Taken from the site...
"Introducing Sinner, created by makeup artist Kat Von D, exclusively for Sephora. Light, delicate top notes of orange blossom, refreshing mandarin, and fleshy plum create beautiful a contrast with a provocative, sultry heart. Rich jasmine blends seamlessly with a white-flower bouquet, beautifully tainted by the spicy warmth of cinnamon—an herb associated with ancient rituals of pleasure. A dark, mysterious back of earthy vetiver, patchouli, and woods enveloped in creamy vanilla and sensual musk lingers on the skin.
If your mood begins to change from sultry to sweet, try Kat Von D Saint—this scent's alter ego."
"Introducing Saint, created by makeup artist Kat Von D exclusively for Sephora. The sweet nectar of Mirabelle Plum and sparkling juicy mandarin create an addictive, mouth-watering top. At the heart, exotic, heady Tiare flower and sweet, tempting caramel are adorned with the velvety floralcy of jasmine, the queen of the night, as she emits her spellbinding fragrance into the sky. Sensual vanilla and creamy musk combine with the warmth of sandalwood for a comforting dry down.
If your mood begins to change from sweet to sultry, try Kat Von D Sinner—this scent's alter ego."
Make-up artist? Huh? Anyway, they sound like they smell absolutely delicious and I plan on going up to Sephora later this week and buying them.