UK Release Dates Discussion - All Brands Welcome!


I'm too scared i will miss it to make my breaky haha! family think i am clearly bonkers.
Any predictions on times? I only want the contour block really as its cheaper than buying separate with a palette to put the pans in!


Well-known member
Me too. Here's the link if anyone wants it:


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by charlee93

I'm too scared i will miss it to make my breaky haha! family think i am clearly bonkers.
Any predictions on times? I only want the contour block really as its cheaper than buying separate with a palette to put the pans in!

I'll stick my neck out and say it will be between 12 and 1.


Well-known member
Trend Forecast Spring Eyes is here. Don't know how long it's been there, though

Here is the lip and cheek palette


Well-known member
I can't decide whether to get anything from RHPS! I think the lipsticks are either going to be amazing for me, or total wipeouts. I think I'll semi-stalk, and if I get them, fine, but I'm not going to be too disappointed if I miss out.


I've heard from a friend (who literally wants the whole lot) she saw someone tweet that Mac chat has told her 12.30pm. When I asked Mac they said they didn't know! But 12.30 seems to be the going time atm x


I thought so but apparently it's out in stores on 31st - wether that means concessions I don't know because that's all I have near me :( x


Well-known member
12.30 seems right, that definitely fits the timeframe I've noticed on recent UK launches. According to MAC twitter this is out in stores today not the 31st. It's definitely MAC store only, no counters.


Well-known member
According to MAC twitter this is out in stores today not the 31st. It's definitely MAC store only, no counters.
NATlar from Liverpool has put on the RHPS thread that she phoned her local store and they have put items aside for her, so stores have stock right now.


Well-known member
Get ready girls, looks like something is starting to happen, the RHPS page is now loading (rather than just showing the home page) - nothing on it yet, but they're obviously doing something