I only give my daughter my opinion when she asks for it, and while we may not always agree with her decisions, we support them.
When she wavered we trusted she would find her way---and she did.
No bullets flying here because you tried a product and it wasn't your cup of tea-------it happens.
BTW love your avi pretty lady!!!
Thanks! I don't mind honesty as long as it's not with bad intentions u know.
Wish my mom had an opinion... she always let me do whatever I wanted but I always wished for guidance :/
Thank you!
Oh thanks!! Good to know about the Venus palette!! Guess I will skip that one now!!
I kinda wish I had skipped it. I do love the really weird gray in the palette, but :/ the rest I feel underwhelmed.
I hope I don't feel that way about the Melt shadows.
Quote: Originally Posted by
Howdy VK! Love the new avi.
I ended up wearing Heroine lip gloss