm me. :) Also I have to say in general downsizing to 5 blushes was the best thing I've done recently. It just works so much better with my makeup "personality" - I reach for my absolute favorites every day and have no guilt that I'm not using things. Once I add a few new ones to round out the color selection I'll be set. Now I just need to use up some lipsticks and glosses!


Well-known member
I managed to skip AW and Simpsons (the lipsticks wouldn't work for me and the Simpsons blushes are dupeable). I am considering Pink Cult. It looks like a nice everyday blush. I'm also considering the two ANR blushes. I have no blushes like either and I'm finding that I have little variety in the blush department - most of mine are corals and corals don't mean well with vampy lipsticks!


Well-known member
I managed to skip AW and Simpsons (the lipsticks wouldn't work for me and the Simpsons blushes are dupeable). I am considering Pink Cult. It looks like a nice everyday blush. I'm also considering the two ANR blushes. I have no blushes like either and I'm finding that I have little variety in the blush department - most of mine are corals and corals don't mean well with vampy lipsticks!
Awesome job skipping!! :D Saw the blush pokey stick come out at you in some other threads! Lol.


Well-known member
Finished another mini Bite lipgloss from the Deconstructed Rose set today. Now I'm working on the third. My goal is to finish all 12 by the end of the year!

Maris Crane

Well-known member
I'm super glad ANR and The Simpsons didn't call to me. There's at least three Tom Ford quads I want, though, so I don't think I'm doing any better :D. I'm glad only the LE stuff from RHPS is really going to be difficult for me.

I watched makeupbytiffanyd's decluttering video and I really liked it. I felt like she came off really relatable in the video - oh, this has gorgeous packaging! I might need this for a costume party!. I really like the idea of getting rid of the glosses and just having 5 or 6 to choose from and actually finish up. I find lipgloss is one of those things as well that never really varies in colour thaaaat much on me, too - so there's no need for me to have so many.

I have managed to use at least every item once on my Shop My Stash list for the month of August. If I can do it for September as well, and only buy three things - including one brow product, I will be very pleased with myself.

Hang touch, everyone!


Well-known member
Ahhh today has been a day filled with online shopping. That damn sephora sale section always gets me! Note to self: develop better coping strategies for dealing with shitty feelings/stress/life.


Well-known member
I managed to skip AW and Simpsons (the lipsticks wouldn't work for me and the Simpsons blushes are dupeable). I am considering Pink Cult. It looks like a nice everyday blush. I'm also considering the two ANR blushes. I have no blushes like either and I'm finding that I have little variety in the blush department - most of mine are corals and corals don't mean well with vampy lipsticks!
Good for you! I have pink blushes and some light peaches and both seem to work well with vampy lips.


Well-known member
Ahhh today has been a day filled with online shopping. That damn sephora sale section always gets me! Note to self: develop better coping strategies for dealing with shitty feelings/stress/life.
It's not easy, is it? I ordered some body butter and bath gel from Sephora this week and managed not to buy anything else, even though I was tempted. MAC seems to be my only problem area right now (as far as beauty items). I was planning to skip AW but when I saw all of the people stalking the Simpsons I felt like I wanted to getSOMETHING. And now that I've seen the lippies for that Ultimate collection I want some of those, too. I can talk myself out of e/s, blush, etc. but not lippies. We all have our weaknesses, you're not alone!


Well-known member
I've been good in some instances (MAC) and bad in others (Tom Ford).

From MAC, I hauled just Lingering Kiss from ANR, Breaking Ground from AW and I&S&S from The Simpsons. The lipglass is still pending. It's on my list of items my SA will pull for me. If I like it, I'll get it - same for the AW shadows. I didn't think I'd like them for at first sight, they're great neutral shades.

Tom Ford...OMG where do I start? Over the last 3 weeks I have purchased the new foundation and concealer, Nude Dip Quad, Softcore contour/highlight duo, and the eye primer duo. I have yet to go wrong with a TF cosmetic item and the quality is fantastic.

Other than that, I was very good on my recent trip to Madrid. I only purchased a pair of sunglasses from Zara. Well, if you count all of the glasses/pitchers of Sangria I shared with my girlfriends, then I was really bad. The Sephora down the street from my hotel on Gran Via was closing and everything was marked up to 70% off. Guess I happened upon it a few days or a week or so too late. It looked almost completely baren. The few items that were left of a few major brands were completely picked over, and since most of the testers were removed, much of the actual product had been swatched. Needless to say, I walked out with nothing.


Well-known member
Hello ladies!

I have been MIA for the past couple of weeks just because I was busy and didn't have anything relevant to post. Now I finally found time to post again.
Anyway - I applaud everyone who's doing great so far (don't beat yourself up over falling off the wagon once or twice), and I strongly encourage others who are not doing so well right now. To anyone who's having personal troubles right now - hugs to you.

So, some news from me: I'm doing really, really good. I still buy makeup and it may still be more than the average German woman buys but - I now reflect my purchases and think about what to actually get. I've did research on every single item I've bought in the past few weeks and I thought long about getting it. I don't buy on impulse anymore. My focus shifted from makeup to clothing, bags, shoes, and accessoires. This might not be a success in others' eyes but for me it is. I didn't buy unnecessary makeup and so I was able to save some money to finally, finally buy myself a Michael Kors bag and other stuff.
I'm still tempted by makeup and cosmetics but I'd rather spend my money on clothes or jewellery (since when does Tiffany make super nice and affordable jewellery? My wallet's damned).
Not sure about A Novel Romance, though. The colours are right up my alley...