All Things Sephora


Well-known member
OMG Want!!!


Well-known member
Hi ladies! How are u all doing?

I had the roughest day yesterday, my mom got hurt at work. She's an urban archaeologist, and a slope of dirt fell on her in the city and trapped her legs. They had to dig her out :/
She's fine now, but I had to leave work and go see her in the city, and before that she was feeling sick so.. it's been a crazy couple of days.

I was also expecting a package from Germany (a muscle warming cream I love that isn't sold in the states and is so hard to get someone to sell/mail to me here) and the package made it ALL THE WAY TO MY TOWN, but not my house.... it says the address wasn't complete so was sent back fml :( I am so sad.. and pissed :(

And then Sephora sends me an email that the cinema secrets brush cleanser is back in stock and when I clicked on the link it was sold out again ugh.. thanks sephora


Well-known member
I literally just received my order and can't believe the MUFE Studio Case is now $39 : ( It's so annoying that the company doesn't do price adjustments.


Well-known member
They said I have to return and repurchase it by mail or in store. I think that's a bit of a waste for both parties.
I would go ahead and return it in store and then reorder it, but seriously, they should just do a price adjustment. Who's supposed to know that a MUFE set like that would be reduced at this time? They're really not thinking about the impression good customer service leaves on people.

honey on boost

Well-known member
I would go ahead and return it in store and then reorder it, but seriously, they should just do a price adjustment. Who's supposed to know that a MUFE set like that would be reduced at this time? They're really not thinking about the impression good customer service leaves on people.
Seriously! I recently bought a comfy blanket from victoria secret the other day for $59 and two days later it went on sale for $30! I called and they instantly refunded the difference. Customer service like that will always keep me as a customer.
:O you were able to use it twice?
Yep! Once online at sephora and then again in store at JCP since its a different bar code that they use.


Well-known member
Call and ask maybe ?
that sucks
They said I have to return and repurchase
it by mail or in store. I think that's a bit of a
waste for both parties.
I had that happen to me. I complained on the Sephora Customer Service beauty forum thing on their site and they gave me a credit to my Sephora account to use later. Not the same as a refund, but at least I didn't have to return and re-purchase. Plus we all know we'll use a Sephora credit at some point!


Well-known member
I had that happen to me. I complained on the Sephora Customer Service beauty forum thing on their site and they gave me a credit to my Sephora account to use later. Not the same as a refund, but at least I didn't have to return and re-purchase. Plus we all know we'll use a Sephora credit at some point!
LMAO!! Companies do NOT like to be called out in a public forum, such as social media. Seems any time I hear of someone taking their issue to a public forum... the company 9x out of 10 rectifies it..funny how that works.

Shopping Obsess

Well-known member
You should try the Eclos cleansing oil.. It is sold at Ulta (look in the “drugstore skincare section”) and often goes on sale for B1g1/2.. Use a $3.50 ( or $5) off $10 coupon and you can get it real cheap.. it is good stuff. It is a thinner consistency than Josies but still very nice. Also the bottles I have had a TRY ME FREE stickie on them.. I have an extra TRY ME FREE sticker - if youd like me to mail it to you..LMK

That is a bunch of nonsense.. I really dont understand why companies do this. It is a waste of time AND money on both sides.

LMAO!! Companies do NOT like to be called out in a public forum, such as social media. Seems any time I hear of someone taking their issue to a public forum... the company 9x out of 10 rectifies it..funny how that works.
I am in Canada and we sadly don't have Ulta here. But thanks anyway. Will keep my eyes open to look for Eclos and see if it is available here.


Well-known member
I had that happen to me.  I complained on the Sephora Customer Service beauty forum thing on their site and they gave me a credit to my Sephora account to use later.  Not the same as a refund, but at least I didn't have to return and re-purchase.  Plus we all know we'll use a Sephora credit at some point!
Thanks! I called, but they wouldn't do that for me : (