Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?

Maris Crane

Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by Yazmin

I've been good in some instances (MAC) and bad in others (Tom Ford).

From MAC, I hauled just Lingering Kiss from ANR, Breaking Ground from AW and I&S&S from The Simpsons. The lipglass is still pending. It's on my list of items my SA will pull for me. If I like it, I'll get it - same for the AW shadows. I didn't think I'd like them for at first sight, they're great neutral shades.

Tom Ford...OMG where do I start? Over the last 3 weeks I have purchased the new foundation and concealer, Nude Dip Quad, Softcore contour/highlight duo, and the eye primer duo. I have yet to go wrong with a TF cosmetic item and the quality is fantastic.

Other than that, I was very good on my recent trip to Madrid. I only purchased a pair of sunglasses from Zara. Well, if you count all of the glasses/pitchers of Sangria I shared with my girlfriends, then I was really bad. The Sephora down the street from my hotel on Gran Via was closing and everything was marked up to 70% off. Guess I happened upon it a few days or a week or so too late. It looked almost completely baren. The few items that were left of a few major brands were completely picked over, and since most of the testers were removed, much of the actual product had been swatched. Needless to say, I walked out with nothing.

Ugh. I'm still stalking Nordstrom everyday for Nude Dip. How do you like it thus far?


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I hope all of you are getting to enjoy your long weekend. I am extremely broke so no money to do anything. If I had money, though, I think I'd be shopping. It's been a bit of a frustrating week and that's one of my triggers. I've also had some additional health concerns come up. I'm trying to think positive that it will be something minor, but the last time I did that I was totally unprepared when it wasn't. So a little anxiety there. And this Thursday will be the one year anniversary of my Dad's death. So there are a lot of things going on that make me want to escape, so maybe it's good that I don't have the money. I'll be forced to find other ways to deal with it. I sense some cleaning in my future! Maybe even some counting of eye shadows. :)


Well-known member
I hope all of you are getting to enjoy your long weekend. I am extremely broke so no money to do anything. If I had money, though, I think I'd be shopping. It's been a bit of a frustrating week and that's one of my triggers. I've also had some additional health concerns come up. I'm trying to think positive that it will be something minor, but the last time I did that I was totally unprepared when it wasn't. So a little anxiety there. And this Thursday will be the one year anniversary of my Dad's death. So there are a lot of things going on that make me want to escape, so maybe it's good that I don't have the money. I'll be forced to find other ways to deal with it. I sense some cleaning in my future! Maybe even some counting of eye shadows. :)
I hear ya.. I'm trying to cut back on spending in all areas of my life so I'm having a long weekend in too. I hope you feel better soon! Cleaning is a great idea. It always feels so therapeutic and it's so much nicer to be in a clean space. Life has gotten so much more complicated over the years.. makes me kind of wish for the days before social media sometimes. I'm taking a break from Facebook so all of the posts don't make me depressed about my life. Will try to spend some time outside too, that always seems to help. Hope everyone has a great long weekend!


Staff member
Wow! Congrats, Shelly! Doing a no-buy with all of the releases this month is quite an accomplishment!
I think it helps that most collections don't get me super excited or hyped up anyway. That said, if something does get me excited, it often turns out to be a permanent addition to a line. (I will admit to being intrigued by a few of the new NARS Audacious lipsticks; there are some great colours in there! But none of them are anything I need right now.) And then the one collection that did have me intrigued turned out to be mostly a skip after seeing swatches (Artificially Wild). Another thing about AW: it got me to use a mauve-pink eyeshadow that I already have that I'd not used for a little while -- Makeup Geek Twilight. So pretty. Stash shopping for the win!


Well-known member
I finished another Bite mini gloss and a MAC lipstick today so as a reward I opened one of the mini glosses I stashed away for rainy days - NARS Orgasm from the Give Me Some Lip set. So glad the formula/smell has changed.. that's what stopped me from purchasing NARS glosses before but I'm loving it. Really taking the time to enjoy things now that there's less coming in! I got the Hourglass 500 point perk with my last order because I've been wanting to try the lipstick in Grace. Loving that lately too. I also went through the Sephora website and put all of the things I want to try in my "Loves" so I can start working on my list for the November sale. It's actually not looking too bad. And for the first time this year I'm not excited about any MAC collections coming up. It'll be nice to take a break until the next update and all of the holiday set info!

Maris Crane

Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by burghchick

I hope all of you are getting to enjoy your long weekend. I am extremely broke so no money to do anything. If I had money, though, I think I'd be shopping. It's been a bit of a frustrating week and that's one of my triggers. I've also had some additional health concerns come up. I'm trying to think positive that it will be something minor, but the last time I did that I was totally unprepared when it wasn't. So a little anxiety there. And this Thursday will be the one year anniversary of my Dad's death. So there are a lot of things going on that make me want to escape, so maybe it's good that I don't have the money. I'll be forced to find other ways to deal with it. I sense some cleaning in my future! Maybe even some counting of eye shadows. :)

You're in my thoughts this week, burghchick! I find watching some Shop My Stash videos on a loop, as opposed to a bunch of hauls, has helped a bit in trying to weed through my stash as well. Something about that just gets me into a mode, I guess. I still add things off HAULS onto a Notepad on my phone, but I don't have to mad dash and buy things.


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by burghchick

I hope all of you are getting to enjoy your long weekend. I am extremely broke so no money to do anything. If I had money, though, I think I'd be shopping. It's been a bit of a frustrating week and that's one of my triggers. I've also had some additional health concerns come up. I'm trying to think positive that it will be something minor, but the last time I did that I was totally unprepared when it wasn't. So a little anxiety there. And this Thursday will be the one year anniversary of my Dad's death. So there are a lot of things going on that make me want to escape, so maybe it's good that I don't have the money. I'll be forced to find other ways to deal with it. I sense some cleaning in my future! Maybe even some counting of eye shadows. :)

You're in my thoughts this week, burghchick! I find watching some Shop My Stash videos on a loop, as opposed to a bunch of hauls, has helped a bit in trying to weed through my stash as well. Something about that just gets me into a mode, I guess. I still add things off HAULS onto a Notepad on my phone, but I don't have to mad dash and buy things.
Thanks, Maris. As much as I hate not having money to shop, it is probably good to be forced to find other ways of coping. I used to make jewelry and I still have plenty of supplies that I should use or sell. Buying pretty crystals and beads was almost as good as make- up, so I have a lot of them. I've been wanting to start sewing again, too, and of course I have all of the supplies. It's just easier to shop. I'm going to have to look at some of those Shop my Stash videos, though. That does sound like a good way to curb the lemmings!


Well-known member
I hope all of you are getting to enjoy your long weekend. I am extremely broke so no money to do anything. If I had money, though, I think I'd be shopping. It's been a bit of a frustrating week and that's one of my triggers. I've also had some additional health concerns come up. I'm trying to think positive that it will be something minor, but the last time I did that I was totally unprepared when it wasn't. So a little anxiety there. And this Thursday will be the one year anniversary of my Dad's death. So there are a lot of things going on that make me want to escape, so maybe it's good that I don't have the money. I'll be forced to find other ways to deal with it. I sense some cleaning in my future! Maybe even some counting of eye shadows. :)
I hear ya.. I'm trying to cut back on spending in all areas of my life so I'm having a long weekend in too. I hope you feel better soon! Cleaning is a great idea. It always feels so therapeutic and it's so much nicer to be in a clean space. Life has gotten so much more complicated over the years.. makes me kind of wish for the days before social media sometimes. I'm taking a break from Facebook so all of the posts don't make me depressed about my life. Will try to spend some time outside too, that always seems to help. Hope everyone has a great long weekend!
Life always gets more complicated. The older you get the more complex it is. I like a lot of things about social media, but it certainly has it's downsides. Facebook has gotten really boring for me. It's like junk emails, only online. Every once in awhile there's something truly interesting. But the plus to it is that I've gotten back in touch with many long-lost friends, so that makes it worthwhile. I hope that your weather in Canada is better than where I am. Yesterday was very hot and humid, so much that you don't want to be outside, and today is raining. I'm in the mood for a rainy day, though, so I'm okay with it. I hope that you're enjoying your weekend in.


Well-known member
Life always gets more complicated. The older you get the more complex it is. I like a lot of things about social media, but it certainly has it's downsides. Facebook has gotten really boring for me. It's like junk emails, only online. Every once in awhile there's something truly interesting. But the plus to it is that I've gotten back in touch with many long-lost friends, so that makes it worthwhile. I hope that your weather in Canada is better than where I am. Yesterday was very hot and humid, so much that you don't want to be outside, and today is raining. I'm in the mood for a rainy day, though, so I'm okay with it. I hope that you're enjoying your weekend in.
So very true! Tomorrow it's supposed to rain here too which I'm also kind of looking forward to. I have to work so it'll be a tea and computer day. It was sunny today so it kind of evens out. Hope you're having a good weekend too!


Well-known member
Today was both good and bad in shopping world. I was lemming both the ANR blushes and instead of impulse buy online, I swatched in store. not a fan. Maybe it was bad testers but they hardly showed up. I ended up going to Sephora and buying Coven from the KvD line. I love it honestly. Spent less than I intended to.


Staff member
FOTD... * Maybelline Fit Me - #110 + MAC Face and Body - White * MAC Studio Sculpt Concealer - NW15 * NYC Smooth Skin Loose Powder - Translucent * NARS Smudgeproof Eyeshadow Base * Maybelline Color Tattoo - Tough as Taupe (I think it's had it; even though I warmed it up a bit with my finger, it didn't apply smoothly. Won't be repurchasing; will replace with MAC Tailor Grey p/p eventually.) * Sephora Waterproof Eye Contour - Park Avenue * BareMinerals Flawless Definition Mascara - Black * NARS Blush - Sex Appeal * Revlon Colorburst Lipstick - Soft Nude


Well-known member
big hugs @veronikawithak and @burghchick I hope you are both ok.

I spent some time on Saturday with my stash, I re-organised my lipsticks into colour families, ie. nude, coral/peach, plum, red and pink, i thought this might help me rotate through my stash a little more in the mornings when I am getting ready for work. I also selected another 10 to test this month which I am not sure on to see if they can go.

I purchased 2 new things on Friday, the Dior star foundation and concealer, after 3 days of use, I can say that me likey! The concealer isn't full coverage but has a brightening effect which I really like on my dark circles. I think it looks more natural than complete full coverage on me.

My stash is much reduced, but I have just moved stuff i don't want to keep into a seperate area, now its actually time to get rid of it which feels like a daunting task if I am honest. I think I might try ebaying most of it, maybe put the drugstore stuff in a massive job lot and see how it does ? I did think about chucking the drugstore stuff but that feels wasteful. I have already re-stocked my mum's make up bag and most of my girlie friends don't want it at least I now appear to have most of my shopping urges under control.... I went into Boots on friday, swatched and walked away from the Maybelline Color Elixirs without purchasing....I tole myself they are permanent and I have enough lip products for now!

I have been really enjoying watching make up purge videos, the Tiffany d was helpful and Pinksofoxy is doing some updates at the moment, her lip and perfume ones were really helpful at the weekend.

I also cleared out my wardrobe at the weekend, i put my summer clothes away and got the winter jumpers out, i managed to fill 3 days with stuff for the charity shop and a further 2 bags of stuff I would like to try to sell on ebay. I am going to do some listing next weekend.


Well-known member
[@]charlotte366[/@] I'm loving that Pinksofoxy is doing another declutter series as well.. I've watched her lipstick one a few times already! Just an FYI, eBay has a rule against selling used makeup so if yours is used that wouldn't be an option. There are some other sites like Kijiji where you could maybe sell locally, or just leave the stuff in a women's washroom with a "free" sign or something? Sometimes it comes down to just throwing it out.. which is tough at first but it feels so much better than hanging on to products and feeling guilty every time you look at them! Great job organizing and downsizing!

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