Ex-MAC girl asking: Sephora: what is it really like?


Active member
So I decided to quit my job at MAC b/c: 1) they won't pay me for hours worked, 2) only people that would commit AUS fraud got hours at my location, 3) corporate lied to me about being able to switch locations b/c they desperately wanted to keep me where I was at (ugh), 4) making over my goals was never enough b/c my AUS wasn't high enough for them (b/c I wouldn't commit AUS fraud. Vicious circle), 5) They tried to control everything about my make-up every day. No individuality was allowed! 6) my location would not give out gratis and instead expected us to wear the testers I love MAC.. It's literally the only brand I wear besides ABH for my brows (& sometimes sugarpill e/s).. I used to buy a lot of nars, stila, smashbox, makeup forever, urban decay, etc from sephora in high school - but I never loved what I bought as much as I love MAC products. Every time I go into sephora, the management is begging me to apply and work there. Most recently, they had the audacity to say "when you go online and apply tonight..." They're talking about offering me a full time position. I'm a bit turned off by how forward they are by assuming I would want to work there, but anyways, what is it really like to work there??? & could I wear all MAC products to work at sephora as long as I wouldn't tell customers what I have on my face ?? (Or in other words, are you strongly encouraged to wear the gratis that sephora gives you/products that sephora sells?) =\


Well-known member
Hi! I used to work for Sephora earlier this year and last year.
Sorry about your work experience that sounds horrible girl :/

Individuality was definitely allowed at Sephora, at least the one I worked at. They strongly encouraged us to be creative, we didn't have like "theme days" that were set by Sephora, but we did do them ourselves. Also for events, since we have them for different brands, we were encouraged to use that brand's products.
Gratis is random, they don't do it like Mac where they give u the collection or half the collection, this is totally random, so u might end up with self tanner or something haha, but for the most part it's alright.

Management doesn't really care if u wear other brands, they won't know anyway. I just tried not to wear things that were too random/noticeable not sephora's, so that if people asked u could give them a dupe in store. If anything it's no fun to tell a client u can't sell them what's on ur face, no?

Don't quit your job unless u have the job at sephora already, even if they promised u something applications/hiring process takes time, so apply, u would probably be a holiday hire right now, so be sure of your transition. And they will ask u to a few interviews with different people, so make sure u get the job before u leave MAC.

Honestly it sounds like u need to put in a few calls into HR, that's crazy girl.
PM me if u have any more questions. I hope i was helpful


Active member
Thanks for replying!! Your response was really helpful. I decided to go ahead and apply. I called the store to alert them as they asked me to do as soon as I sent the application in online. The manager got on the phone and said, "We talked about you. We're not hiring." I guess it was like a mean girls type of moment to see if they could get me to apply... & the joke is on me =[


Well-known member
I guess it was like a mean girls type of moment to see if they could get me to apply... & the joke is on me =[
it's not the only store u can apply to. I would try others in the nearby area. It's holiday season babe, this is when they are hiring. U can try also Sephora's inside JCP, don't forget about those.
Try at counters too, and other places, don't get discouraged!

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