Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
Hey at least you got to rant either way.
From what my boss says, for the first two years it'll be us. Then we'll officially be a subsidiary. Two years is a while and a lot could happen. I'm going to see how it pans out after this tax season.

It's good you're not rushing to action based on this recent news. Looks like you've got a little time to see where this will go and you can make a more informed decision from there.

I went to school for accounting, but it ended up not being for me. Still trying to find my dream job...

After a couple of telecommuting days next week and then I'm off until the 5th. I want to take a couple of days to rest up before I start tackling this organization project I've been procrastinating on forever. In the process I hope to find even more items in my collection to part with.


Well-known member
I am afraid I am a bit late @mel33t but what the others have said about waiting to see what happens sounds like a sensible option. I am sorry that you got upset over something that you have no control over. A big hug!


Staff member
Face of the Day-into-Afternoon (went to an afternoon coffeehouse-style Christmas party)... * NARS Sheer Glow - Siberia (applied with my new beautyblender dupe, which I really like! It applied the foundation brilliantly. I imagine it'll get a lot more use!) * MAC Studio Sculpt Concealer - NW15 * OCC Skin Conceal - Y0 * NYC Smooth Skin Loose Powder - Translucent (to set undereye concealer) * Anastasia Brow Powder Duo - Ash Brown (left side only) * NARS Smudgeproof Eyeshadow Base * Smashbox Eyeshadow - Vanilla (base colour; which I will be parting ways with) * MAC Blush - Next to Skin (as a transition colour + cheek contour) * MAC Eyeshadows - Smut (outer corner, outer third of lower lashline), Satin Taupe (lid, remaining two-thirds of lower lashline), Copperplate (crease) * Marc Jacobs O!Mega Volume Mascara - Blacquer * MAC Lipstick - Feed the Senses Added the following for the party... * mix of The Body Shop Honey Bronzing Powder - 02 Fair + Benefit Hoola * MAC MSF - Light Year * Urban Decay Eyeshadow - Bootycall (from Naked 2 palette; as a cheek highlight) * Prestige Waterproof Lipliner - Andorra (lip outline) * NYX Slim Lip Liner - Pale Pink (fill in lips) I also reintensified Satin Taupe on the lid, then reapplied Feed the Senses after filling in my lips.


Well-known member
I don't want to set a limit of how many items, I just want to be more selective in general and make smarter choices. No shimmery/glittery products, no lipglosses, less nail polish. (that goes for all brands, not just MAC) Only stuff that is wearable in every day looks so I actually use it and don't just have it sitting in my collection collecting dust.
This is my goal right here. Can I start doing this in 2015? I actually have been pretty good and bought only one mac product since the RHPS release. I have however, bought makeup from other high end brands. I want to curb my makeup consumerism overall and I'd love to join you all!!!


Well-known member
Thank you guys so much for your support and kind words. :hug: I'm gonna ride it out and see how this tax season goes. I hope everyone has a great holiday and a wonderful 2015 :heart:


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
This is my goal right here. Can I start doing this in 2015? I actually have been pretty good and bought only one mac product since the RHPS release. I have however, bought makeup from other high end brands. I want to curb my makeup consumerism overall and I'd love to join you all!!!
Of course you can! We'll start a new thread for 2015. I will continue to low-buy in 2015 as well. And thank you for bumping my post, it's interesting to read it again and realize I stuck to my plan.
No lipgloss: check. No shimmery products: check. Except a few blushes, but no eyeshadows which was my main concern, and I can't remember when I last bought nail polish. So yay me!


I'm wishing a merry christmas to everyone!!! Can't wait to have a great start into 2015.


Staff member
Figures this, a low-buy year, would be the year I'd make VIB at Sephora. :shock: I just placed an order there, all necessities (skin and hair care), only a couple of which were makeup things -- a replenishment of my everyday mascara (BareMinerals Flawless Defintion), and a deluxe sample of Laura Mercier Smooth Finish Flawless Fluide (free w/code) which is one of the foundations on my list to try out.


Well-known member
I just placed an order there, all necessities (skin and hair care), only a couple of which were makeup things -- a replenishment of my everyday mascara (BareMinerals Flawless Defintion), and a deluxe sample of Laura Mercier Smooth Finish Flawless Fluide (free w/code) which is one of the foundations on my list to try out.
Let us know what you think of it. Personally I am in love!! Had it for a week and I am really liking the finish

Audrey C

Well-known member
Merry belated Christmas to all who celebrates it!

It was a low-key Christmas here now that my youngest is no longer a believer. Not sure if anyone remembers, but when my hubby and I were in the US celebrating our anniversary in October I was just able to resist buying the Naked palette, despite his urging. It was under the tree for me; he bought it anyway. Since that was my only makeup item, I think that's ok. I've worn it the last couple of days.

I bought both of my daughters makeup items; brushes, Vice 3, Bobbi Brown Antigua and a MAC lippie for my youngest and a Clinique Foundation, the LM Artist Palette (2013 edition), Tarte SmolderEyes set and Fresh lip set for my eldest. I got most of it on sale at 20% off or on discount in the US. It's a sure sign that the child era is over when there are no toys under the tree and they're been replaced with Lululemon and beauty items.

I have my eye on both the upcoming Guerlain pressed Meteorite powder and the blush Meteorites; I have enough Shoppers points to pay for both or close to it. Aside from that, I can't think of anything makeup related that I want. As I finish lippies I'll buy some more, but I'm so stocked on the e/s, blush and liner front that those items aren't even on my radar.

I don't have specific goals for 2015; I'm pretty confident that I'll have a very low-buy beauty year without even trying. What a change a year or two makes.

Hope everyone has a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

Paint&Ink Chick

Well-known member
Thnx ladies, looks like I've missed some drama, geez. But any who I'm ok. I think I deserve some makeup soon lmao! I'll probably be going back & reading all the past posts to catch up! So I'll chat later lol

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