I feel so awkward posting in this forum (sorry I am a guy and I am usually posting on car forums), let me give you some tips from ordering from Amazon (I was lucky enough to order one for my wife who was DYING for this). 1.) Don't rely on Amazon emailing you in regards to when it has availability, I never got any emails whatsoever talking about availability 2.) Sadly, I have to keep this tab open all the time and keep refreshing (that's what I did), I tried using a google chrome extension to alert me when the page changes but I think it doesn't work on amazon websites http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00N1ORWIU 3.) FYI, on the order I had today, after I finished my order I thought it would be helpful if I could purchase a second one for kicks, it said that it would restock on the 21st, so hopefully it will help anyone in this forum later on. I don't know how accurate that is, I'm just letting you know what I saw 4.) FYI, 10/16...I was lucky enough to get the Lorac Mega Pro Palette in my CART, but I think I was fiddling around too much with quantity and where to ship it and when I was going to check out, I couldn't because there was no more in stock. - My suggestion, setup 1 click order and have all the CC and shipping info ready - FYI, when I refreshed it after I lost my order this page said 10/23 will be in stock 5.) After seeing all those poor amazon reviews of you gals having broken products because of poor shipping, I thought of the idea of doing an Amazon chat with a representative to request to package it carefully. I will let you gals know if this actually worked "07:44 AM PDT Saritha(Amazon): I do see that reviews here and I am forwarding this to the shipping tam her to make sure that we pack it carefully, and make sure it arrives safe." 6.) I purchased this product using AMEX which has like a 30-90 day purchase protection, meaning if its damaged...they will fully refund you...I suggest you do that with a credit card that supports purchase protection (these are tips I use to purchase electronic products also) - Don't bother groveling with Lorac on Facebook, emailing the various corporate departments, etc. I have already tried that and they all refer me to the Amazon weblink. They are NOT as helpful as other corporate offices (i.e. Starbucks) I hope this post helps you all in the future. My wife better thank me for all the work I did...