MAC x Rocky Horror Picture Show Collection (Oct 2, 2014)


Well-known member
Ugh dang it I feel so dumb! In my frenzy of being so quick to place my order before anything sold out (though I'll order again for FNF) I forgot about NEXT. Haha I'm such a stupid IDIOT


Well-known member
some accounts on Instagram are saying MAC is out of stock of FnF or that they sold out already? I guess they got this info when they called?? is this true? I know on the site it says coming soon, so not really sure.
Probably to discourage the competition.


Well-known member
It had only 16 in stock, so no wonder it was fast. But US had over 300... so that was fast...


FnF isn't on the us ticker at all. So that was probably the problem-item. Maybe...
That's so pathetic. I have heard from Mac MUA's before that the online stock in Canada is ridiculous. I believe last year I was told one of the Riri lipsticks had only 70 for the entire country on the Canadian site. Then again, that was Riri... but still it seems a mess considering they make the goods here.


Well-known member
This is ridiculous even for MAC. Delayed online release... site going bonkers... Sin sold out as if it's not a perm shade lmao... and FnF not available yet. All I wanted was FnF and the blush, but I'm not making two separate orders so eff it!


Well-known member
Supposedly, my MAC store has "plenty" and depending on what the manager says when she gets in, they may be able to hold FnF for me.


Well-known member
Now that I've successfully ordered I have anxiety that my order will get screwed up. MAC, you're taking years off my life with this stress!