Naked palette 1, 2 or 3?!?! What's your pick?


Well-known member
Naked 3 all the way. I've used my Naked 1 palette maybe 5 times. I reach for my Naked 3 palette a minimum of 2 times a week.


I have completely destroyed my naked 3 though


New member
I bought the Naked 1, because it's simply genius and it really kickstarted the whole naked palette frenzy/trend, I skipped the Naked 2 because the undertone were not appealing to me and I got the 3rd one, because I wanted nudes with a pink undertone and it's SOOOO perfect for that.

I love those 2 palettes, although for me UD will always be the brand with bright first Vice palette and the Electric Shadow one are my favourites ones, even if I don't use them that much (neon make up is kinda frowned upon in the work place)
I love the three. I think that if you can afford it get all because together they are amazing. If I had a gun to my head I would def choose the 2. I'm a fan of the warm colors, but I like the 2 and I feel there are more looks I can do. Also I found that it is super important to have a matte black in a palette.


Well-known member
I love Naked 3 but I feel like if eyeshadow isn't your expert area (like me) then it just gives you a 'sore eyes' look.. deciding which of the other two to purchase next.
I have the Naked 1 and Naked 3 but, my mom owns the Naked 2. I have used all three but, I love the Naked 3 the most. It's a wonderful display of eyeshadows.
For me, Naked 1. Believe it or not, I think many of the shades in Naked 3 are more or less dupable with the Naked 1, they are less rosy, but similar as a whole. The big difference for me are Limit and Nooner. I think it depends on the type of shadow one wants, but the Naked 1 is more neutral/earth-toned so for having just one I'll choose that. Also I bought my Naked 1 years ago and find the quality of the Naked 3 to be slightly worse, but that may be the case with a Naked 1 bought today, I don't know.


Well-known member
I own all of three and while the original is my favorite I hardly ever reach for them. My go to palette has been the Naked Basics


Well-known member
Naked 1 is definitely my favorite. I have all 3, but the other two tend to stay in my drawer. I've only used either of them maybe... 3 or 4 times? I'm fair and cool toned, so you'd think I'd go for 2 but the taupes just don't compliment my skintone. They make me look tired.

I do love my Naked Basics though, too.