Dolly Snow

It was okay but I can't really say if I passed it or not - I hope so. IMO I was a little better prepared for this exam than some of my colleagues however this doesn't necessarily mean that I passed it. We'll see. The stupid thing is that the two professors who mark the exam take their time while doing this, I might have to wait for more than one month to see my grade. (Some people even had to wait for two months). Really annoying but now it's over! :) (The next one will be on monday :down: )
Hopefully they are faster at posting the grades. Because waiting a month is going to be a bit hard. I'm sure you did well, you are smart and prepared


Well-known member
Oh that sucks it takes so long to get your grade. My fingers are crossed that you passed and BOOOOO to having another exam on Monday!

Quote: Originally Posted by Dolly Snow

Hopefully they are faster at posting the grades. Because waiting a month is going to be a bit hard.
I'm sure you did well, you are smart and prepared
Thank you ladies, you're always so nice

I'll let you know when I get my grade (if you're interested ;) ).
Edit: ... and if I don't have to cry after seeing it


Well-known member
Hahaha!!!!! I'll try to sneak a pic one day. Hopefully I remember to turn my flash off when I do because there is nothing more awkward than the flash going off when you're trying to be sly. Lol

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