MAC Red, Red, Red Collection (Dec 4, 2014)


Well-known member
Hi everyone,

I got my hands on Red Obsession Casual Color, it is really lovely,
I also have the promo images to shade with you, just posted about these if anyone is interested.

Red Obsession (which is a neutral soft pink) is so lovely, it is my first casual color ever and I wonder why haven't I tried these before!
Now need the other two.


Well-known member
Pending swatches, I'm interested in Rouge Combustion and all 3 eyeshadows. Maybe the beauty powder too, but I've bought a lot of face products recently.


Well-known member
Hi everyone,

I got my hands on Red Obsession Casual Color, it is really lovely,
I also have the promo images to shade with you, just posted about these if anyone is interested.

Red Obsession (which is a neutral soft pink) is so lovely, it is my first casual color ever and I wonder why haven't I tried these before!
Now need the other two.
Thank you for all the info. I am interested in more than I thought.

I was planning on picking up a new pink shadow -- kind of leaning towards swish or pink venus -- maybe I'll wait for Give Me Fire.


Well-known member
Hi everyone,

I got my hands on Red Obsession Casual Color, it is really lovely,
I also have the promo images to shade with you, just posted about these if anyone is interested.

Red Obsession (which is a neutral soft pink) is so lovely, it is my first casual color ever and I wonder why haven't I tried these before!
Now need the other two.

Thank you for the swatches and the review, Sara

RO looks gorgeous


Well-known member
I saw most of the products today. Everything is very pretty.

Give Me Fire is gorgeous and Red Alert is pretty too. I pre-ordered the two shadows and may get Ladybug and Meteoric later.

Oh and once I bought my shadows there was one left in the matte red, the rest had pre-sold.


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
I saw most of the products today. Everything is very pretty.

Give Me Fire is gorgeous and Red Alert is pretty too. I pre-ordered the two shadows and may get Ladybug and Meteoric later.

Oh and once I bought my shadows there was one left in the matte red, the rest had pre-sold.

How did you like the beautypowder?

Dolly Snow

I saw most of the products today. Everything is very pretty.

Give Me Fire is gorgeous and Red Alert is pretty too. I pre-ordered the two shadows and may get Ladybug and Meteoric later.

Oh and once I bought my shadows there was one left in the matte red, the rest had pre-sold.

Please say the BP is worth it


Well-known member
I almost forgot, very beautiful. I didn't swatch it because I have two and need to use them up but it was really lovely in the pan.

Miss Dynamite

Well-known member
Well I was going to buy the Casual Colors in this collection until I realized that they used to be 13 ml for $20 and now they are 2.5 ml for $22. That is like 1/5 of the size...what bullshit.


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
Well I was going to buy the Casual Colors in this collection until I realized that they used to be 13 ml for $20 and now they are 2.5 ml for $22. That is like 1/5 of the size...what bullshit.
I didn't even realize that. Now I see that they're packaged like CCBs and not in the little pots anymore. Well, that's a rip-off.


Well-known member
I actually noticed that the new CCs are in different packaking but forgot to look into it further. I'm just getting one, and that's it. Maybe I'll have to forget the repromoted ones now, too.


Well-known member
Well I was going to buy the Casual Colors in this collection until I realized that they used to be 13 ml for $20 and now they are 2.5 ml for $22. That is like 1/5 of the size...what bullshit.
....only 2,5 ml???? I am going to use them up super quick then

I just checked the MAC site and obviously they do all have only 2,5ml now ("2.5 ml / 0.08 US fl oz US$22.00")


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
It's getting sad, all MAC does anymore is try to find ways to rip us off.
MAC is not the only brand doing that, sadly.

The only CC I want is Have A Lovely Day, but they're still not available here and at this point I'm thinking we'll probably never get them.


Well-known member
MAC is not the only brand doing that, sadly.

The only CC I want is Have A Lovely Day, but they're still not available here and at this point I'm thinking we'll probably never get them.
I asked about them today for the same reason (before we knew about the decrease) but they had no idea. I would have wanted HALD, too, but I dunno now.

All other cream products that are in the "new CC packaging" say the amout in grams (5 or 5.6 grams the ones I have).