
Well-known member
Lots of carbons!
and Carbone's


Well-known member
I'm personally not crazy about them. They're very runny and they chip really easily, even with a base and top coat. I much prefer OPI. Probably. LOL
I've had that problem with one or two also, but not with the pixie dusts with the exception of the pixie dust in Carter. That one didn't have as good of staying power as the others have on me.


Well-known member
I've had that problem with one or two also, but not with the pixie dusts with the exception of the pixie dust in Carter. That one didn't have as good of staying power as the others have on me.
I'll admit that I've only tried two shades - Sailor and Casey. I'm not a sparkly nails kinda girl so the pixie dusts aren't my cup of tea. Glad they work for you though!


Well-known member
I've still not tried Zoya. I'm not too attracted to the pixie dust ones, but I may take advantage of the free shipping over 25. There's one called Sarah, and naturally being a Sarah I need it.

Dolly Snow

I can't begin to imagine what you're going through right now. I hope there's at least some good that came out of the doctor visit today.
I guess you could call it "good". But we have to see another specialist now. And uh this is so hard to say...it uh isn't looking good :( Hopefully the specialist can give us a ray of hope. :heart: thank you for asking and responding to me.


Well-known member
thank you for asking and responding to me.
I don't know how I missed your other post about going to the doctor. I really hope the other specialist can offer y'all some kind of hope and I'm so sorry your family is having to go through such a trying time.


Well-known member
I guess you could call it "good". But we have to see another specialist now. And uh this is so hard to say...it uh isn't looking good :( Hopefully the specialist can give us a ray of hope. :heart: thank you for asking and responding to me.
Oh Dolly :hug: I wish I could like make you a big batch of sauce and pasta and ravioli and bring it to you. I hope the specialist provides good news for you.

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