Cashmere and Pansy (and possibly the perm colours now too. I ordered a BU of Wicked from the LC site and BUs of Red Velvet and Salem from another site, but dont wanna ooen them to find out) have a different smell. Straight up vanilla cake batter. And I'm not talking like the Melt lipsticks cuz i never thought those smelled like cake batter. These are straight screw-baking-the-cake-cuz-I'm-just-gonna-eat-the-entire-bowl-of-batter vannila cake batter! :drools: I always thought the others smelled like the giant chewy sweet tarts. Do they still make those? I love those things! Oh, and you have to shake Pansy to mix it up, cuz it separates. And when you first open it, it looks like so eone has already opened it. Ya know, like there's some product on the inside of the upper rim. But don't worry. It's just cuz it separates. Once you shake it, it's all over the inside. They also don't have the symbol on the lid. My Wicked didn't either, but my Red Velvet and Salem from the other site did, so :shrugs: So who knows which smells like what.